
n. 效忠,忠诚;忠贞




allegiance 效忠
前缀al-同ad-. 单词liege, 臣子,臣民。原指臣子对君王的效忠。后该词多与词根lig相联系, lig, 绑定, 见ligature,韧带。


1. liege => legeance “loyalty of a liege-man to his lord” => allegiance.
2. corrupted in spelling by confusion with the now-obsolete legal term allegeance “alleviation”.
3. 前缀的出现,是由于与现已废弃的法律术语单词allegeance的混淆而出现的误拼,然后也就将错就错了;lege-音变为legi-.
4. Allegiance:我力战死。为了祖国我会力战而死—-忠诚,拥护。


allegiance” 是一个名词,指的是对某个国家、组织、领袖等的忠诚和效忠。

  1. Sworn allegiance – 宣誓效忠
  2. Pledge allegiance – 发誓效忠
  3. allegiance to the country – 对国家的忠诚
  4. Loyalty and allegiance – 忠诚与效忠
  5. Oath of allegiance – 效忠誓言
  6. allegiance to the flag – 对国旗的忠诚
  7. Personal allegiance – 个人忠诚
  8. National allegiance – 国家忠诚
  9. allegiance to the king – 对国王的忠诚
  10. allegiance to the constitution – 对宪法的忠诚
  11. Political allegiance – 政治忠诚
  12. allegiance to the leader – 对领袖的忠诚
  13. Pledge of allegiance – 效忠誓词
  14. allegiance to duty – 对职责的忠诚
  15. allegiance to the cause – 对事业的忠诚
  16. Cultural allegiance – 文化忠诚
  17. Religious allegiance – 宗教忠诚
  18. allegiance to tradition – 对传统的忠诚
  19. allegiance to the nation – 对国家的效忠
  20. Unwavering allegiance – 坚定的效忠
  21. allegiance to the party – 对党派的忠诚
  22. allegiance to the principles – 对原则的忠诚
  23. allegiance to the ruler – 对统治者的忠诚
  24. Fidelity and allegiance – 忠诚与效忠
  25. allegiance to the law – 对法律的忠诚
  26. Social allegiance – 社会效忠
  27. allegiance to the homeland – 对祖国的忠诚
  28. allegiance to the values – 对价值观的忠诚
  29. allegiance to the tribe – 对部落的效忠
  30. allegiance to the community – 对社群的效忠
  31. Personal allegiance – 个人效忠
  32. allegiance to the emperor – 对皇帝的效忠
  33. Oath of allegiance – 效忠誓词
  34. allegiance to the nation – 对国家的效忠
  35. Religious allegiance – 宗教效忠
  36. allegiance to the principles – 对原则的效忠
  37. allegiance to the ruler – 对统治者的效忠
  38. Fidelity and allegiance – 忠诚与效忠
  39. allegiance to the law – 对法律的效忠
  40. Social allegiance – 社会效忠
  41. allegiance to the homeland – 对祖国的效忠
  42. allegiance to the values – 对价值观的效忠
  43. allegiance to the tribe – 对部落的效忠
  44. allegiance to the community – 对社群的效忠
  45. National allegiance – 国家效忠
  46. allegiance to the regime – 对政权的效忠
  47. Pledge of allegiance – 效忠誓词
  48. allegiance to the party – 对党派的效忠
  49. allegiance to duty – 对职责的效忠
  50. allegiance to the cause – 对事业的效忠
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
