What was that? It’s not so important.
那是什么 不重要
Damage control. What if… Give me a minute alone.
及时补救 让我静一下
What if a “high-ranking White House official”…
Just give me a few moments alone.
A “high-ranking official” were to qualify what you said last night?
Drop it. Do yourself a favor.
别再说了 就当帮你自己个忙
It’s policy. Drop it.
这是政策 别说了
I told them you’d give them a sound bite about life in the White House.
俄♥国♥记者想知道 你在白宫的生活
There is no life in the White House.
You said it. The president needs some time alone.
说得好 总统想静一下
14-13 Michigan!
十四比十三 密歇根大学赢
All right, Mr. President!
棒呆了 总统先生
That wasn’t you napping during the performance, was it, Tom?
No, ma’am. It was very enjoyable.
没有 挺好看的
Alice, you can finish it on the plane. Let’s not keep your father waiting.
走吧 待会再看 别让你♥爸♥等太久
Try and smile, sweetheart. Okay?
试着笑一笑 好吗
Alice, one picture, please! Thank you very much.
爱丽丝 请看这边 非常感谢
Great, something from Tom.
太好了 汤姆的某些事
Shh. Daddy’s asleep.
嘘 爹地睡着了
How was the ballet?
It was great!
You trying to kill me? Wait it really good? Did you enjoy it?
你想害死我吗 别这样
Did you love it? Men in tights? Did you hear my speech?
男人穿紧身裤有什么好看 听到我的演讲吗
Yeah. Yeah?
听到了 怎样
You’re gonna get yourself reelected. That’s what I keep telling them.
你会获得连任 我一直跟他们这么说
This is the aircraft commander. We’ll take to the runway in a moment.
我是机长 飞机即将进入跑道
Are you guys comfortable? Yes, very.
你们还好吧 很好
I bought you V.I.P. file case.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Pass interference. That’s cheating.
妨碍接球 他犯规
Only if they get caught. Dad!
被逮到才算 爸
The way of the world, kiddo.
Why didn’t you take me with you when you went to the refugee camp today?
你今天去难民营 为什么不带我去
For one thing, it’s not 100 percent secure.
Come on, Dad. It’s not like I don’t see it on the news.
爹地 我在新闻中都看到过
It’s different on the news.
All I’m saying is I’m ready for things you don’t think I’m ready for.
Maybe I’m not ready.
I’m 12 years old, Dad! In the caveman days…
我十二岁了 十二岁的原始人
I’d be having children of my own.
That’s what we call progress. You’re missing the best part of the game.
我们是文明人 快看球赛
We’re so looking forward to seeing you.
She is so anxious to grow up. I know. She’s…
她等不及想长大 我知道
Yes, the both of us.
Okay. Bye, bye.
好 再见
Well, she couldn’t stay your little girl forever, Jim.
I was hoping it would last till she was 14 or 15.
Or 50.
They hated your speech, didn’t they?
They’re afraid we won’t have the guts to back it up.
And, then, if we do, it’ll be political suicide.
Remember our first campaign?
In the House? Yeah.
竞选众议员 对
Downstate, driving around with… Who was that kid, our volunteer?
我们一起坐车 和那个义工
Henry. Henry with the convertible.
亨利 开着那辆
With the broken top. And the snow coming in.
破敞蓬车 大雪灌进车里
We were the only three people who thought you could win that.
You didn’t give a damn. You knew what needed to be done and you did it.
你不为名利 只为信念努力
And you spoke from your heart. That’s what I heard tonight.
你的话发自内心 今晚也一样
Well, it felt good.
I’ll bet it did.
Sorry to interrupt. Everybody’s assembled, sir.
长官 不好意思 大家都到齐了
United States “Air Force One.”
It is an honor to clear you for immediate takeoff on runway 2-5.
“Air Force One” cleared for takeoff.
Thank you for your hospitality, Moscow.
In Moscow tonight, President Marshall defended…
今晚在莫斯科 马歇尔总统为他
the military action against the Radek regime…
an act the administration had been calling a one-time intervention.
所谓的 “武装干预”进行辩护
But in a rare display of emotion…
the president alluded to a change in U.S. Foreign policy when he stated…
that America will no longer tolerate any terrorist government.
These are two of Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard brigades…
He knows we’re watching, knows we’ll retaliate.
Why the hell is he sending tanks to the border?
Could be a response to your speech, Mr. President.
Maybe he’s got a soninlaw up there. Very funny.
也许他在北边有女婿 不好笑
I think there’s one or two he hasn’t shot yet.
What does State have to say?
The Iraqi ambassador is claiming it’s just an exercise.
Let’s not waste more time. Send the “Nimitz” back in.
别浪费时间 派尼米兹号♥回去
Gibbs. Guys.
吉布 大伙
Sleeping on the job? No, sir.
你在偷懒吗 没有
Hey guys. These’re the vans team report form the Miami field agent.
Take a look at them. Thank you.
你们看一看 谢谢
Steward, there’s smoke in the cabin.
有烟 机舱在冒烟
Everybody move to the back of the plane. Now! Please!
大家请到机尾 快
Smoke! Notify the cockpit!
有烟 通知驾驶舱
Mr. President, stay back.
总统先生 请退后
Everybody down!
Code red! We have a code red! I repeat. Shots fired on board.
紧急状况 我重复 机上有人开枪
Code red acknowledged. Lock that door now.
知道了 关上门
Flight control, this is “Air Force One” declaring emergency.
这是空军一号♥ 发生紧急状况
Cover us!
Stay back.
Move up! I’ll cover you.
上吧 我掩护你
Go! Go!
快点 快点
What’s going on? Shots fired, sir.
怎么回事 有人开枪
What about my family? We’re handling it, sir.
我的妻女呢 我们会处理 长官
Boy Scout coming out! Cover!
童子军出来了 掩护
Give us cover! Daddy?
掩护我们 爹地
Alice, get back! Daddy!
爱丽丝 退后 爹地
Alice, get down!
爱丽丝 快趴下
Take him around here. Get down.
把他带过来 趴下
Ramstein tower. This is “Air Force One.”
塔台 空军一号♥
We are code red. Shots fired on board.
紧急状况 机上有人开枪
Request emergency assistance. ETA 15 minutes.
需要协助 15分钟后到达
“Air Force One.” Acknowledged. We are scrambling our fighters.
空军一号♥ 知道了 马上派出战机
Emergency equipment will be standing by.
Get him to the escape pod!
Boy Scout is headed to the vault.
The football! The football!
Get him around here.
Get him down to the pod!
Don’t move!
They’re on us. Where’s my family?
他们跟来了 我的家人呢
Get in the pod, sir. Get in! What about my family?
进去 长官 我的家人呢
“Air Force One,” landing runway 0-9. I repeat, runway 0-9.
空军一号♥请使用09跑道 重复 09跑道
Roger. Turning to heading 1-8-5. Descending to 5,000 feet.
收到 方向是185 高度5千尺
Ramstein, this is “Air Force One.”
塔台 这是空军一号♥
Emergency pod has been deployed. I repeat.
逃生舱已发射 重复
The emergency pod has been deployed. Ramstein tower, acknowledge.
逃生舱已发射 塔台确认
We are picking up the homing beacon and deploying search and rescue.
收到讯号♥ 已派出搜救小组
Is the locking ready to look at? Just about, sir.
封锁线设置好了吗 马上完成 长官
Has General Northwood arrived? Yes, he has.
诺维将军到了吗 到了
Give me an update. Madam Vice President, this way.
情况如何 这里请 副总统
We’ll avoid the press. Is the president secure?
我们得避开记者 找到总统吗
Not yet. The recovery team will have him very soon.
还没有 搜救小组会找到他
