
n. 忙乱,纷扰,麻烦
n. (Ado)人名;(法、俄、德、乌干)阿多;(阿拉伯)阿杜;(英)阿多(教名Adolphus的昵称)




ado 忙乱
来自短语at do, 许多事要做,忙。at 词源同前缀ad-。


1. without ado 少废话.
2. that’s enough barking 别废话了.
3. bark 是狗叫的声音.


ado” 是一个名词,意为忙乱、骚动。以下是包含单词 “ado” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Without further ado(毫不犹豫地)
  2. Much ado about nothing(无事生非)
  3. All the ado(所有的骚动)
  4. Create ado(制造骚动)
  5. Stirring up ado(引起骚动)
  6. A lot of ado(许多骚动)
  7. Make much ado(大惊小怪)
  8. Fuss and ado(大惊小怪)
  9. Excitement and ado(激动和骚动)
  10. Noisy ado(喧闹的骚动)
  11. Clamor and ado(喧哗和骚动)
  12. Unnecessary ado(不必要的骚动)
  13. A great ado(大骚动)
  14. Cause ado(引起骚动)
  15. With great ado(费了很大劲)
  16. Create much ado(制造很多骚动)
  17. Full of ado(充满骚动)
  18. Over much ado(过于繁琐)
  19. Stir and ado(搅动和骚动)
  20. No ado(毫不费事)
  21. Excitement without ado(激动不顾一切)
  22. With little ado(很少费事)
  23. Excitement and ado everywhere(到处都是激动和骚动)
  24. Overblown ado(过度的骚动)
  25. Too much ado(过于繁琐)
  26. A whole lot of ado(许多的骚动)
  27. Much ado without reason(无端的大惊小怪)
  28. Overmuch ado(过度的骚动)
  29. ado and confusion(骚动和混乱)
  30. ado and tumult(骚动和骚乱)
  31. Excitement and ado in the air(空气中的激动和骚动)
  32. Stir up a lot of ado(引起许多骚动)
  33. Fuss and ado everywhere(到处都是大惊小怪)
  34. ado and uproar(骚动和骚乱)
  35. Much ado for nothing(无事生非)
  36. With little ado(毫不费事)
  37. Stirring up much ado(引起很多骚动)
  38. ado and commotion(骚动和骚乱)
  39. Much ado over nothing(无事生非)
  40. Create a lot of ado(制造许多骚动)
  41. All this ado(所有这些骚动)
  42. Excitement and ado in the crowd(人群中的激动和骚动)
  43. Too much ado about nothing(无事生非)
  44. Much ado over a small matter(小事上的大惊小怪)
  45. ado and turmoil(骚动和骚乱)
  46. No need for ado(无需骚动)
  47. Make unnecessary ado(制造不必要的骚动)
  48. Much ado and confusion(大惊小怪和混乱)
  49. ado and noise(骚动和喧闹)
  50. ado and agitation(骚动和激动)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
