
admixture (ad MIX chur) This noun means the same as “mixture” and comes from the Latin meaning “mix with.” There is no verb form except “mix.”

  • Charlotte confronted the prospect of graduating from college and moving to New York with an admixture of anxiety, sadness, and excitement.
  • The recipe for Leonore’s chocolate cake involves adding sugar, eggs, and sour cream to an admixture of flour, baking powder, and cocoa.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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混合物(ad MIX chur)这个名词的意思与“混合物”相同,来自拉丁语中的“与混合”的意思。除了“混合”,没有其他动词形式

  • 夏洛特怀着焦虑、悲伤和兴奋的心情,面对大学毕业后搬到纽约的前景
  • Leonore巧克力蛋糕的配方包括在面粉、发酵粉和可可的混合物中加入糖、鸡蛋和酸奶油



  1. Admixture of cultures – 文化的混合
  2. Admixture of ingredients – 成分的混合
  3. Admixture of colors – 颜色的混合
  4. Admixture of languages – 语言的混合
  5. Admixture of traditions – 传统的混合
  6. Admixture of styles – 风格的混合
  7. Admixture of spices – 香料的混合
  8. Admixture of emotions – 情感的混合
  9. Admixture of cultures and customs – 文化和习俗的混合
  10. Admixture of flavors – 味道的混合
  11. Admixture of ideas – 思想的混合
  12. Admixture of genes – 基因的混合
  13. Admixture of sounds – 声音的混合
  14. Admixture of textures – 质地的混合
  15. Admixture of materials – 材料的混合
  16. Admixture of cultures and traditions – 文化和传统的混合
  17. Admixture of influences – 影响的混合
  18. Admixture of elements – 元素的混合
  19. Admixture of aromas – 香气的混合
  20. Admixture of customs – 习俗的混合
  21. Admixture of flavors and spices – 味道和香料的混合
  22. Admixture of materials and textures – 材料和质地的混合
  23. Admixture of cultures and languages – 文化和语言的混合
  24. Admixture of feelings – 感情的混合
  25. Admixture of colors and patterns – 颜色和图案的混合
  26. Admixture of ingredients and seasonings – 成分和调味品的混合
  27. Admixture of influences and styles – 影响和风格的混合
  28. Admixture of ideas and perspectives – 观点和观点的混合
  29. Admixture of cultures and art forms – 文化和艺术形式的混合
  30. Admixture of flavors and textures – 味道和质地的混合
  31. Admixture of traditions and customs – 传统和习俗的混合
  32. Admixture of cultures and music genres – 文化和音乐流派的混合
  33. Admixture of thoughts and emotions – 思想和情感的混合
  34. Admixture of colors and tones – 颜色和音调的混合
  35. Admixture of styles and techniques – 风格和技巧的混合
  36. Admixture of cultures and fashion trends – 文化和时尚趋势的混合
  37. Admixture of flavors and ingredients – 味道和成分的混合
  38. Admixture of languages and dialects – 语言和方言的混合
  39. Admixture of cultures and architectural styles – 文化和建筑风格的混合
  40. Admixture of experiences and memories – 经历和记忆的混合
  41. Admixture of colors and shades – 颜色和色调的混合
  42. Admixture of influences and trends – 影响和趋势的混合
  43. Admixture of cultures and social norms – 文化和社会规范的混合
  44. Admixture of flavors and aromas – 味道和香气的混合
  45. Admixture of ideas and innovations – 思想和创新的混合
  46. Admixture of cultures and religious beliefs – 文化和宗教信仰的混合
  47. Admixture of emotions and expressions – 情感和表达方式的混合
  48. Admixture of colors and textures – 颜色和质地的混合
  49. Admixture of cultures and culinary traditions – 文化和烹饪传统的混合
  50. Admixture of influences and artistic styles – 影响和艺术风格的混合
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
