
vt. 无罪释放;表现;脱卸义务和责任;清偿




acquit 宣判无罪
前缀ac-同ad-, 去,往。quit, 离开,词源同quiet。即无罪释放。


acquit“(宣判无罪,宣告无罪)是一个动词,通常用来指法庭宣判被告人无罪或从指控中解脱出来。以下是一些包含单词 “acquit” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. acquit of charges(宣判无罪)
  2. acquit in court(法庭宣判无罪)
  3. acquit on all counts(全部指控无罪)
  4. acquit the defendant(宣告被告人无罪)
  5. acquit the accused(宣判被告人无罪)
  6. acquit of wrongdoing(宣判无不当行为)
  7. acquit of murder(宣判无谋杀罪)
  8. acquit of theft(宣判无盗窃罪)
  9. acquit on grounds of self-defense(基于自卫宣判无罪)
  10. acquit due to lack of evidence(因证据不足宣判无罪)
  11. acquit by unanimous decision(一致决定宣判无罪)
  12. acquit on the basis of alibi(基于不在场证明宣判无罪)
  13. acquit after a fair trial(公正审判后宣判无罪)
  14. acquit of manslaughter(宣判无过失杀人罪)
  15. acquit of assault charges(宣判无袭击指控)
  16. acquit on reasonable doubt(合理怀疑宣判无罪)
  17. acquit by the judge’s decision(法官决定宣判无罪)
  18. acquit due to mistaken identity(因身份错误宣判无罪)
  19. acquit after thorough investigation(经彻底调查宣判无罪)
  20. acquit based on new evidence(基于新证据宣判无罪)
  21. acquit following a retrial(经重新审判宣判无罪)
  22. acquit for lack of intent(因缺乏意图宣判无罪)
  23. acquit in a landmark case(在具有里程碑意义的案件中宣判无罪)
  24. acquit after a lengthy trial(经长时间审判后宣判无罪)
  25. acquit due to constitutional rights violation(因违反宪法权利宣判无罪)
  26. acquit based on the principle of justice(基于正义原则宣判无罪)
  27. acquit of corruption charges(宣判无贪污指控)
  28. acquit after a thorough cross-examination(经彻底交叉审问宣判无罪)
  29. acquit in a high-profile case(在备受关注的案件中宣判无罪)
  30. acquit after a careful review of evidence(经仔细审查证据后宣判无罪)
  31. acquit due to a flawed investigation(因调查有误宣判无罪)
  32. acquit following a not guilty plea(在提出不认罪辩护后宣判无罪)
  33. acquit after a rigorous legal process(经严格的法律程序宣判无罪)
  34. acquit of drug-related charges(宣判无毒品相关指控)
  35. acquit based on a technicality(基于技术性原因宣判无罪)
  36. acquit after presenting strong defense(经提出坚强辩护宣判无罪)
  37. acquit after a lengthy deliberation(经长时间研讨宣判无罪)
  38. acquit due to unreliable witness testimony(因不可靠的证人证词宣判无罪)
  39. acquit based on the principle of presumption of innocence(基于无罪推定原则宣判无罪)
  40. acquit after considering all relevant evidence(经考虑所有相关证据宣判无罪)
  41. acquit despite public pressure(尽管受到公众压力,宣判无罪)
  42. acquit after analyzing forensic evidence(经分析法证据宣判无罪)
  43. acquit due to tainted evidence(因受损证据宣判无罪)
  44. acquit after thorough examination of witnesses(经彻底审查证人宣判无罪)
  45. acquit of fraud charges(宣判无欺诈指控)
  46. acquit after thorough review of case law(经彻底审查案例法宣判无罪)
  47. acquit following a fair and impartial trial(在公平公正的审判后宣判无罪)
  48. acquit of bribery charges(宣判无贿赂指控)
  49. acquit based on a lack of credible evidence(因缺乏可信证据宣判无罪)
  50. acquit after considering the testimony of expert witnesses(经考虑专家证人证词宣判无罪)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
