
acolyte (AK oh lite) This noun is used to denote a person who assists a priest or minister in services of some Christian denominations. It’s also used as secular sarcastic slang for those who give overly attentive service to a powerful figure such as a boss.

  • During the funeral mass at St. Gregory’s, the young acolytes moved gracefully in their gold and white vestments in response to the needs of the Father Barnabas.
  • Mr. Graves is both insecure and filled with a sense of self-importance: he always travels with two or three ambitious acolytes who fulfill his every wish.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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助手(AK oh lite)这个名词用来表示在某些基督教教派的服务中帮助牧师或牧师的人。它也被用作世俗的讽刺俚语,指那些为老板等有权势的人物提供过度周到服务的人。

  • 在圣格雷戈里教堂的葬礼弥撒中,年轻的助手们穿着金色和白色的法衣,优雅地移动着,以满足巴纳巴斯神父的需求
  • 先生。格雷夫斯既没有安全感,又充满了自我重要性:他总是和两三个雄心勃勃的追随者一起旅行,他们实现了他的每一个愿望


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
