I’ll buy those you have.
我无法测试 因为没有电
I can’t test them cause there’s no power.
– 把它们装个袋子
– 好的
– Put them in a bag. – OK.
– 后面很黑
– 那就拿个手电
– It’s dark back there. – Then take a torch.
– 搬出来
– 不 不要为我伤了自己
– And move it. – No, don’t hurt yourself for me.
I’ll just add this up.
连收银台也不能用了 我们换个方式吧
Even the till doesn’t work. We’ll do it another way.
480… 600…
– 500…
– 550…
– 500… – 550…
– 480 600…
– 保险丝断了…
– 480, 600… – The fuses don’t work…
– 500…
– 总闸在大厅
– 500… – The main fuse is in the hall.
You’ll catch cold like that.
– 我穿件夹克?
– 当然!
– Shall I put on my jacket? – Of course!
– 再来一些电池?
– 好 不过请快一点
– What about some batteries? – Yes, but hurry up.
这是2×24 两包…总共48…
That’s 2×24, two-packs… which is 48…
1… 2… 3… 4…
Let me have them all.
– 他打我了
– 嗨
– He beats me. – Hi.
– 你要出去吗?带上我!
– 我刚回来
– Going somewhere? Take me with you! – I’ve just got back.
那我就陪着你 看看他对我做了什么
Then I’ll stay with you. See what he did to me.
– 什么?
– 还有这里…
– What? – And here…
– 我不想看
– 我以为你和我…
– I don’t want to see it. – I thought that you and I…
我以前也这么认为 但斯莱扎克先得手了
So did I, but Slezak was quicker.
But I didn’t want him.
D’you forgive me?
– 我能说点事吗?
– 想说什么都行
– Can I tell you something? – Whatever you want.
Go home, please.
So you want me to be fat and ugly.
好吧 威尔第 你真会写曲子
Well, Verdi, you certainly know how to write.
谢谢了 朱塞佩 我的朋友…
Thanks, Giuseppe, my friend…
抱歉 我一定是哪里着凉了
Sorry, I must have caught a chill somewhere.
我没生气 我很高兴你来了
I’m not angry, I’m glad you came.
如果你没来 那也是我的问题
If you hadn’t, it would’ve been my own fault.
– 谢谢
– 它很可爱
– Thank you. – It’s lovely.
I’ve also been holding something back from you.
Should’ve told you ages ago.
It’s not going to be easy.
– 你还想娶我吗?
– 想
– D’you still want to marry me? – Yes.
Those who’re going to marry shouldn’t have any secrets.
我知道 但是…
I know but…
Shall we go to my place?
Mr Chaplin to the make-up department.
I thought black people were black all over.
也许吧 但我是个混血儿…妈妈和爸爸…
Maybe, but I’m a mixture… Mum and Dad…
兄弟 我们融为一体 你和我
Brother, we are one blood, you and me.
All extras stay away from the colour bars.
奥尔达 我们终于有刀了 结为兄弟吧!
Olda, we finally have a knife.
Let’s become blood brothers!
你转过身来 要不然我看不懂你的意思
I can’t read you unless you turn round.
奥尔达 我们终于有刀了 结为兄弟吧!
Olda, we finally have a knife.
Let’s become blood brothers!
谢谢 但我感觉不太舒服
Thanks, but I’m not feeling well.
来了 在这里…
Here, over here…
来了 来了!
Here, here!
I think Olda will kick the bucket soon.
– 祝你下次好运
– 他发现我了
– Better luck next time. – He is onto me.
– 出什么事了?
– 一辆警车
– What happened? – A police car.
– 你还好吗?
– 他一定是睡着了
– You all right? – He must have been asleep.
我越来越担心你了 到底怎么了?
I’m getting worried about you. What’s wrong?
I’m just allergic to the hay.
Do you need a real doctor?
作为一个自然治疗师 我怎么会对大自然过敏呢?
How could I, a natural healer, be allergic to nature?
我们工会要举♥行♥派对 你自己刷吧
Our union’s having a party. Do it yourself.
Will you come with me? I would like to.
– 好啊
– 给奥尔达一个吻 然后上♥床♥睡觉
– Of course. – Give Olda a kiss and off to bed.
– 我可以看一部动画片吗?
– 为什么不读一个好故事呢?
– Can I watch a cartoon? – Why not read a nice story?
– 先看动画 然后读故事
– 不行 今天只读故事
– First a cartoon, then a story. – No, only a story today.
“The Inflatable Witch
and the Princess who was turned into a Turtle.”
– 你们不会害怕吧?
– 不会
– You won’t be scared? – No.
Prince Jan and his turtle went to see the Witch.
看看公主怎么了 你能帮她吗?
Look what’s happened to the Princess. Can you help?
我当然可以 年轻人
Of course I can, young man.
但作为回报 你必须每天给我吹气
But in return, you have to breathe into me every day.
她转过身去 背后有一个气孔
She turned round and there was an air vent in her back.
The prince took a deep breath
and blew into her – it took all his strength away.
第二天早上 他看到女巫年轻了20岁
Next morning he saw the witch was 20 years younger.
The prince had to breathe into her again
and this time he felt even weaker.
直觉告诉他 第三次吹气…
Something told him that with the third breath…
…he’d breathe his last.
– 怎么了?
– 停电了 有暴风雨
– What’s happened? – Power cut, there’s a storm.
– 我没有蜡烛
– 我们救不了公主了
– I don’t have any candles. – We can’t save the princess.
– 等等…
– 她会一直是乌龟
– Wait… – She’ll remain a turtle.
不 她不会的 我知道一个魔术
No she won’t. I know a magic trick.
You must have wires up your sleeve.
你们就是我的电池 正极…负极…
You’re my batteries. Plus… minus…
第三天 女巫变成了一个年轻的女人
On the third day, the witch was a young woman.
She eagerly awaited her third puff.
The prince said he needed some fresh air first.
但他骑马去找来他的兄弟 雅各布和弗朗齐歇克
But he rode off to fetch his brothers, Jakub and Frantisek.
雅各布先吹了口气 女巫说:“现在可以了!”
Jakub blew first, and the witch said: “Now you’re finished!”
然后弗兰蒂泽克也向她吹了一口气 她尖叫道:
Then Frantisek breathed into her and she screamed:
“That’s too much!” And the prince gave a little blow
and the Witch burst.
除了一些碎片 什么也没留下 像气球一样
Nothing remained but a few scraps, like bits of balloon.
“谢谢你”公主说 现在她变回了自己的样子
“Thank you” said the princess, now in her own form.
She kissed the prince and his brothers.
很好的童话故事 但不能等到早上再说吗?
Nice fairytale, but couldn’t it have waited until morning?
医生 这就是我要做的 竭尽全力积蓄能量
That’s how I’m going to do it. I’ll accumulate as much energy
as I can, and direct it at the TV all at once.
你疯了 我们不知道它是如何运作的
You’re crazy. We don’t know how it operates.
You might do more harm than good.
我不在乎 它想要我的能量
I don’t care. It wants my energy.
我会传给它超量的能量 把它撑爆
I’ll send it so much that it’ll burst.
where will you get the energy from?
So you think it’ll work?
理论上可以 但是你从哪里获取能量?
In theory. But where will you get it from?
Trees won’t do it.
You don’t mean from people? Remember what I said…
Hallo? Are you there?
I don’t like it.
I really don’t like it.
你受我掌控 就必须服从!
You’re under my power, you must obey!
– 你要建什么东西吗?