Interesting… but they found you both unconscious.
Mind if I help myself?
So here you are lying around like a healthy corpse.
我是菲沙雷克 但请称我为“医生”
Fisarek. But call me “doctor”.
– 你说过你不是医生
– 我不是 但这无所谓
– You said you weren’t a doctor. – I’m not, but it doesn’t matter.
I represent natural healing.
– 这是你吗?
– 我父母唯一留给我的东西
– Is that you? – Only thing my parents left me.
你是个敏感的人 能从照片里看出很多东西
You’re a sensitive man. You can tell a lot from a photo.
– 那个男人意味着麻烦
– 那个女孩呢?
– That man spells trouble. – And the girl?
To know what’s going on
– 我必须治好你
– 我不愿意
– I have to cure you. – I don’t want to.
So die then!
– 那我是怎么了?
– 能量尽失
– So what’s wrong with me? – Total loss of energy.
我从无能量 我就是个无精打采的废物 一直如此
Never had any energy. I’m a lethargic bum, always was.
每种生命都有能量 否则无法生存
Every living thing has energy or nothing would work.
我曾经有些 现在没了
I had some and now I haven’t.
没错 就像米库利克一样
That’s right, like Mikulik.
继续!别停 停下最糟糕了
Keep going! Don’t stop. Worst thing you could do.
你并不累 你只是觉得自己累了
You’re not tired, you just think you are.
You want that bench because it’s full of energy.
It’s rich wood.
Exposed to the sun, the rain…
…还有性奋的年轻人 长凳吸尽一切
…horny young people, the bench sucks it all in.
你还没有筋疲力尽 你不需要休息
You’re not exhausted. You don’t need to rest.
你看 它起作用了!
You see, it works!
Up you get!
I’m not going to kill myself to get better!
Want to go riding?
– 也不是太想
– 啊哈 我明白了
– Not really. – Aha, I understand.
– 这可以吗?
– 当然 性♥爱♥是健康的
– Is it allowed? – Off course, sex is healthy.
– 你有女朋友吗?
– 我单身有一段时间了
– D’you have a girlfriend? – I haven’t had one for a while.
– 你晚上做什么?
– 看电视
– What d’you do in the evenings? – Watch television.
Problems in bed?
不会 我习惯在床上看电视 再来个舒服的枕头…
No, I’m used to watching in bed, with a good pillow…
– 我是指性♥爱♥
– 我也看那个
– I mean sex. – I watch that, too.
– 电视对你来说意义更大 对吗?
– 你不能这么比较
– TV means more to you, eh? – You can’t compare it.
– 我要脱掉短裤吗?
– 对 这里是私密的 没有外人
– Do I take my shorts off? – Yes, it’s private.
Tantric love-making techniques recommend that a woman
快接近高♥潮♥时 把她的舌头顶住上颚
approaching orgasm place her tongue on her palate.
So that her partner can receive her post-orgasmic saliva.
This enables the lovers’ energy to circulate.
Their bodies are joined above and below.
反过来 爱♥液♥与唾液融为一体
The other way round love juices blend with saliva.
This unique chemical bond produces a surge of energy.
当然 不仅仅是性
Of course it’s not just sex.
男人倍加勇猛 能量四射
The man’s potency is doubled, his energy increases.
既然我们今天有男人相伴 不如试上一试
Since we have a man with us today, let’s have a go.
要互助彼此啊 女孩们
Help each other, girls.
这样啊 她们对你做了什么?
So, what did they do to you?
我也想尝试一下 但我不确定…
I wouldn’t mind trying it but I’m not sure…
Marta would…
– 你能感受到它的力量吗?
– 不能
– Can you feel its power? – No.
你不仅仅是在触摸树皮 还有能量
You’re not just handling bark. The energy’s there.
You’ve got to encourage it to come to you.
– 我想我感觉到了什么
– 太棒了
– I think I feel something. – Great.
Like a tingling in my left hand.
What about now?
– 感觉没了
– 咱们还是试试别的吧
– It’s stopped. – Let’s try something else.
经历了数百年的沧海桑田 艺术家的能量仍能震撼我们
The artist’s energy still reaches us. Centuries later.
– 绘画对我来说更容易了
– 继续吸收!我们可是花了钱的!
– Paintings are easier for me. – Keep sucking! We paid for it!
又看见木头 充满了力量
See again wood. Powerful stuff.
– 不要碰画!
– 对不起 女士
– Don’t touch the pictures! – Sorry, madam.
See how she guards it? It’s her energy source too.
– 她也能吸收?
– 不
– She can do it too? – No,
但她已浸淫多年 游客只能得到点残渣了
but she’s been exposed for years. Visitors only get what’s left.
I’ll try and get it out of her.
– 一定会有办法…
– 虽然老巫婆能量四溢
– Got to be a way… – The hag’s awash with it.
But it’s against the rules.
Like stealing the freshest energy from children…
What would happened if I did?
阳台可能会塌在你身上 或者被车轮碾过
A balcony might fall on you or you might get run over.
记住 恶有恶报
Remember, any bad you do comes back at you.
– 那就是一头母象!
– 但她很漂亮
– That one’s a she-elephant! – But she’s pretty.
也许吧 但你需要一只瞪羚
Maybe, but you need a gazelle.
– 你呢 医生?
– 我?
– What about you, doctor? – Me?
I’m an ark.
I could transmit energy to the other side of that bridge.
That reinforced concrete’s a great medium.
我集中注意力 但什么也没发生
I’m concentrating, but nothing’s happening.
试着说:“你是我的 你必须服从!”
Try saying: “You’re mine, you must obey!”
你是我的 你必须服从!
You’re mine, you must obey!
很好!但是要放松 否则你会毁了家具的
Great! But go easy or you’ll ruin the furniture.
Where’s the toilet?
– 你要偷♥窥♥ 还是怎样?
– 我以为这也是…
– You going to watch, or what? – I thought it was part of…
不 不是
No, it isn’t.
– 灯泡坏了
– 我再给你一个
– The light bulb’s gone. – I’ll give you another one.
没关系 我知道怎样瞄准
It’s OK, I know where I’m aiming.
那个灯泡嗡嗡作响 早就该坏了
That bulb’s been buzzing, trying to give up for ages.
所以 现在它坏了
So now it has.
给我 我让你见识一下
Old wives’ tales. Give it here. I’ll show you something.
好把戏 你在哪里藏着电池
Good trick. You’ve a battery somewhere.
I’m the battery.
Plus… minus…
That’s your homework.
I’m coming.
I’m coming.
别胡闹了 穿好衣服
Stop that nonsense and get dressed.
– 轮到我了?
– 不 你还年轻
– Am I next? – No, you’re young.
你还能重新尝到生活的滋味 米库利克不行了
You’ll regain your taste for life, Mikulik couldn’t.
我每天都给他打电♥话♥ 让他走出家门
I rang him every day, told him to get out of the house.
– 因为他懒吗?
– 失望 孤独
– Was he lazy? – Disappointed, lonely.
他的妻子和女儿搬出去了 他无法面对
His wife and daughter moved out. He couldn’t handle it.
I failed him.
Can we go in?
他死了才几个小时 空空如也
He’s only been dead a few hours and there’s nothing.
死人总是如此 能量尽失
A dead person always has an aura. No energy at all.
– 死因是什么?
– 心脏衰竭 年老所致
– What was the cause of death? – His heart gave out. Old age.
他的心脏还好 更像是因为完全丧失了能量
His heart was O.K. More like a total loss of energy.
看他的手 好像他在指着什么
Look at his hand. Like he was pointing at something.
What if someone sucked out his energy?
– 他真的在指着什么
– 不 只是看起来像那样
– He really is pointing. – No, it just looks that way.
We had to remove it when we got here.
Leave his hand!
I was just checking something.
My father’s had enough of your experiments.
你放过他吧 他现在已经死了!