

[noun] an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit
[名词] 作为特殊荣誉或作为对价值的认可而授予的奖励或特权


Accolade 是一个与常见单词 collar (衣领)以及 collarbone (锁骨)同源的单词,都源自于拉丁语 collum (脖子)。

其中 accolade 由前缀 ac- (加强)+词根 col (脖子)+后缀 -ade (动作、动作的结果)构成,于17世纪20年代由法语 accolade (拥抱、亲吻)进入英语后,即用来表示“骑士称号的授予礼”,原先是以抱脖亲吻脸颊为标志,后面扩展到现在更为熟悉的君主以剑面击肩(tapping on the shoulders with the flat part of a sword’s blade)等仪式。


  • 加在某人身上堂皇悦耳的赞词
    loud pleasant accolades bestowed upon somebody
  • 诺贝尔奖已成为科学界的最高荣誉。
    The Nobel prize has become the ultimate accolade in the sciences.


What’s important is not the accolades and memories of success but the way you respond when opportunities are denied.

出自美国著名橄榄球教练托尼·邓吉(Tony Dungy)。他是首位赢得超级碗冠军的非裔美国主教练。



在中世纪,在册封骑士时要举行隆重的仪式,仪式的具体形式据说有好多种。历史学家“图尔的乔治”写道早期法国国王在册封骑士时,会亲吻骑士的左面颊。据说“征服者威廉”在册封骑士时,会用拳头轻轻击打骑士的面颊或脖子,而最常见的形式是用剑的平面轻拍骑士的肩膀。英语单词 accolade 就源自这种册封仪式,它来自拉丁语 accollare ,意思是“ embrace around the neck ”(拥抱脖子),由 ad ( to )+ collum ( neck )构成。英语单词 collar (领口)就来自拉丁语 collum 。看来不管是哪种形式,册封仪式都会涉及到脖子。在现代,给冠军颁奖时,颁奖人员把奖牌挂在冠军的脖子上,或者抱着冠军的脖子亲吻面颊,可能也跟中世纪册封骑士的仪式有关。

除了册封骑士外,单词 accolade 还可以表示其他荣誉称号授予仪式,后来还逐渐产生了“荣誉”的含义。

  • accolade: [‘ækəled] n. 骑士册封仪式,荣誉称号授予仪式,荣誉


  • Now Tsinghua is a major source of Chinese pride as it contends for accolades for research in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
  • Mr. Lin is modest in the face of these accolades.


  • 定义:Accolade 是一个名词,用于描述对成就、荣誉或认可的赞赏或赞扬。它表示一种正式或庄重的称赞或奖励,通常与成就、表现或贡献相关。
  • 例句
    1. The actor received an accolade for his outstanding performance in the movie.(这位演员因在电影中的杰出表演而获得赞赏。)
    2. The scientist was awarded the highest accolade in recognition of her groundbreaking research.(这位科学家因开创性研究而被授予最高的荣誉。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 对成就或表现的赞扬
    • The musician was given accolades for his brilliant performance at the concert.(这位音乐家因在音乐会上的出色表演而受到赞赏。)
    • The writer received accolades from critics and readers alike for her captivating novel.(这位作家因其引人入胜的小说而得到评论家和读者的一致赞誉。)
  2. 荣誉或奖励的授予
    • The athlete was awarded the highest accolade in recognition of his outstanding sportsmanship.(这位运动员因其出色的体育精神而被授予最高的荣誉。)
    • The company received accolades for its commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation.(这家公司因致力于可持续发展和环境保护而受到赞誉。)
  3. 正式或庄重的赞赏或认可
    • The professor gave his accolade to the student’s exceptional research paper.(教授对学生出色的研究论文表示赞赏。)
    • The mayor bestowed an accolade on the volunteers for their tireless efforts in community service.(市长向志愿者们颁发了荣誉,以表彰他们在社区服务中的不懈努力。)

总之,accolade 是一个名词,用于描述对成就、荣誉或认可的赞赏或赞扬。它表示一种正式或庄重的称赞或奖励,通常与成就、表现或贡献相关。


  1. Receive an accolade (获得赞誉)
  2. Bestow an accolade (授予赞誉)
  3. Deserve an accolade (应受赞誉)
  4. Give someone an accolade (给某人颁发赞誉)
  5. Earn an accolade (赢得赞誉)
  6. Award an accolade (授予赞誉)
  7. Accolade for achievement (成就赞誉)
  8. Accolade for excellence (卓越赞誉)
  9. Accolade for innovation (创新赞誉)
  10. Accolade for leadership (领导力赞誉)


honor: a thing conferred as a distinction, especially an official award for bravery or achievement
recognition: appreciation or acclaim for an achievement, service, or ability
laurel: honor or praise awarded for an achievement
