
[verb] praise enthusiastically and publicly
[动词] 热情公开地赞扬


Acclaim 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)去年推送的 clamor 同词根 claim, clam (喊叫)的单词。

该词由前缀 ac- (朝、向、去)+词根 claim 构成,经拉丁语 acclamare (大声喊叫)进入英语后,最早于1626年开始用来表示“称赞”或“向……欢呼、为……喝彩”,主要指热情公开地赞扬或表示赞同,并常含有一致同意的意味,比如:

  • 向英雄们欢呼
    acclaim the heroes
  • 受到普遍/高度/广泛/众口赞扬的首映式
    a universally/highly/widely/publicly acclaimed premiere
  • 该作品被誉为杰作。
    The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.

进而 acclaim 也被用来表示以欢呼声“宣布、拥立、推选”,比如:

  • 拥立某人为国王
    acclaim sb king
  • 他们欢呼拥戴他为总统。
    They acclaimed him (as) president.


用作名词时, acclaim 相应表示“欢呼(声)、喝彩(声)”以及“称赞、欢迎”,比如:

  • 阵阵欢呼声
    roars of acclaim
  • 评论界的赞扬
    critical acclaim
  • 受到大学生的普遍欢迎
    gain wide acclaim from college students
  • 赢得全国上下的赞扬
    win nationwide acclaim


Husbands acclaimed his punishment of an errant wife; faithful women felt justified in their fidelity.
出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight’s Children)。


  • Charles Handy has been through a lot of challenges in a long career as a manager at Royal Dutch Shell, an oil giant, followed by a spell in academia and acclaim as a business writer championing more flexible, less hierarchical organisations.
  • The acclaimed British novelist was also an essayist, memoirist and critic of the first rank.


acclaim” 是指公开表扬、称赞或喝彩的意思。以下是包含单词“acclaim”的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Receive widespread acclaim: 获得广泛的赞誉
  2. Critical acclaim: 好评
  3. acclaim for his performance: 因表现受到赞扬
  4. Earned critical acclaim: 赢得好评
  5. Deserved acclaim: 应受的赞扬
  6. acclaim as a talented artist: 因才华而受到赞誉
  7. acclaim from the audience: 观众的喝彩
  8. Gain international acclaim: 获得国际赞誉
  9. Met with universal acclaim: 被普遍称赞
  10. acclaim for her achievements: 因成就而受到赞誉
  11. acclaim for his contributions: 因贡献而受到赞誉
  12. acclaim as a visionary leader: 因具有远见的领袖而受到赞誉
  13. Singled out for acclaim: 因某事受到瞩目赞誉
  14. Gain critical acclaim: 赢得好评
  15. acclaim for their innovative approach: 因创新方法受到赞誉
  16. acclaim for its unique design: 因独特设计而受到赞誉
  17. Received high acclaim from experts: 从专家获得高度赞誉
  18. Deserve the acclaim they receive: 值得他们获得的赞誉
  19. Achieve widespread acclaim: 取得广泛赞誉
  20. acclaim for her outstanding achievements: 因杰出成就受到赞誉
  21. acclaim for his groundbreaking research: 因开创性研究受到赞誉
  22. acclaim for their dedication: 因奉献受到赞誉
  23. acclaim for its impact on society: 因对社会的影响受到赞誉
  24. acclaim as a role model: 因为榜样受到赞誉
  25. Garnered critical acclaim: 赢得了好评
  26. acclaim for his literary works: 因文学作品受到赞誉
  27. acclaim for their philanthropic efforts: 因慈善努力受到赞誉
  28. acclaim for their dedication to the community: 因对社区的贡献受到赞誉
  29. acclaim for his exceptional leadership: 因卓越领导而受到赞誉
  30. acclaim for its positive influence: 因积极影响受到赞誉
  31. acclaim for her contributions to science: 因科学贡献受到赞誉
  32. acclaim for their environmental initiatives: 因环保倡议受到赞誉
  33. acclaim for his courage and determination: 因勇气和决心受到赞誉
  34. acclaim for their dedication to education: 因教育奉献受到赞誉
  35. acclaim for his artistic achievements: 因艺术成就受到赞誉
  36. acclaim for its positive impact on society: 因对社会的积极影响受到赞誉
  37. acclaim for her exceptional talents: 因卓越才华受到赞誉
  38. Garner acclaim for his innovative ideas: 因创新想法赢得赞誉
  39. acclaim for their contributions to the field: 因对领域的贡献受到赞誉
  40. acclaim for his humanitarian efforts: 因人道主义努力受到赞誉
  41. acclaim for its cultural significance: 因文化意义受到赞誉
  42. acclaim for her dedication to social justice: 因为致力于社会正义而受到赞誉
  43. acclaim for his commitment to excellence: 因卓越承诺受到赞誉
  44. acclaim for their positive contributions: 因积极贡献受到赞誉
  45. acclaim for his artistic creativity: 因艺术创造力受到赞誉
  46. acclaim for its impact on the economy: 因对经济的影响受到赞誉
  47. acclaim for her leadership skills: 因领导技能受到赞誉
  48. acclaim for his dedication to human rights: 因致力于人权而受到赞誉
  49. acclaim for its impressive performance: 因出色表现受到赞誉
  50. acclaim for their positive influence on youth: 因对年轻人的积极影响受到赞誉


extol: praise enthusiastically
eulogize: praise highly in speech or writing
laud: praise (a person or their achievements) highly, especially in a public context

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
