abyss 英 [əˈbɪs] 美 [əˈbɪs]



  • We either rectify things, or we run out of time to carry on skirting the abyss and we sink.
  • But to my conservative family, Hillary was the abyss while Donald was the baseball bat to smash Washington.


[noun] a very deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom
[名词] 深渊




Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

出自弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844年10月15日—1900年8月25日),德国哲学家、语言学家、文化评论家、诗人、作曲家、思想家。尼采被认为是西方现代哲学的开创者,他的著作对于宗教、道德、现代文化、哲学、以及科学等领域提出了广泛的批判和讨论。


abyss 深渊

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.




abyss“通常用来表示深渊、无底洞或极端的差距。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Bottomless abyss – 无底深渊
  2. Staring into the abyss – 凝视深渊
  3. Bridge over the abyss – 跨越深渊的桥梁
  4. Depths of the abyss – 深渊的深处
  5. Emotional abyss – 情感深渊
  6. abyss of despair – 绝望的深渊
  7. Narrow abyss – 狭窄的深渊
  8. Facing the abyss – 面对深渊
  9. abyss of uncertainty – 不确定的深渊
  10. Cross the abyss – 跨越深渊
  11. abyss of sorrow – 悲伤的深渊
  12. Leap into the abyss – 跳入深渊
  13. abyss of emptiness – 空虚的深渊
  14. abyss of darkness – 黑暗的深渊
  15. abyss of ignorance – 无知的深渊
  16. Emotional abyss of grief – 悲伤的情感深渊
  17. abyss of loneliness – 孤独的深渊
  18. abyss of the unknown – 未知的深渊
  19. Bridge the gap like an abyss – 像深渊一样弥合鸿沟
  20. abyss of pain – 痛苦的深渊
  21. abyss of hopelessness – 绝望的深渊
  22. abyss of anxiety – 焦虑的深渊
  23. abyss of failure – 失败的深渊
  24. abyss of doubt – 怀疑的深渊
  25. abyss of fear – 恐惧的深渊
  26. abyss of confusion – 困惑的深渊
  27. Bridge the cultural abyss – 架起文化鸿沟
  28. abyss of poverty – 贫困的深渊
  29. abyss of war – 战争的深渊
  30. abyss of addiction – 上瘾的深渊
  31. abyss of depression – 抑郁的深渊
  32. abyss of isolation – 孤立的深渊
  33. abyss of guilt – 内疚的深渊
  34. abyss of temptation – 诱惑的深渊
  35. abyss of darkness and despair – 黑暗和绝望的深渊
  36. abyss of solitude – 孤寂的深渊
  37. abyss of separation – 分离的深渊
  38. abyss of addiction and dependency – 上瘾和依赖的深渊
  39. abyss of self-doubt – 自我怀疑的深渊
  40. abyss of moral decline – 道德下滑的深渊
  41. Bridge the generation gap like an abyss – 像深渊一样弥合代沟
  42. abyss of financial crisis – 金融危机的深渊
  43. abyss of distrust – 不信任的深渊
  44. abyss of betrayal – 背叛的深渊
  45. abyss of self-destruction – 自毁的深渊
  46. abyss of addiction and despair – 上瘾和绝望的深渊
  47. abyss of lost opportunities – 失去机会的深渊
  48. abyss of moral decay – 道德败坏的深渊
  49. abyss of environmental degradation – 环境退化的深渊
  50. abyss of economic downturn – 经济低迷的深渊


  • gorge: a deep narrow valley with steep sides
  • canyon: a deep valley with steep sides of rock
  • fissure: a long deep crack in sth, especially in rock or in the earth
