没问题 等吃完晚饭后吧
Oh, um, definitely. Uh, maybe after dinner.
兰德尔 说说看
Say, uh, ahem, Randall, uh…
…how’d that investment situation work out for you?
You never called me.
别提这件事了 – 你是说那个传销计划吗
Don’t bring that up. – You mean that pyramid scheme?
不 那不是传销
No, it wasn’t.
All I know is I lost 800 bucks.
Well, if you’d stuck with it little longer…
…you’d have seen results.
你没坚持多久就退出来了 – 我们换个话题好吗
You bailed out too soon. – Change the subject.
You just didn’t find enough quality reps of your own.
你甚至牵连到我 把整个事情都弄砸了
You screwed the thing up for me too.
你没有花时间去了解 这套机制是如何运作的
You didn’t take the time to understand how the power system works.
理论 所有权 财富
Principal, ownership, wealth…
作为新郎的父亲 我想向我们的客人表示欢迎
As, um, father of the groom, I’d like to welcome our guest.
拉瑞 我们知道你是个什么东西
Larry, we know who you are.
明天你会有很多机会 和大家举杯共饮 等到后天
You’re gonna have plenty of chances to make toasts tomorrow and the next day.
请问 你能让我说完吗
Will you let me finish, please?
Can’t we just enjoy our food?
好的 安心吃饭 但我还是有话想说
Okay, enjoy your food, but I have something I wanna say.
我想说的是 作为一个统一的家庭
Anyway, I, uh… I just wanted to acknowledge…
…that we’re gathered together around this table as a family…
…for the very first time.
And, uh, on behalf of Saundra and myself…
…I wanted to welcome Warren…
他长途跋涉来到这里 今晚与我们相聚
…who has journeyed a very long way to be with us here tonight.
还有 华伦 我们非常疼爱珍妮 非常
And, Warren, we really, really love Jeannie very, very much.
我还想说我很骄傲 – 拉瑞
I also wanna say how proud I am… – Larry. Larry.
你在自找没趣 你让我尴尬
You’re embarrassing yourself. You’re embarrassing me.
You’re embarrassing Saundra.
不 他没有 – 桑德拉 够了
No, he’s not. – Saundra, please.
无论如何 我说完了
Anyway, I’m done.
你一直在打断我 但我已经说完了
You’re interrupting me and I’m already done.
Why do you have to spoil a perfectly enjoyable evening, huh?
你为什么总要这样 你为什么总这样扫兴
Why do you always do this? Why do you have to be so negative?
我才没有扫兴 你只是想让大家都注意你
I’m not negative. You’re just trying to grab all attention.
“我才没有扫兴” 那不是很扫兴吗
“I’m not negative.” That’s not negative?
我是说 我没有
I mean, I’m not…
You know, all I was doing was welcoming somebody into the family.
拉瑞 你对我们都很欢迎 非常感谢你
Larry, we’ve been welcomed by you. Thank you so much.
现在喝你♥妈♥的♥牛奶 闭上你♥他♥妈♥的臭嘴吧
Now would you please just drink your fucking milk and shut the fuck up?
明天见 – 好好休息
See you tomorrow. – You get rest some rest.
好的 你也一样
See you, Randall.
再见 – 明天见
See you tomorrow. – You will.
华伦 晚上睡个好觉 – 拉瑞
Warren. You get a good night’s sleep. – Larry.
桑德拉 很高兴认识你 – 很高兴认识你
Saundra. Nice to meet you. – Very nice to meet you.
谢谢你 – 晚安
Thank you. Night. – Good night.
珍妮 嗯
Jeannie. – Yeah?
我还是想和你谈谈 – 哦 是的 是的
I still wanna talk to you. – Oh, yeah, right.
哦 对了 不能另外找个时间吗
Um, well, can it wait?
Because we got a really big day tomorrow.
不 不
No, it can’t.
你们先谈吧 我去启动汽车
Take your time. I’ll get the car started.
晚安 华伦 – 晚安
Good night, Warren. – Good night.
噢 好吧
Oh, okay.
What’s up?
你在犯一个大错 别嫁给这个家伙
You’re making a big mistake. Don’t marry this guy.
Don’t do it.
Uh, what are you talking about?
有天晚上我做了个梦 非常真实
The other night, I had a dream, and it was very real.
你妈妈就在那里 你在这边 还有你的姑姑埃斯特尔
Your mother was there and you were there and your Aunt Estelle.
有一艘 但那不像是真正的太空飞船
And there was a… Well, it wasn’t really a spaceship.
It was more like a blimp or an orb of some kind.
And then a bunch of weird creatures came out…
它们想把你带走 你知道吗
…and started trying to take you away, and you wanna know what?
这些怪物看起来就像这个兰德尔 你明白吗
They all looked like Randall. Do you understand?
I was jumping up, trying to save you.
爸爸 够了 – 突然间我
Okay, Dad, Dad, it’s okay. – And then suddenly I…
你太激动了 现在妈妈又不能来让你冷静点
You’re just wigging out a little and Mom is not here to calm you down so…
不 不是那回事 我求你了 别嫁给兰德尔
No, this isn’t like that. I am begging you, don’t marry Randall.
这家伙根本没品味 他和你不是一路人
This guy is not up to snuff. He’s not in your league.
我不能让这一切发生 我不允许
I can’t let this happen. I will not allow it.
I mean, look at these people!
现在 你突然关心起我的一切来了
All of a sudden, you’re taking an interest in what I do?
You have an opinion about my life now?
Okay, you listen to me.
I am getting married the day after tomorrow…
…and you are gonna come to my wedding.
你就给我坐在那里 扶好我
And you are going to sit there and enjoy it and support me.
否则的话 你现在就给我回奥马哈去
Or else you can just turn right around right now and go back to Omaha.
You come right back here!
我在和你说话呢 小姑娘
I’m talking to you, young lady!
早上好啊 瞌睡虫先生
Good morning, Mr. Sleepyhe…
华伦 怎么了 – 我没事 有点落枕
Warren, what is the matter? – Oh, I’m fine.
I’m just a little stiff.
Uh, my neck, huh?
I’m okay.
Did you fall out of bed?
让我来帮你 – 不 不 不 我很好
Let me help you. – No, no, no. I’m fine.
I think I’m better off on a hard surface.
Hmm, I don’t know.
居然发生这种怪事情 偏偏赶在今天发生这种事情
It still seems pretty weird for this to be happening today of all days.
我很抱歉 珍妮
I’m sorry, Jeannie.
I’m sure I’ll rally in a couple hours.
The Advil’s kicking in pretty good.
It’s just that we’ve been stressed out the last two weeks.
While you were out on your little trip…
…we’ve been kind of barely holding this thing together.
And so now for you to just crap out on us…
I think it’s the bed.
No way.
这是水憩Z9000型的 是这一系列中最好的
That’s an Aquarest Z-9000. It’s top-of-the-line.
肯定不是床的原因 – 我不知道
It’s definitely not the bed. – I don’t know.
Think I need something firmer.
好吧 好吧 我们来解决这个问题
All right, fine. Let’s just deal with this, okay?
爸爸 我给你的那份收据在哪里
Um, Dad, where’s that receipt that I gave you?
收据 – 就是你从打印机上拿走的
Receipt? – Yeah, for the programs…
…at the printers you were gonna pick up.
在那边 – 哪里
Oh, uh, it’s over there. – Where? Where?
椅子上 我的外套口袋里
On the chair in my jacket pocket.
好的 好吧
Fine. All right.
好了 兰德尔 你得去安排这些了
Um, well, I guess, Randall, you’re gonna have to pick them up.
我不行 我要去机场接布莱恩和戴维
What? I gotta get Brian and Dave at the airport…
你认为我能做这些吗 – 我什么都不能做
…swing by the tux shop… – I can’t do it.
我什么都做不了 兰德尔
I can’t do everything, Randall! I cannot do everything!
I know.
珍妮 – 滚开
Jeannie. Get off of me!

I’ll do it.
谢谢这一切 爸爸
Thanks for everything, Dad.
珍妮 – 去你♥妈♥的♥
Jeannie. – Fuck you.
By golly, huh.
有人饿了吗 – 我可以把一匹马吃下去
Anybody hungry? – I could eat a horse.
来点鸡丝面汤如何 – 很好
How about some chicken noodle soup? – Wonderful.
Anything for me in the bedpan?
Jeannie told us all about your little panic attack last night.
我不会责怪你的 这是很自然的反应
And I don’t blame you. It’s a perfectly natural reaction.
In the beginning, I had my own reservations.
As the veteran of two failed marriages…
