

abide 英 [əˈbaɪd] 美 [əˈbaɪd]


She was the nosiest woman in the world and spent most of her life spying on the boring, law-abiding neighbors.
出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第三本《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)。《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》讲述了哈利·波特在学校已经度过了不平凡的两年,传言布莱克是“黑魔法”高手伏地魔——杀害哈利父母的凶手——的忠实信徒,曾经用一句魔咒接连结束了13条性命。哈利的生活因此发生了极大的变化。


[verb] accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation)
[动词] 接受或按照(规则、决定或建议)行事


Abide 一词由前缀 a- (加强)+ bide (等待、停留;居住;面临;经受住)构成,所以其意思也比较多样,既可以表示“逗留、停留;居留、居住”,也可以表示“忍耐、容忍”或“经受住、顶住”,可以联想记忆:受不了的人都滚蛋了,留下的都是受得了的人。


  • 愿我们大家都欢乐平安。
    May joy and peace abide in us all.
  • 在我们恋爱的日子里,他在荒野中度过了40天。
    He abided in the wilderness for forty days during our courting days.


  • 我讨厌同好以反问答问的人打交道。
    I can’t abide people who like to retort a question by another question.
  • 一想到关在一个恶毒谣言层出不穷的办公室里工作,他就觉得受不了。
    He couldn’t abide the thought of being cooped up in an office rife with vicious gossip.


  • 经受住顽固敌人的冲击
    abide the onrush of the diehard enemy
  • 特朗普女士不愿服从法庭的裁决。
    Ms Trump is unwilling to abide the decision of the court.

而更为常见的是用动词短语 abide by sth 表示“遵守、遵循”法律、协议、协定等,比如:

  • 参赛者必须服从裁判的裁决。否则将会被因不服裁判而被罚下场。
    Competitors must abide by the judge’s decision. Otherwise, you will be sent off for dissent.

最令这个含义印象深刻的莫过于2009年上映的美国犯罪剧情片《守法公民》,其英文名即为“Law Abiding Citizen”。Law 与 abiding 也可以连在一起写作 law-abiding 表示“遵纪守法的、安分守己的”,参见下面的名著用例部分。

另外值得注意的是,若是将 abiding 单用,则是指感情或信念等“持久的、长久的、始终不渝的”,比如:

  • 他在那宁静的花园里的身影永远留在我的记忆中。
    My abiding memory is of him in the sedate garden.


  • The abiding memory some road users had of Indiana was of grubby toilets along the toll road.
  • From the day he took office, Mr. Trump made clear that he would not abide by the conventions of the system he inherited.


abide” 这个单词的中文解释是 “遵守” 或者 “忍受”。

以下是包含 “abide” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. abide by the rules – 遵守规则
  2. abide by the law – 遵守法律
  3. abide by the decision – 遵守决定
  4. abide by the agreement – 遵守协议
  5. abide by the contract – 遵守合同
  6. abide by the terms – 遵守条款
  7. abide by the guidelines – 遵守指南
  8. abide by the code – 遵守准则
  9. abide by the regulations – 遵守规定
  10. abide by the instructions – 遵守指示
  11. abide by the policy – 遵守政策
  12. abide by the principles – 遵守原则
  13. abide by the etiquette – 遵守礼仪
  14. abide by the norms – 遵守标准
  15. abide by the terms and conditions – 遵守条款和条件
  16. abide by the decision of the court – 遵守法院的决定
  17. abide by the rules of the game – 遵守游戏规则
  18. abide by the company policy – 遵守公司政策
  19. abide by the terms of the contract – 遵守合同条款
  20. abide by the moral standards – 遵守道德标准
  21. abide by the professional ethics – 遵守职业道德
  22. abide by the copyright laws – 遵守版权法
  23. abide by the safety regulations – 遵守安全规定
  24. abide by the environmental guidelines – 遵守环境指南
  25. abide by the court order – 遵守法院命令
  26. abide by the school rules – 遵守学校规则
  27. abide by the traffic laws – 遵守交通法规
  28. abide by the international agreements – 遵守国际协议
  29. abide by the professional standards – 遵守专业标准
  30. abide by the employment contract – 遵守就业合同
  31. abide by the workplace policies – 遵守职场政策
  32. abide by the organizational rules – 遵守组织规定
  33. abide by the local customs – 遵守当地风俗
  34. abide by the guidelines of the project – 遵守项目指南
  35. abide by the industry regulations – 遵守行业规定
  36. abide by the ethical standards – 遵守伦理标准
  37. abide by the corporate code of conduct – 遵守企业行为准则
  38. abide by the dress code – 遵守着装规定
  39. abide by the quality standards – 遵守质量标准
  40. abide by the import/export regulations – 遵守进出口规定
  41. abide by the financial regulations – 遵守财务规定
  42. abide by the data privacy policies – 遵守数据隐私政策
  43. abide by the religious beliefs – 遵守宗教信仰
  44. abide by the traditions – 遵守传统
  45. abide by the cultural norms – 遵守文化规范
  46. abide by the parenting principles – 遵守育儿原则
  47. abide by the university policies – 遵守大学政策
  48. abide by the military regulations – 遵守军规
  49. abide by the club rules – 遵守俱乐部规则
  50. abide by the household rules – 遵守家规


obey: submit to the authority of (someone) or comply with (a law)
observe: fulfil or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation)
heed: pay attention to; take notice of

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
