♪ Du sinkest nieder
♪ Nieder wallen auch die Träume
象你的月光 穿过夜空
♪ Wie dein Mondlicht durch die Räume ♪
您太太的弹奏真是美妙 托德先生
Your wife plays beautifully, Mr. Todd.
My wife does everything beautifully,
当她全情投入时 还包括她整个的人
and with her whole being.
They say every man that meets her falls in love with her.
不 这是她说的
No, she says that.
他们满怀喜悦 摒息以待
♪ Die belauschen sie mit Lust
他们满怀喜悦 摒息以待
♪ Die belauschen sie mit Lust
当破晓时 他们大声呼喊
♪ Rufen, wenn der Tag erwacht
再回来吧 圣洁的夜
♪ Kehre wieder, heil’ge Nacht
甜蜜的梦 再回来吧
♪ Holde Träume, kehret wieder
♪ Holde Träume
♪ Kehret wieder ♪
这是一个私人的排练 还是一次面向大众的公开表演?
Is this a private rehearsal, or is it open to the general public?
托德太太 出口在你的右手
Mrs Todd, the exit is to your right.
Mrs Todd is about to depart.
This life? Or just this house?
别说了 她听得见
Stop it. She’ll hear you.
再见 艾米莉
Goodbye, Emily.
再见 托德太太
Goodbye, Mrs Todd.
Please give my regards to Mr. Todd.
A man of rare patience and fortitude.
I’ll remember you to him.
也许下一次 艾米莉 当你希望同客人告别时
Perhaps next time, Emily, when you wish to say goodbye to a guest,
you might consider using semaphore.
并没有足够的旗子 用以表达我想说的话
There aren’t enough flags to say what I wish to say.
走后面的楼梯 奥斯汀 这样可以更快一点
Use the back stairs, Austin. It’s quicker.
哦 艾米莉 你为什么要如此行事?
Oh, Emily, why do you behave like this?
这下 得有好多天 兄妹之间充满敌意了
Now there’ll be hostility for days.
How is Susan?
哦 谢谢 她正在和梅布尔一起喝茶
Well, thank you. She’s taking tea with Mabel.
噢 托德太太 还有她那乏味的自恋
Ah, Mrs Todd. And her dull narcissism.
你把自信误当作自恋 把女人的保守误认为乏味
You mistake confidence for narcissism, and womanly reticence for dullness.
Whatever else can be said of Mrs Todd,
no one could ever accuse her of reticence.
或者 是不是有人要求妻子仅仅做到保守就够了?
Or does one only require reticence in a wife?
我的妻子非常得幸福 – 是的 当然
My wife is perfectly happy. – Yes, of course.
我能确信 她是一边聆听着舒伯特 一边目睹着不忠和出轨
I’m sure she sees infidelity, when accompanied by Schubert,
as a delightful pastime.
A kind of musical adultery.
Real artists cannot be confined by narrow convention.
真正的艺术家不会欺骗她们自己 或者她们的受众
Real artists don’t deceive themselves or their public.
When you have any public to speak of,
I’m sure your reputation will no doubt be very secure.
在所有的这些问题上 苏珊是无辜的一方
In all this, Susan is the innocent party.
If you take the trouble to look,
你会发现 那里有比你所关注的无辜更多的内情
you’d see there is more to that innocence than meets the eye.
That is a despicable thing to say!
哦 别再吵了!
Oh, stop bickering!
My sympathies are entirely with Susan.
如果她也和一个有妇之夫有染 你会做何反应?
If she had a liaison with a married man, how would you respond?
I would not forgive her.
然而 你却可以“欣赏”托德太太
Yet you “admire” Mrs Todd.
一个值得欣赏的女人是一回事 作为一个妻子又完全是另一回事
An admirable woman is one thing, a wife quite another.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to despising you.
别给我上课该如何生活! – 那么也别试图为你的所作所为找理由!
Don’t lecture me on how to live! – And don’t try to justify your position!
它既不道德 又恶毒
It is both immoral and vicious.
Susan is a good and intelligent wife.
还是 你更喜欢那种更显而易见的魅力?
Or do you prefer more obvious charms?
就此 我假设你指的是梅布尔·卢米斯·托德?
By that I assume you mean Mabel Loomis Todd?
托德太太 没错 所以别告诉我你对她的想法仅仅是出于友情!
Mrs Todd, yes. And don’t tell me your intentions toward her are merely fraternal!
Especially in that semi-recumbent position!
有时 艾米莉 你就象你的诗一样令人厌恶!
Sometimes, Emily, you are as ugly as your poetry!
I wonder if she is that percussive with her husband!
没办法 无能为力
There’s nothing to be done.
梅布尔已经决定了 就继续维持现状
Mabel’s made up her mind to continue the status quo.
她没有能力做什么决定 因为她太蠢根本就没脑子!
She is incapable of making up her mind because she is too stupid to have one!
That is a horrible thing to say.
你看 我已经变成这么一个下三滥的人了
You see what a vile person I’ve become.
That is too harsh.
你如此恶语相向 是因为你受到了伤害 或者是非常生气
You lash out because you are hurt or angry.
你的愤怒 我想 是防御外部世界的一种自我保护
Your anger is, I think, a defence against the world.
你怎么能够继续爱我 当我都已经配不上这种爱?
How can you go on loving me when I don’t deserve it?
Because you are so easy to love.
哦 温妮
Oh, Vinnie.
也不是仅仅只有你一个人 有那些恶毒的想法
You are not the only one who has had horrible thoughts.
是的 我也是
Yes. Me also.
我曾经希望 梅布尔坐气球升空 然后气球爆♥炸♥
I once hoped that Mabel would go up in a balloon, then explode.
哦 温妮 如果这就是你坏心眼的全部
Oh, Vinnie, if that is the extent of your wickedness,
your sainthood is assured,
explosions notwithstanding.
Try not to provoke him.
你读过《斯普林菲尔德共和报》上的这篇文章吗 艾米莉?
Have you read this article in the Springfield Republican, Emily?
没有 怎么了?
No. Why?
它是博尔斯先生写的 他发表过一些你的作品
It is by Mr. Bowles, who publishes some of your work.
而且 也是个你欣赏的人 我想
And whom you admire, I think.
另外 他也是已婚
And who is also married.
What does it say?
“Why should we write?
“有另一种形式的写作 只不过太平庸
“There is another kind of writing, only too common,
“appealing to the sympathies of the reader
“without recommending itself to its subject.
“It may be called the literature of misery.
“这些作者主要为女性 有才华的女性 也许
“The writers are chiefly women, gifted women, maybe,
“充斥着念头 感受和幻想
“full of thought and feeling and fancy,
“却是可怜 孤独和不幸的
“but poor, lonely and unhappy.
“而且 这些苦难很少是有益的
“Also, such suffering is so seldom healthful.
“It may be a valuable discipline in the end,
“但从目前来看 它还是有太多的阴郁 凋蔽和扭曲
“but for the time being, it too often clouds, withers, distorts.
“It is so difficult to see objects distinctly through a mist of tears.
“The sketch or poem is…”
That was cruel.
生活本来就很残忍♥ – 然而残忍♥却对道德品行一无所知
Life is cruel. – And cruelty knows no morality.
Are you all right?
Austin was cruel.
他只是 我想 在为他的处境辩护
He was, I suppose, defending his position.
或者 我们是不是应该称之为是一种罗曼蒂克式的放荡?
Or should we call it poetic licentiousness?
我必需承认 我无法理解他对她的那种沉迷
I must confess, I cannot understand his infatuation with her
when she already has a husband
who should satisfy her in every aspect of married life.
他们说托德先生 有 一种性病
They say that with Mr. Todd, it is a venereal case.
你怎么会知道? – 有一些流言蜚语
How do you know this? – There are rumours.
或许现在 你可以从一个更善意的角度 看待梅布尔
Perhaps now you can view Mabel in a more favourable light.
I doubt that.
Mrs Todd may have her private troubles,
but it is no excuse for Austin’s infidelity.
我曾经崇拜的兄长 竟然以一种可以想象得到的最卑劣的方式 背叛苏珊!
The brother I once adored has betrayed Susan in the vilest way imaginable!
人都不是圣人 艾米莉
People are not saints, Emily.
你的评判太苛刻了 因为你的评判标准订得太高了
You judge too harshly because you judge too highly.
放低标准就是对每一项恶行 首当其冲的借口
Lowering a standard is the first excuse for every villainy.
那么维持一项较高的原则 也是偏狭者仰仗的最后的避难所
And keeping to one high principle is the last refuge of the intolerant.
那么 什么是正直呢?
And what of integrity?
奥斯汀曾经那么激烈地为之搏杀 以捍卫它的必要性
Austin was once fierce in his defence of it,
而现在 它似乎成了一项累赘 可以轻易地弃之不顾!
and now it seems an encumbrance to be easily put aside!
正直 如果被看得过重 也可以等同于一种残忍♥
Integrity, if taken too far, can be equally ruthless.
那么 我是不是也可以被归入此列? – 有时 是的!
And do I fit into that category? – Sometimes, yes!
