And how is the Castilian femme fatale?
那个神秘的女人 还好吧?
By the way,I saw your friend David this evening. Really?
我傍晚见过你的朋友大卫 真的吗?
He honored me with a visit at his industrial hideaway. You’re kidding.
他带我到他的住处看过 真的啊?
And where’s that? Greenpoint,Brooklyn.
在哪里? 在布鲁克林的格林区
How’d you get his number?
I called some of those obscure galleries you prowl dropped your name.
You’re right. He’s very talented.
你说的没错 他很有天分
Did you buy anything?
I made him an offer.
And? And he’s chewing on it.
然后呢? 他正在考虑当中
Good morning. Morning.
早安 早安
Hello. Hi,it’s me.
哈罗 嗨 是我
Hey,how you doing? I left my wedding ring.
你好吗? 我忘了我的结婚戒指
I know. I put it away before he got here.
我知道 在他来之前我就收好了
Thank God. What did you guys talk about?
感谢天 你们谈些什么?
He wasn’t here that long, so just the work.
他没有待很久 只是谈些生意
He didn’t have a clue.
He said that he made you an offer.
Matter of fact,he did.
事实上 真的有
What piece? It’s one you haven’t seen.
他要买♥♥哪一件作品? 你还没看过那一件
I thought I’d seen all of them.
Listen,turns out I got to take a rain check on lunch today.
听着 看来我得取消今天的午餐
Why? What’s wrong? Nothing,nothing.
为什么? 怎么了? 没事
Some people want to see my sketches and it’d be a good commission.
只是今天有人要来看我的作品 他们是不错的买♥♥家
You sound funny. Do I?
你的声音听起来很奇怪 是吗?
Yeah. I guess it’s called being broke,sweetheart.
是的 因为我心碎了
Okay. Tomorrow,then. Reservation for two.
好吧 那就改到明天吧 要订两个人的位子
Quiet table,in back. Very quiet.
我会订最安静的位子 一定要很安静
You know I love you. Right? I know.
你知道我爱你 对吧 我知道
Bye. Bye.
再见 再见
Is that by…? Yeah.
这是…? 是的
People with money always go for the same things.
And what are those?
Anything,everything,as long as it’s recognizabIe.
全都一样 几乎都可以认出来
Don’t worry. None of this would’ve been yours anyway.
不要担心 这些都不是你的
Everything you see here,it’s mine.
Why don’t you drop that there and come here.
把箱子先放下来 跟我来
That’s nice.
There was a robbery in the building last year.
Probable means of entrance was this driveway gate.
That granite falade creates a blind spot on the surveillance cameras.
那一根柱子郲住了监视器 所以那是个盲点
It was never corrected,for aesthetic reasons. How do you know that?
因为某种原因并没有被发现到 你怎么会知道?
I’m on the board.
You enter as I leave at 8 p.m.
我在八点钟离开 你得准时
I won’t pull out of the driveway till it’s clear.
The gate takes five seconds to close.
Hug the right side of the wall as I drive by.
我开出去时 你从我右边进去
Then you enter the stairs by the service elevator.
然后你可以藉由维修电梯 进到这里
The key to the front door also works here for the service entrance.
大门的钥匙 也可以开维修通道的门
I’m going to take the key from Emily’s purse before I leave and I’ll put it in this…
在我离开前 我会从艾米丽 的皮包里拿出她的钥匙…
…and hide it here,right behind the pipe.
…然后我会放在这个磁铁盒里 再把这盒子放在水管后面
Where’re you going to be? At my regular card game.
你那个时候会在哪里? 那个时候我都会有牌局
Why don’t you leave me your key?
My key implicates me. Her key implicates no one.
It could’ve been lost or stolen.
In any case,she won’t be around to explain.
而且到那个时候 她也无法出庭作证
Why not make a copy of the key?
It’s two loose ends,the key and the locksmith.
This door is always bolted.
She won’t notice,even if she checks it.
除非她来检查门 否则她不会发现
You’ll be in the stairwell at 9:30.
By that time,Emily will be taking her bath.
She will? How do you know?
是吗? 你怎么知道?
Because that’s what she does on nights that I play cards.
因为只要我去玩牌 她都会这样做
Why not do it in the tub?
Because that’ll look like cold-blooded murder.
It has to appear that she surprised the intruder. All right?
必须让整件事看起来 像是小偷动的手 好吗?
This is a separate telephone line.
Exactly 1 0 p.m., l will call here.
Emily will answer the phone.
You will enter and a tragic confrontation will ensue.
你那个时候就进来 然后悲剧就发生了
It should appear to be stupid and spur-of-the-moment.
要让整件事看起来像是突发 并且小偷毫无选择
I’ve always thought “bludgeon” has a spur-of-the-moment sound.
我一直认为用重器敲击 看起来比较像
Maybe you could use one of these.
Rifle the jewelry in the bedroom.
Disable the service entrance lock. Make it look like it was jimmied.
并且敲坏维修通道的锁 让人看起来有闯入的迹象
Put the key back under the pipe,then leave the way you came in.
然后把钥匙放回水管后面 从原路出去
And what happens if the plan goes to hell?
It won’t.
So when is this card game of yours? Tomorrow night.
你那个牌局是什么时候? 明天晚上
Tomorrow? No fucking way.
明天晚上? 不可能
A man with your rsum should come up with an alibi in no time.
像你这样的人可以很轻松的 找到不在场证明
One hundred thousand.
A man with my rsum should take the money and run.
Bet you 400 thousand more you don’t.
我敢拿四十万打赌 你不会
Yes,I understand that. But if we can’t get numbers on refugee density…
是的 我懂 但是如果 我们不知道难民的数字…
…then we can’t position the resources to deal with it.
I’ll tell her to expect it later today. Thank you.
太好了 我会跟她说 晚一点就会消息 谢谢你
Bon apptit.
That’s not happiness to see me,is it?
看到我你不高兴 对吧?
Try surprise.
I had a hole in my schedule…
…and I thought lunch with my beautiful wife would be indicated.
But I guess you have other plans. What makes you say that?
不过看来你有别的计划 你为什么会这样认为?
You seem in such a hurry. It’s just errands.
因为看起来你在赶时间 只是一些琐事
Like shopping for a new wedding ring.
One of the settings felt loose…
…so I took it in. It’ll be ready tomorrow.
…我拿去修了 明天就可以修好
And what if there were no tomorrow?
What does that mean?
Wouldn’t you regret…
…not having one last lunch with your husband?
…因为你并没有跟老公 吃最后一顿午餐?
Of course.
Lane. Hi. Bob.
里蒙 嗨 鲍伯
Enjoy your meal. Thank you very much.
请享受你们的午餐 谢谢
I must reply to Francesca about this weekend. Want to do it?
我必须给法兰西斯卡一个回答 你这个周末要去吗?
Sure. all right,we’ll go out…
可以啊 好 我们可以…
I got to break this up. Excuse me one minute.
该死 请等我一下
Lane. Steven.
里蒙 史蒂夫
I know what he’s up to. What?
我知道他想要干嘛 什么?
Watch out for this guy,all right?
Before you finish come back and talk to me,all right?
在你完成回来之前和我说声 知道不?
Yeah. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
知道了 太感谢了
Hey,it’s David. Leave one. I’ll get back to you.
嗨 我是大卫 请留言 我会马上回话
David,are you there?
大卫 你在家吗?
He was waiting for me outside…
…to take me to lunch. I had no idea. There was nothing I could do.
…他要带我去吃午餐 我完全不知道 我也没办法
You know what,I just…
你知道吗 我…
I can’t do this anymore. I’ve got to tell him tonight.
我受不了了 我今晚一定得他说
Hi,I’m here.
嗨 我在家
I’m really sorry. It’s okay.
我真的很抱歉 没关系
He’s never done that before. Something’s wrong. He knows.
他以前都不会这样 不太对劲 他一定知道了
No,he doesn’t.
不 他不知道
Don’t let your mind get away from you.
拜托 艾米丽 不要想那么多
I cannot live like this anymore.
It’s not right. It’s not fair to him. I’ve got to tell him.
这样不对 对他不公平 我一定得跟他说
Tell him what,exactly?
