Don’t worry. I’m Philippe.
A friend of Beatrice’s.
我想她 所以我想到她睡觉的地方来…
I miss her so I figured being where she sleeps…
就像有她在身边一样 -好…
It’s like having her near. -yes
I can smell her… imagine her…
先生 你家漏水了
You have a leak.
My apartment’s soaked.
先生 赶快!
我家被淹了 一定是从你那里漏的
My place is flooded. It must come from your place.
和你说话让我感觉很好 我想再跟你谈谈
Talking to you did me good. I want to see you again.
我有很多话想说 但很难说出口
I have so much to say. It’s hard to get it out.
再来点咖啡 先生?
Some more coffee, sir?
Would you like some more coffee?
不好意思 你说什么? -想再来点咖啡或茶吗?
Pardon me? – Would you like some more coffee or tea?
对 噢不 不要
Yes. No. No.
斯普林街144号♥ 靠近弗莱布♥什♥大道
144 Spring Street, near Flatbush Avenue.
那是布鲁克林 -嗯 是的
That’s Brooklyn. – Yes, it is.
妈妈 听着 猜猜谁要来我这儿住几天
Ma, Ma, listen. Guess who asked me to put him up.
是的 亨利·哈里斯顿!
Yeah, Henry Harriston!
不 这太突然了吧
No, it’s out of the blue.
He’s getting married?
好吧 结婚干什么呢? 什么时候结?
Well, why does he want to do that for? When?
和伊丽莎白·霍尼韦尔? …的女儿
To Elizabeth Honeywell? The daughter of…
嗯 不是人人都有勇气在哈佛度过那些年的
Well, not all of us had the courage to spend those years at Harvard.
我怎样? 我很好
What about me? I’m fine.
哦 我懂了 你说我什么时候结婚? 我听明白了 好的好的
Oh, I see, when am I getting married? I get it. Oh, yeah.
See how you turn this thing around?
妈 不 说实话 总有一天我会结的
Ma, no, honestly, some day I will.
但是 听着 我知道他很有钱 有钱或没钱
But, listen, I know he’s rich. Rich or poor,
已婚或未婚 他还是会马上过来的
married or unmarried, he’s still coming over here in a minute.
我得整理整理 我也爱你
I’ve got to straighten up. I love you too.
对不起 我想先停一停 在…
Excuse me, I’d like to stop off first at…
第五大道和第86街 谢谢
5th Avenue and 86th Street, please.
That’s Manhattan!
Yes, it is.
之前简拒绝我的时候 我真痛苦
It’s true that I suffered when Jane turned me down.
但现在她要是不拒绝我 我也很痛苦
But now I’m suffering when she doesn’t.
That smell…
fried eggs.
The smell…
你能等几分钟吗? 我马上回来
Could you wait here a few minutes? I’ll be right back.
下周 老时间? -好
Next week, same time? – Yes.
我们不能早一点碰头吗? 明天 或者后天?
Can’t we get together sooner? Tomorrow, the day after?
It’s a crucial moment.
哦 真的? 好的
Oh, really? Yes
哈里斯顿医生 你回来了?
Dr. Harriston! Back?
我路过 有个会 有我的信吗?
Passing through. A conference. Do you have my mail?
哦 有的
Oh, of course!
He looks…
He looks better.
He’s completely changed.
Excuse me?
没什么 一切都好吗? 狗狗怎么样了?
Nothing. Is everything all right up there? How’s the dog?
哦 他很好 非常好
Oh, he’s fine. He’s just fine.
那就好 我怕他会想我 -一点也不 他完全变了
That’s good, I thought he might miss me. – Not at all. He’s completely changed.
什么意思? 他没生病吧?
What do you mean? He’s not sick?
哦 恰恰相反!
Oh, on the contrary!
On the contrary?
我是说 他没病 但他的性格变了
I mean, he’s not sick, but his personality has changed.
睡得少了 他不那么忧郁了
He sleeps less. He’s less melancholy.
元气满满 -元气?
He’s full of pep. – Pep?!
很欢乐 就是这样 越来越欢乐了
Jolly. That’s it. He’s getting jollier and jollier.
She walks him three times a day?
哦是的 到哪儿他都跟着她!
Oh, yeah. He follows her everywhere!
我有一种不好的感觉 我听到了脚步声
I have a bad feeling. I hear footsteps.
As if someone’s following me.
I feel a shadow behind me.
It’s him!
Believe me.
你好 先生?
Yes, sir?
Miss Saulnier…
I am her secretary.
Her secretary?
有什么可以帮到您 先生?
How may I help you, sir?
我想见见索尼耶小姐 比阿特丽斯·索尼耶小姐
I wish to see Miss Saulnier. Miss Beatrice Saulnier.
这不能够 先生
That’s not possible, sir.
什么叫不能够? 她不在?
What do you mean it’s not possible? She’s not in?
非常抱歉 这不能够
I’m very sorry, it’s impossible.
索尼耶小姐正在进行会面 先生
Miss Saulnier is in the middle of a session, sir.
会面? 啥会面? 和谁?
A session?! What kind of session? With whom?
这恐怕得保密… -我必须见她
I’m afraid that’s confidential… – I absolutely must see her.
非常抱歉 现在不行
I’m very sorry. Not now.
你看起来不舒服 为什么不坐下来休息会儿?
You don’t look well. Why don’t you sit down a minute?
她不能开展会面 这是不可能 我…
She can’t have a session, that’s not possible. I…
噢先生 她确有会面 你感觉好点吗?
Yes, sir, she does. She does. Will you be all right?
我完全没毛病! 你才是!
I’m perfectly all right! It’s you!
A session!
嗨 埃德加
Hi, Edgard.
埃德加! 是我啊!
Edgard! It’s me!
Where did it go?
我感觉 斯坦因先生在跟踪我们
I’ve got the feeling that Mr Stein is tailing us.
I don’t see anyone.
我们到那边去 等着瞧
Let’s go over there, we’ll see.
被爱的感觉真好 我们都希望如此 不是吗?
It’s nice to be loved. We all want that, don’t we?
It depends…
你知道吗 爱是给出你没有的东西
Do you know that loving is wanting to give something you don’t have
to someone who doesn’t want it?
别老搞得妙语连珠 真烦人!
Stop always trying to act so smart, it’s exhausting!
但这是真的! 你不拥有爱 但你总是想把它给…
But it’s true! You don’t have love, but you’re always trying to give it to…
给一个不想要它的人 你在重复
To someone who doesn’t want it. You’re repeating yourself.
总之 就斯坦因而言 那不是爱
Anyway, in Stein’s case, it’s not love.
好吧 那它是什么?
Good. What is it, then?
只是分♥析♥的一个阶段 会过去的 -好吧
Just a phase in analysis. It’ll pass. – Good.
哦 我们去疯狂购物吧? -什么?
Oh, what if we went on a shopping spree? – A what?
购物狂欢 把钱花光 我们客户的钱!
A shopping spree to spend the money, our clients’ money!
Our clients’ money!
Come on!
I wonder what Henry would say?
What do you think he does with all his clients’ money?
He travels.
我在想我们为什么要买♥♥这些东西 你看 都是没用的玩意
I wonder why we bought all this stuff. You know, it’s useless.
这就是为什么! 而且还那么便宜
That’s why! And it’s so cheap.
It’s very cheap!
你好 我是斯坦因 我必须马上见你
Hello, this is Mr Stein speaking. I have to see you right away.
我就在楼下 我要上来了
I’m downstairs and I’d like to come up.
是斯坦因先生! 怎么办?
It’s Mr Stein! What do I do?
要让他进来吗? -老天爷呐 可别让他进来
Shall I let him in? – For God’s sake, don’t let him in.
斯坦恩先生! 你会得肺炎的!
Mr Stein! You’re going to get pneumonia!
我知道是谁在跟踪我了 索尼耶小姐
I know who was following me, Miss Saulnier.
哈里斯顿医生 是他
Dr. Harriston. It’s him.
我在公园里看到他了 他没穿西装
I saw him in the park, without his suit coat.
但哈里斯顿医生在巴黎 斯坦恩先生 两个星期之后才回来!
But Dr. Harriston’s in Paris, Mr Stein. He won’t be back for another two weeks!
I swear.
I’d like to make an appointment with…
Dr. Saulnier.
是的 很…急
Yes, it’s… urgent.