“The cleaning lady will come in at about 5 o’clock.
“我走得太急 最后关头有太多事要做
“I left in such a rush and I had so many things to do at the last minute.
“PS: 别难过
“PS: Don’t be upset.
“I’d hate to think you were.
这舞蹈班真不错 -我说吧!
This dance class is really great. – I told you!
安 再见到你真开心
Anne, it’s so good to see you again.
I feel so good in this city.
是吗? 这里到处都是蜚蠊 -除了你 我谁都不认识
Yeah? It’s full of roaches. – I don’t know anyone except for you.
那 下次再约 -好的
So I’ll see you soon. – Yeah.
你确定我不会打扰你? -一点也不 这公♥寓♥很庞大
And you’re sure I won’t be in your way? – Not at all, the apartment’s gigantic.
庞大? – 是的 庞大
Gigantic? – Yes, gigantic.
而且很安静 静到能听见你脑子里的声音
And so quiet, you can hear your thoughts.
接下来的节目 有请维拉-罗伯斯
Next on our program is Villa-Lobos,
recorded live at the Maison de la Radio.
巴西风格巴♥赫♥曲5号♥ 女高音和管弦乐队演奏
Bachanias Brasileiras 5, for soprano and orchestra.
咋了? -闭嘴!
What’s wrong? – Shut up!
You’re in a bad mood?
I can’t see her down there.
I’d like to reserve a seat for the concert on the 16th.
The name is Harriston.
好的 我等着
Yes, I’ll wait.
“17岁时 没有人是严肃的”(*——兰波)
“One is not serious when one is 17.”
“A lovely evening…”
“Foin” “福昂”是什么?
“Foin.” What’s “foin”?
干草 这说不通啊
Hay. Doesn’t make any sense.
“Limonade” 肯定是柠檬水
“Limonade” must be lemonade.
“Dear Beatrice…”
Johnny was hiding behind the curtains, looking at me.
他就站我对面窗户那儿 离我不远
He was standing just a few feet away from me on the other side of the window.
我的孩子 我的儿子
My child. My son.
我看得到他的眼睛 嘴巴
I could see his eyes, his mouth.
He’d just started to lose his baby teeth.
他的手放在窗帘上 然后一道影子从他身后穿过
His hand was on the curtain and then this shadow passed in back of him
窗帘拉上了 他就消失了
and the curtain closed and he disappeared,
我站在那里 觉得自己像个白♥痴♥
and I felt like such an idiot, standing there
with this Power Rangers costume that I bought for him in my hands.
我没敢按门铃 我只想消失
I didn’t dare ring the doorbell. I just wanted to vanish.
当时下着雨 我…我觉得自己种在原地了
It was raining. I just… I felt rooted to the spot.
然后一个邻居走过来 她说
And then a neighbour came by and she said,
“坎普顿先生 别呆在那儿 下雨着呢”
“Mr Campton, don’t stay there, it’s raining.”
我知道下雨了 所以我说
I could see it was raining, so I said,
“我看得到在下雨! 我又不瞎
“I can see it’s raining! I can see damn well it’s raining.
“倾盆大雨 对植物好”
“It’s raining cats and dogs. It’s good for the plants.”
她说 “是的”
She said, “Yes, it is.”
然后她开始聊起酸雨 我…
Then she said something about acid rain. I just…
我一直盯着那扇该死的窗 想打开它
I was staring at that goddamn window, willing it to open,
that Johnny would come out waving his fists,
喊着”爸爸” 或者别的什么的
shouting “Daddy”, or something,
那么我就可以抱着他 哪怕…
so I could hold him, just…
就是抱在怀里 或对他说点什么
hug him in my arms and just say something to him.
“我的孩子 我的儿子…
“My child, my son…
“how’s school going?”
That’s something a father says to a son.
“学校里还好吗?” 对吗?
“How’s school going?”, right?
我想是的 但我没有孩子
Yes, I think so. I don’t have any children.
约翰尼回来了吗? -没有
Did Johnny come back? – No.
How can that be?
Who are you?
哦对了 他不在的时候 一定是你替他代班
Oh. Oh, right. You must be filling in for him while he’s away.
我都忘了 他出门了是吗?
I’d forgotten. He’s away, isn’t he?
是的 但是 你知道 我… -她不会让他来的
Yes, but, you know, I… – She won’t let him.
她说 “别把他抓得那么紧
She says, “Don’t hold on to him so tight.
“你想掐死他吗? 他还只是个孩子
“Do you want to strangle him? He’s only a boy.
“Leave him alone!”
她最近经常这么说 她不想让我再去看他
She’s been saying that a lot lately. She doesn’t want me to see him any more.
She thinks I’m bad for him.
“坎普顿大呆瓜 我们不是都讨厌坎普顿吗”
“Campton schmuck, didn’t we all hate Campton.”
哦 你可以在我一英里外就能闻到没人要的味道
Oh, you can smell a man nobody wants around any more from a mile away.
孤家寡人 像丧家犬
A man alone, like a dog.
I can’t smell anything.
恰恰相反 你的须后水 是香根草调的 对吗?
On the contrary, your aftershave, it’s Vetiver, isn’t it?
这不是须后水 是除臭剂
It’s not aftershave, it’s deodorant.
很好闻 是谁家的? 浪凡还是娇兰?
It’s nice. Who makes it? Lanvin or Guerlain?
不知道 我记不清 是…呃…我不…
I don’t know, I can’t remember. It’s, uh… I don’t…
I’ve forgotten. Um…
天啊 真丧气 我不记… 反正很贵
God, it’s so frustrating. I don’t… I know it’s very expensive.
对于除臭剂来说 它闻起来不错
It smells nice for deodorant.
确实 -嗯哼
It does. – Mm-hm.
But how can you ever be 100% sure that you don’t stink?
以前 我妻子还爱我的时候
Before, when my wife was in love with me,
she used to say…
“You smell so good.”
“我爱你 你爱我吗?”
“I love you. Do you love me?”
“You said no
“with unbelievable frankness.”
“像一场病 一场灾难 你让我魂牵梦绕:
“Like a fever, a cataclysm, you haunt me:
“每一句话 每个眼神
“Your every word, your every glance.
“我吃不下睡不着 你呢?”
“I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. Can you?”
It’s so lyrical!
I wonder what it is that Miss Saulnier does to all these people.
“你只说: 朱利安 没了
“You said: Julien. And that was all.
“我说:你真美 你说: 闭嘴
“I said: You’re pretty. You said: Stop.
“我说: 你真温柔 你说: 倒未必
“I said: You’re tender. You said: Not always.
“我说: 为什么? 你说: 我不知道
“I said: Why? You said: I don’t know.
“我说: 我爱你
“I said: I love you.
“你说: 别说了”
“You said: Don’t say that.”
“我警告你: 比阿特丽斯 我不是那种讲道理的人
“I’m warning you: Beatrice, I’m not the reasonable type.
“Not like the other guys who are after you.
“我很暴♥力♥ 我是神经病 我已经忍♥得够多了
“I’m violent. A psycho. I’ve had more than enough.
“我受够了你与你的笑 你的气味
“I’m fed up with you, with your smile, with your odour,
“和你的汗水 也受够了在你的屋顶上”
“with your sweat, and with being up on your roof.”
“I want you to love me.
“你最好爱我 否则我就杀了你
“You better love me, or else I’ll kill you,
“我会杀了我自己 或杀了我俩
“I’ll kill myself, or both of us.
那么 和以前一样 周二五点见
So, Tuesday five o’clock, as usual.
但是 呃…哦…我…
But, uh… Oh… I’m…
好的 好的 当然了
Yes. Yes, of course.
给你 小姐… -比阿特丽斯 比阿特丽斯·索尼耶
Here, miss… Beatrice Saulnier.
哦好 你更爱支票
Oh, I see, you prefer a check.
哈里斯顿医生是法国学派的 我是说 他只收现钱
Dr. Harriston follows the French school. I mean, real money.
你知道 有钞票的气味 钞票就是钞票
You know, the smell of money. Money is money.
I’ll kill myself
or both of us.
比阿特丽斯! 是朱利安! 我受不了了!
Beatrice! It’s Julien! I can’t stand it anymore!
回答我! 求你了!
Answer! I’m begging you!
比阿特丽斯 我是丹尼尔 快接电♥话♥! 接电♥话♥!
Beatrice, it’s Daniel. Answer the phone! Answer!
求你了 我已经走投无路了!
Please! I’m at the end of my rope!
无路 无路 无路了!
The end, the end, the end!
Open up!
哦 这个我也得修好它
Oh, I have to fix that too.
哦 哦 不不不
Oh. Oh, no. No, no, no.
我…需要 帮助
I… need help.
我看得出来 但不行 我不能 我不是
I can see that, but no, I can’t. I’m not
我需要帮助 -不 我…
I need help. – No, I…
帮帮我吧 我感觉很不好
Help me. I don’t feel well.
哦好吧 请进
Oh. All right, come in.
她在哪? 你在她床上 她一定是躲起来了