for three generations.
That land, to me, is hallowed ground.
这片地 对我 就是圣土
So when you ask me would I be upset…
所以你要问我 如果有人践踏这片土地…
if someone came onto that land and desecrated it…
Land that’s part of the town that I love…
my answer to your question, Mr. Schlichtmann…
Schlichtmann先生 我的回答是…
is yes.
I have no further questions, Your Honor.
我没有其他问题了 法官大人
The sad part of it is, they’re robbing themselves of the blessing of giving.
可悲的是 他们在妨碍自己 享受付出的幸福
I know y’all ain’t gonna believe this, but I got to share this with you.
我知道你们不会相信的 但是我还是要告诉你们
If somebody wrote a check tomorrow for the total budget of my church,
it wouldn’t affect my giving one penny.
Ain’t nobody gonna rob me of the blessing I get from giving!
You know why a lot of folks ain’t getting?
‘Cause they ain’t giving!
Do not rob yourself of the blessing of giving.
You’ll never guess what I did last night.
You’ll like this.
I pledged $200 to a tele-evangelist.
I’m not kidding. He said, “Give and ye shall receive.”
没开玩笑 他说了 “付出才会有回报”
I called him right up.
I know, I know what you’re thinking.
我懂 我懂你在想什么
You’re thinking, “Gordon’s losing it.
你在想 “Gordon快不行了
He’s falling apart.
He’s probably buying lottery tickets.”
I bought a few, I’ll admit it. I know.
我是买♥♥了一些 我承认 我知道的
But, seriously, the jackpot’s $45 million.
但是 说真的 奖池里可有4500万美元啊
That’s just this week. You should see the lines out there.
这还只是这周的 你真该看看那队伍都排成什么样了
– Is that a gun? – What?
– 那是枪嘛? – 什么?
This? No.
这个? 才不是
No, this is for you.
不是的 这是给你的
My Krugerrands. I’ve had them forever.
我的克鲁格金币 我存了很久了
I want you to have them.
And… this is the deed to my house.
还有… 这是我房♥子的地契
And here is Conway’s and Crowley’s and Jan’s.
这些地契是Conway家的 Crowley家的还有Jan家的
See? I come bearing gifts.
瞅见没? 我是带着礼物过来的
We really need the money.
You can tell when your child isn’t feeling well.
你的孩子生病了 你能看出来的
“Has he got a temperature?” You say no.
他们问”他发烧吗?” 你说没有
“He’s all right then,” they say.
“Don’t worry. Bring him into the clinic Monday morning.”
“不用担心 周一早上带他来诊所吧”
– All right, finally the families. – He died Monday morning.
– 好了 终于到家庭了 – 他周一早上就死了
We’ll start with Jimmy Anderson. We count his trips to the hospital,
我们从Jimmy Anderson入手 计算他去的医院次数
the futile chemotherapy treatments.
Then the other kids, one by one, ending with Gerald Aufiero,
然后其他孩子 一个一个问 最后一个是
dying in his father’s arms on the highway.
在高速上死在他爸爸怀里的Gerald Audiero
Will somebody get that?
Where is everybody?
You’re just noticing now? Gordon laid everybody off two weeks ago.
你才注意到啊? Gordon两周前解雇了所有人
哎 Gordon?
Instead of sitting there reading a magazine,
why don’t you go to Uncle Pete and get me a staff?
That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think of that?
主意不错啊 我怎么没想到呢?

I was told there was a Cheeseman on the Mayflower.
– This way, Sir. – Thank you.
– 这边 先生 – 谢谢
Ah, Jan, have a seat.
啊 Jan 请坐
You want something to drink? Some coffee, soda?
要喝点什么不? 咖啡 汽水?
You’ve been talking without my being present?
No, we have been drinking coffee without your being present.
没有 我们只是喝咖啡而已
Don’t be so paranoid. They were early.
不要这么多疑 他们只是来早了
All right. What’s up?
这样啊 那什么事?
Last night, I… I was at a ball game.
昨晚 我… 我在看棒球赛
It was the seventh inning stretch,
and I was standing there, and I don’t know why, but it occurred to me at that moment…
我站在那里 也不知道为什么 突然我就想到…
that unless you’ve proven that any, uh…
除非你能证明 嗯…
– what word should we use? Uh, chemicals? – Poisons.
– 这怎么说好呢? 嗯 化学品? – 有毒物质
All right. If you like that word, I’ll use it.
好吧 如果你喜欢这个词 那我就用它好了
Unless you’ve proven that any poisons actually reached the wells,
there’s no case.
And, therefore, no need to make these families,
所以 何必再让那些
who’ve already suffered so much,
relive their suffering all over again…
出庭作证 再让他们…
by putting them on the stand.
– Your Honor, y… you’ve got… – That’s interesting.
– 法官大人 你… 你已经… – 有点意思
– What? – I think I’d have to agree with that.
– 什么? – 我觉得我同意他说的
Well, Your Honor…
那 法官大人…
Yes, if the jury decides favorably on the geological evidence,
如果根据这些地质证据 陪审团同意你的主张
yes, then you could bring your families in.
– Otherwise… – Your Honor, the jury came into this courtroom expecting a human drama.
– 不然的话… – 法官大人 陪审团期待在法庭上听到一个人性化的故事
– I don’t care what they were expecting. – Instead, for three months,
– 我不管他们期待什么 – 但过去三个月
we’ve been giving them lessons in geology.
Now, we had to do that, but now it’s over, finally.
我们不得不这么做 但是现在终于结束了
– Now it’s time… – Now we have to see where we are before we can move on.
– 现在是时候… – 在继续推进前 我们要先总结当前的案情
And before we subject these families…
to more trauma than is necessary…
Because that would just be cruel.
– They… they want to testify. – Mr. Schlichtmann…
– 他们… 他们想出庭作证啊 – Schlichtmann先生…
– They need to testify! – The decision has been made.
– 他们需要出庭作证! – 我意已决
– Well, this is the defendant’s plan. – No, it’s my plan.
– 啊 这就是被告方的计划 – 不 这是我的计划
– This is Facher’s plan right from the beginning. – It’s my plan.
– 从一开始这就是Facher的计划 – 这是我的计划
– He told me. He threatened me. – It’s my plan!
– 他告诉过我 他威胁过我 – 这是我的计划!
my plan… is to present the jury…
我的计划… 是给陪审团提…
with some simple questions.
Indeed, how you answer these three questions…
事实上 你们如何回答这三个问题…
will determine whether or not this trial continues.
It’s not that I disagree with them. I don’t understand them.
我不是不同意 我只是看不懂
What don’t you understand? They’re straightforward questions.
你看不懂什么? 这么直接的问题
“Have the plaintiffs established by preponderance of evidence…
that chemicals containing TCE…
were disposed of on the W.R. Grace and Beatrice-owned lands…
after October 1, 196♥4♥,
被丢弃在W.R. Grace
and August 27, 1968, respectively,
and did those chemicals contribute to the well water contamination?”
而这些化学品 是否污染了井水?”
These dates, for one thing. What… what are they?
第一 这些日期 是什… 什么?
Wh… where did they come from? From out of a hat?
它们从哪… 哪里来的? 凭空跳出来的?
Question two:
“What, according to a preponderance of the evidence,
was the earliest time… the month and year…
最早是什么时候… 这些化学品…
at which these chemicals substantially contributed…
to the contamination of the wells?”
How can they determine that? Science can’t even determine…
他们怎么可能知道? 科学都无法确定…
when… when the chemicals arrived at the wells…
这些化学品… 渗透到井里的时间…
with the precision you’re asking of the jurors.
And, finally, three:
最后 第三个问题
“What, according to a preponderance of the evidence,
was the earliest time… again the month and year…
at which substantial contribution referred to in question two…
was caused, if it was, by the negligent conduct of the defendants?”
What does that mean? It’s… It’s like English…
这是什么意思? 就像… 就像英语翻译成日语…
translated in Japanese back into English again.
– Mr. Schlichtmann, I’ve heard enough. – Your Honor, no one…
– Schlichtmann先生 我不想听你说了 – 法官大人 没人…
– can answer these questions. – I worked very hard on these questions.
– 能回答这些问题 – 这些问题是我精心设计的
You’re asking for answers that are unknowable.
– I said I have heard enough. – You’re asking these people to create a fiction…
– 我不想听你说了 – 你让人们用想象…
– that will stand for the truth, but won’t be the truth. – Enough!
– 替代真♥相♥ 但那不是真♥相♥ – 够了!
Once again, I remind you…
重申一次 提醒一下各位…
not to discuss your views with any outside party…
