Well, you’re gonna have to find a way of getting some money then.
那 你还是快去找个赚钱的方法吧
What do you suggest?
Am I the financial advisor around here?
Thanks, Sir.
多谢 先生
No, you’re not.
This is the plan. We start with the scientific evidence…
计划是这样的 我们先介绍科学证据…
and then the medical experts and their evidence,
then the parents, and then your testimony.
接着是那些父母 接着是你的证词
Now, your presence is very important in the courtroom.
如今 你出现在法庭上是十分重要的
This is where the jury gets to know you.
Well, if you’re there some days and not other days, they say,
如果你只去几天 而不全去 他们就会想
“Well, why wasn’t she there?” and “Does she really care?” and this kind of thing.
“为什么她没来?” “她真的关心吗?” 类似这些问题
I’ll be there every day.
In the back left-hand corner.
– Well, wherever you’re most comfortable. – That was our plan.
– 呃 你乐意坐哪里都行 – 这曾是我们的计划
If we ever got separated in the grocery store…
or the department store,
– That’s where we’d meet. – Oh, I see. I see.
– 我们就在那里碰头 – 哦 了解 了解
In the end, when he was dying, he said,
最后 在他临终的时候 他说
“I’ll meet you in the back left-hand corner of heaven.”
All rise.
This court is now in session.
The Honorable Walter J. Skinner presiding.
本案由尊敬的Walter J.Skinner法官审理
Civil action 84-16-72.
民事案件 编号♥84-16-72
Anderson and all versus W.R. Grace and Beatrice Foods.
Anderson一众诉W.R. Grace和Beatrice Foods案
Ladies and Gentlemen…
女士们 先生们…
there’s a small town north of Boston called Woburn.
Now, Woburn is like many small towns.
这个沃本镇 如寻常小镇一样
It has homes. It has churches.
有着居民区 教堂
It has schools. It has industry.
学校 工厂
But Woburn has something else.
It has more than its share of sickness and death.
It’s true small amounts of solvents were left on the ground.
的确 有些许溶剂被残留在地上了
Why? To evaporate.
为何? 为了让它们挥发
Did they? Yes. These chemicals…
挥发了吗? 当然 这些化学品…
never reached wells G and H almost half a mile away, and we will show that.
从来没有接近过第G和H号♥井半里以内 我们会证明这点
And they never made anyone sick, and we will show that too.
同时它们也没有导致疾病 我们也会证明这点
The idea of criminal court is crime and punishment.
The idea of civil court and of personal injury law, by nature,
但是从没人明说过 人身伤害案的律师
though no one likes to say it out loud, least of all…
更加不会承认 民事法♥院♥以及人身伤害法…
the personal injury lawyer himself, is money.
Money for suffering, money for death…
伤害赔偿金 死亡赔偿金
as if that could somehow relieve suffering…
as if that could somehow…
bring dead children back to life.
Every credit card application we send in, we get two more in the mail.
我们每寄一张信♥用♥卡♥申请单 就有两封回信
Here’s one from some bank I never heard of in North Dakota.
Fill it out. Fill ’em all out.
把它填完 把它们都填完
It’s the last great pyramid scheme in America.
The terrain of East Woburn…
was actually shaped 12,000 years ago…
during the end of the last ice age.
Now, at this time, an immense glacier, over a mile thick,
那时 超过一英里厚的巨型冰川
covered the face of what we would now call New England.
Cancel the “American Lawyer”. Cancel all the legal journals. Who needs them?
取消”美国律师” 取消所有的法律期刊 谁要看啊?
Call the janitorial people. Tell them their services are no longer required.
We can empty our own fucking ashtrays.
We want to try to understand what’s going on in the groundwater system.
The place we have to start is the soil itself.
– These are actual soil samples. – So you can see the Aberjona River Valley.
– 这是实地的土壤样本 – 你们可以看到Aberjona河谷
I… I can’t send you the entire balance right now,
我… 我现在还不能把全部余额打给你
but, perhaps, we could work out some sort of a deal.
但是 也许 我们可以能商量商量 达成个协议
How much can I send you right now?
Uh, nothing.
呃 现在我没钱
A plaintiff’s case depends on momentum.
The fewer objections he gets,
the better his case will go.
So, whenever you can, you should object.
所以 任何时候 尽量抗♥议♥
Eighteen times yesterday. Twenty times today.
昨天十八次 今天二十次
And they’re not even his witnesses, they’re his.
而且这都根本不是他的证人 是他的
I can’t not object when you phrase questions so improperly.
当你的问题措辞如此不恰当的时候 我没法不抗♥议♥
– Now just from a craftsman’s point of view… – He is deliberately…
– 单从一个律师的角度 – 他是故意…
– trying to destroy the rhythm of my case. – I have no problem.
– 破坏我的节奏 – 我觉得没问题
Here we are.
– Man! – You’ve got to have some good luck on this one.
– 哎呦! – 这次你运气应该会好点
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Seventeen, seventeen.
等一下 等一下 17点 17点
– You got a winner there? – No. Shit.
– 你中奖了? – 没 见鬼
Relevance, objection.
没关联性 抗♥议♥
Hearsay, objection.
传闻证据 抗♥议♥
Best evidence, objection.
非最佳证据 抗♥议♥
Authenticity. Objection.
真实性可疑 抗♥议♥
If you should fall asleep at the counsel table,
the first thing you say when you wake up should be…
– Objection. – Objection.
– 抗♥议♥ – 抗♥议♥
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth…
你愿意起誓说真话 全说真话…
– and nothing but the truth, so help you God? – Yes.
– 只说真话吗? – 我愿意
Good morning, Mr. Riley. Would you care for a glass of water?
早上好 Riley先生 你要喝水吗?
No, thank you.
不用了 谢谢
Are you sure?
Now, the single greatest liability a lawyer can have is pride.
如今 律师的最大毛病 没有之一 就是自满
Pride has lost more cases than lousy evidence,
idiot witnesses and a hanging judge all put together.
There is absolutely no place in a courtroom for pride.
Mr. Riley, you own the property referred to often in this courtroom…
Riley先生 你拥有一块土地 也就是我们庭审中经常提到的…
– as the 15 acres, do you not? – No, I don’t.
– “15英亩地” 对吧? – 不是的
That land is currently owned by a nonprofit corporation called the Wildwood Conservancy.
如今这地归一个非盈利机构 天然树林保护局所有
Oh, yes, yes. Here it is. The Wildwood Conservancy.
哦 对的 对的 就是这个天然树林保护局
– Now what is that, some kind of conservation group? – Yes, sir.
– 它什么性质的 类似保护机构? – 是的 先生
I’ve donated the land as a sanctuary for indigent wildlife.
我捐献了这块土地 作为濒危动物的避难所
Well, you know,
呃 其实
I don’t think the indigent wildlife has heard about this, Mr. Riley.
我不觉得濒危动物们知道这个地方 Riley先生
I’ve been out there on several occasions, and I’ve yet to see…
我实地去过几次了 却没有看到…
a single bird or any other living thing.
I get him to say no, no, no, no, no,
我让他一直在说不 不 不 不 不
then he says yes once, and I got him.
然后唯独说了一次是 就被我抓到把柄了
He’s not that stupid.
You leave him up there long enough, he’s gonna figure out a way to get you.
你的询问过程太长 他总会找到方法对付你的
I’m not that stupid.
Mr. Riley,
experts have testified in this court…
法庭上 有专家作证…
that your land, your 15 acres,
你的那片地 “15英亩地”
is the most grotesquely polluted land in all of New England.
– Now, you have no idea how it got that way? – No, sir.
– 你是说 你也不知道是怎么造成的? – 不知道
Does it upset you to learn this?
Very much so.
Really? Why?
真的? 为什么呢?
And one last thing.
Unless you know exactly what the answer’s going to be,
never, ever ask a witness why.
不然 绝不要问证人为什么
My factory is the oldest surviving business in Woburn.
When the other tanners moved out, I stayed.
其他皮革厂都搬迁的时候 我却留下了
Even though, for me, that was a very big financial burden.
即使那么做 对我 是个很沉重的经济负担
– This is not the question. – I stayed because Woburn is my home.
– 这不是我的问题 – 我留下 因为沃本镇是我的家
– Mr. Riley. Your Honor, this is not the question. – It’s my children’s home.
– Riley先生 法官大人 他答非所问 – 那里是我孩子的家
He’s trying to answer it, Mr. Schlichtmann…
他在回答呢 Schlichtmann先生
– Well, he’s not answering it. – if you’ll just let him.
– 啊 他没有在回答 – 你让他讲完啊
That land has been in my family…
