I guess we’ll have the first seven monitor wells in this kind of area.
– Right. – There’s permeable rock here.
– 好 – 这里有渗水岩
All right. The seven?
好的 七口吗?
Yes, I did say initially there would only be seven.
是的 最初设定只有七口
I think now it’s more likely we’re gonna have probably 12.
– Hey! Hey! – Because of the tree cover.
– 嘿! – 由于这些树覆盖在上面
– Private property! – Yes, this is your property.
– 这里是私人土地! – 没错 这是你的
Yeah, it’s my property, and you’re trespassing.
这是我的私人土地 你们非法侵入
– Here you go. – What the fuck is this?
– 给你看这个 – 这是什么狗屁?
That’s a court order, Mr. Riley.
Riley先生 这是法♥院♥命令
Which means that I have a right to be here on your land…
and to inspect every inch of your tannery as well.
No, no. You keep that. That’s your copy.
不 你留着吧 这是给你的复印件
Let’s go.
I started working when I was seven years old,
sweeping the beam house floors for my father,
which he swept for his father…
when he was seven years old, which my boys Timmy and Johnny swept…
清扫过 我的儿子Timmy和Johnny也是这样
I know. They swept it too. Please answer the question I asked, not one I didn’t.
我知道 他们也清扫地板了 请回答我问的问题
Silicone, Mr. Riley, and trichloroethylene.
Riley先生 硅树脂和三氯乙烯
These two chemicals mixed together are used to waterproof leather, are they not?
I asked you a question, Mr. Riley, again.
Riley先生 我已经第二次问你这个问题了
Mr. Facher,
please inform your client that he’s obligated to answer my question.
请告诉你的当事人 他有义务回答我的问题
Let the record show that the witness has emptied a glass of water on my conference table.
在记录里写上 证人在我的会议桌上撒了一杯水
What exactly do you intend to say to me, Mr. Riley,
Riley先生 你往我桌上倒这么一杯水
by pouring a glass of water on my table?
This is how silicone is put on leather to waterproof it.
I’m answering your question.
It’s poured on like… you poured water on my table.
浇上去… 就像在我的桌子上倒水
Yeah. Correct.
是的 正确
So then some of it must spill off the leather…
like the water spilling off my table…
and onto my rug.
That’s the part I’m interested in.
The spilled silicone and trichloroethylene, Sir.
先生 溢出来的硅树脂和三氯乙烯
How you disposed of that.
– I never once used TCE. – TCE?
– 我从来没用过TCE – TCE?
Did I say TCE?
I didn’t say TCE.
I said trichloroethylene.
You said TCE,
as it is commonly known…
to those who know it.
Mr. Riley, you wouldn’t mind if I checked your statements today…
Riley先生 你不介意 我今天对照你公♥司♥的记录
against your office records, would you?
Your, um, invoices, purchase orders and formulas, huh?
你的发♥票♥ 订货单以及配方?
No. Be my guest.
不介意 你随意
They go back, um, three years.
Everything before that, we dumped.
三年前的 我们都扔了
Jan, you’re not listening.
Jan 你没在听
I am listening. It’s just you’ve been out there three times and nothing.
我在听 你去了那儿三次 一无所获
I know why you find this unacceptable.
It’s just you don’t know what it’s like out there.
Riley is Woburn. He’s been there forever.
Riley就是沃本 他一直就在那里
His employees are like loyal subjects. None of them will talk.
他的雇员非常忠诚 没有人会出♥卖♥♥♥公♥司♥
Ex-employees. That’s who you should be talking to. Disgruntled employees.
你应该和被解雇的员工 以及不满的员工聊聊
Disloyal subjects. They talk.
– So you want me to go back out there. – All ready.
– 那你是想让我再回到那里去 – 都好了
This is the case against Beatrice… this liar.
我们要打倒Beatrce… 这个骗子 就靠这个
Y… you go back out there, and you catch him in a lie.
你… 回到那里 找出他谎言的破绽
– You got the rest of the medical records? – Almost.
– 你整理好剩下的医疗记录了吗? – 差不多了
– I can’t get complete records on… – I don’t care. Just get it.
– 我不能找到完整的记录… – 我不在乎 找出来
– Jan. Jan! – Just get it. I don’t wanna hear about it.
– Jan Jan! – 弄出来 别的我不想听
Well, this figure here… this hundred dollars an hour for Dr. Cohen…
这个数字… Cohen医生那么有名…
that seems more than fair considering his preeminence.
That’s for his nights in the hotel, Jan.
Jan 这是他酒店的住宿费用
That’s his discount sleeping rate.

Your doctors have cost us more than 900,000 so far.
– Well, they’re worth it. – Your geologists have cost more than 500,000.
– 好吧 他们值得的 – 你的那些地质学家花了超过50万
– Well, they’re worth it. – That’s not the point.
– 他们也值得 – 这不是重点
The point is, everybody in the firm’s working only on this case.
重点是 事务所里所有人 现在都只忙这个案子
– That means we have no money coming in, just going out. – So what?
– 这就意味着我们没收入 只有支出 – 那又怎样?
What, you wanna cut our losses now? Is that what you wanna do, Gordon?
你想现在减少损失? Gordon 是吗?
You wanna just get out now and, and, and throw away 900 and… what is it?
你现在想放弃 那付出去的90万… 多少来着?
$1.4 million.
Good night.
Well, I don’t know what to tell you because there’s certain things I gotta prove,
好吧 我不知道和你说什么好 我必须证明一些事
and I can’t do that not spending money.
We have to go see Uncle Pete.
– So Gordon, where are we on the loan I gave you last… – Spent it.
– Gordon 我上次给你们的贷款还剩… – 花掉了
You spent it? How much of it?
花了? 花了多少?
– All of it. – All of it.
– 花光了 – 花光了
Hmm. Well, what about the Carney settlement? How much of that…
嗯 Carney案子和解之后 你们赚的呢 有多少…
– Spent it. – On?
– 花了 – 花哪儿?
Woburn. We spend everything on Woburn now.
沃本 我们现在把所有的钱都花在沃本案上了
On Woburn. Huh.
So what do you think you’re gonna need to tide you over here?
– Oh, two, three hundred? – Six hundred thousand.
– 噢 二三十万? – 六十万
– Six hundred thousand? – Yeah.
– 六十万? – 是的
Pete, when was the last time you lost money betting on me?
Pete 哪次把钱投资在我身上 让你损失了?
Never. I’m probably the best investment your bank ever made.
没有一次 我可能是你银行做的最好的投资
I, I don’t wanna know what it’s made of.
Can you pass, can you pass the mashed potatoes?
你能 你能把土豆泥递给我吗?
Can you pass me the mashed potatoes, please?
How do vampires get around on Halloween?
万圣节时 吸血鬼是怎么样走来走去的?
– How? – Blood vessels.
– 怎么? – 血管

Let’s go.
– Bye, Dad. – Bye.
– 爸爸 再见 – 再见
See you later. Bye-bye.
再见 拜拜
Love you.
I thought about coming to see you for a long time.
I guess I was afraid to…
cause I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me…
因为我工作的公♥司♥ 还有那些事…
cause where I work and everything.
I’m concerned about what’s been happening around here,
and I’m angry at the company for the way it’s handling itself.
I’m very sorry about your son.
对于你儿子的死 我深感遗憾
Thank you.
He said he never dumped anything out back.
He never did anything like that. Never saw anybody who did.
从来没做过类似的事 也没看见有人那么做
Tommy Barbas didn’t tell you the truth.
Tommy Barbas没有告诉你真♥相♥
Neither did Paul Shalline. Tommy, Paul and Joey were out back all the time with their…
Paul Shalline说的也不是事实 Tommy Paul和Joey一直都在场 和…
– Joey who? – Joey Meola, plant maintenance.
– 谁是Joey? – Joey Meola 工厂维护工
And the rumor is, there’s 50 more of those barrels…
有谣言说 这里至少还有50桶…
buried under this new building here that the city inspectors didn’t find.
埋在这栋新楼下面 城市监测员没发现
– Fifty? – Or more.
– 50桶? – 或者更多
Okay. Is there anyone else at the plant that might talk to me?
好的 工厂里还有谁有可能和我讲实话吗?
– I don’t think so. – Bobby Pasqueriella.
– 我觉得没有了 – Bobby Pasqueriella
Bobby? He might.
Bobby? 他倒是可能
– He doesn’t work there anymore, though. – Could you call him?
– 虽然他现在不在那儿工作了 – 你能给他打个电♥话♥吗?
Yeah, I threw stuff back there.
是的 我把东西扔在那里了
– Yeah. All the time. – Mm-hmm.
– 一直都扔在那儿 – 嗯
Threw it back there myself. All the time, back there.
我亲自把它扔在后面 一直都扔在后面的
Yeah. Eddie Orazine.
是的 Eddie Orazine
