And this.
And this.
Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
是啊 嗯哼 是啊
Yeah, I know. We have no feelings.
我知道 我们没有感情
No compassion. No empathy for our clients’ suffering.
没有怜悯之情 对我们客户的遭遇没有同情心
Can I say something? What does that have to do with anything?
我能说句公道话吗? 这一切又有什么关系?
In fact, the lawyer who shares his client’s pain, in my opinion,
事实上 在我看来 凡是和当事人一起痛苦的律师
does his client such a grave disservice,
he should have his license to practice law taken away.
It clouds his judgement.
And that’s as beneficial to his client…
对他的当事人而言 一个模糊了判断的律师…
as a doctor who recoils at the sight of blood.
All rise.
This court is now in session.
The Honorable Walter J. Skinner presiding.
本案由尊敬的Walter J.Skinner法官审理
Is this the only case?
This is a lot of lawyers.
Sit down.
Mr. Facher.
– Your Honor. – You’re looking well.
– 法官大人 – 你神色不错啊
The Red Sox must be in first place.
Mmm, Roger Clemens is the answer to my prayers.
Roger Clemens是对我祈祷的最好答案
You have some interest in this case?
I… I’m a codefendant, so I guess I do have an interest, but it’s not my motion.
我… 是共同被告 所以确实相关 不过不是我要提动议
– It’s Foley Hoag’s. – And that motion is?
– 是Foley Hoag要提动议 – 动议内容是什么?
– Your Honor, if I might, my name is Jan Schlichtmann. – I know. Sit down.
– 法官大人 容我说句话 我叫Jan Schlichtmann – 我知道 坐下
Now, the matter before us seems to be a simple one.
– Your Honor, I’m sorry, but I don’t think it is simple. – May I hear it?
– 法官大人 不好意思 我不认为此案很简单 – 说来听听?
No. You see, the true intention of this motion is to try to place me…
不是 您可以看到 这个动议的真正目的 是想从一开始…
under a cloud of impropriety in your courtroom, right from the beginning.
就在您的法庭上 把我置于行为不当的阴影之下
– Really? – Yes. What they’re saying with this motion…
– 是吗? – 是的 他们这个动议 无非是说…
is that they know the law and I don’t.
他们懂法 而我不懂
What they’re saying is that they’re real lawyers and I’m not.
他们其实想说 他们是真正的律师 而我不是
The… they’re just trying to humiliate me.
他们… 他们是想侮辱我
Mr. Schlichtmann, you are a personal injury lawyer, are you not?
Schlichtmann先生 你是位人身伤害律师 对吧?
I think you’ll survive that.
– You see, it’s starting already. – No, you’ve started already.
– 您看 已经开始了 – 不对 是你自己挑起的
No, I… I’m on the defensive already, and they’re the defendants.
不是 我… 我已经处于被动了 他们才是被告方啊
Mr. Schlichtmann, I… I … Do you think I might at least hear this motion…
Schlichtmann先生 我… 你不觉得在你向我 解释 它的内容前…
before you explain to me what it’s really about?
– Of course. – Thank you.
– 当然可以 – 谢谢
Mr. uh, Cheese-man, is it?
Cheeseman先生 对吧?
– Cheeseman. – Cheeseman.
– 是Cheeseman – Cheeseman先生
– Your motion to dismiss is based on? – Uh, Rule 11, Your Honor.
– 你申请驳回起诉的依据是什么? – 呃 根据”规则11″ 法官大人
Uh, specifically on the fact that, uh, Mr. Schlichtmann…
呃 具体是依据 呃 除了知道我的当事人…
had absolutely no evidential grounds…
W.R. Grace公♥司♥很富有之外…
on which to bring this suit, only his knowledge that my client,
Schlichtmann先生 完全没有切实的证据
uh, the W.R. Grace Corporation has a lot of money.
– Not true. – Uh, he performed no real investigation,
– 不对 – 呃 他并没有进行任何调查
he did no research of any consequence,
uh, except perhaps to review profit statements,
呃 除了可能审查过利润报表之外
and, uh, he’s prepared his complaint so inexpertly as to render it moot.
还有 呃 他的诉状写得很不专业 根本没有讨论意义
– All untrue. – Do you know what Rule 11 is, Mr. Schlichtmann?
– 全都不是事实 – Schlichtmann先生 你知道”规则11″内容是什么吗?
Well, to be honest with you, Your Honor, I, uh, I had to look it up.
说实话 法官大人 我得查查才知道
I’ll be honest too. So did I.
我也说实话 我也是专门查了才知道
Do you know why, Mr. Cheeseman?
Cheeseman先生 你知道为什么吗?
Because it is so old and ambiguous,
因为第十一条款太老旧 而且太含糊了
few lawyers waste their time with it, or mine.
很少有律师会在这个条款上浪费他们的 或者我的时间
It’s a non-issue, Mr. Cheeseman.
这个条款无足轻重 Cheeseman先生
Your motion is denied. Thank you.
你的动议被驳回了 谢谢
– Thank you. – Thank you.
– 谢谢 – 谢谢
– Anything else? – No, Your Honor.
– 还有其他事情吗? – 没有了 法官大人
Set a trial date.
Excuse me, Mr. Facher.
打扰下 Facher先生
I’d like to thank you. That was… very statesmanlike of you…
我要感谢您 您刚才… 很有政♥治♥家风范…
not to join in that ridiculous attack.

You’re welcome.
Well, what we have to do…
那好 我们需要做的是…
is show how the toxic solvent from these two factories dumped on the land there…
论证出来自这两个工厂的有毒溶剂 是如何倾倒在那边的土地上…
migrated underground and were drawn into city wells here and well H over there.
如何地下渗透 然后被这儿的城市水井和那里的H井吸收…
– And was then pumped into the homes of East Woburn. – Right.
– 之后又被送入沃本东部的那些家庭 – 好的
And to do that is quite simple, really. I’ll need to inspect the land,
要做到这些其实很简单 我需要检测这里的土地
map out the location of debris, drill some monitoring wells, conduct seismic tests and so on.
标出残骸的位置 钻几口监控井 进行一些地震勘探 等等
And you’re talking about you and a couple of assistants or something.
No. No, I mean a team of geologists and engineers.
不 不是 我说的是一支由地理学家和工程师组成的队伍
– A team. – Mmm. A big team.
– 一支队伍 – 嗯 一支庞大的队伍
You see, it’s actually quite exciting…
你也看得出来 这相当令人兴奋…
because the nature of the contour here means that there’s an effect…
which is named after me, as a matter of fact,
含水层会抗拒引力而流动 这个效应
uh, where the, the flow of the aquifer goes against the gravitational pull.
说实话 还是以我的名字命名的
Working in the Grace paint shop, Mr. Barbas,
Barbas先生 你在Grace油漆店工作
– I’d imagine you’d use paint thinners and solvents… – Uh-huh.
– 可以想象的到 你会用到涂料稀释剂和溶液… – 嗯哼
– to clean your brushes and things. – Uh-huh.
– 来清洗刷子之类的东西 – 嗯哼
I wonder what you would have done with that stuff, say back in the 1970s, early ’80s.
我想知道 上世纪70年代 80年代初的时候 你怎么处理那些东西
– Used solvent? – Yeah.
– 处理用过的溶液? – 是的
– Put it in drums. – Fifty-five-gallon drums.
– 把溶液倒进桶里 – 五十五加仑的桶里
– Uh-huh. – And, uh, what would you do with those drums…
– 嗯哼 – 那么 装满之后 你怎么处理…
when they were filled up?
– Don’t know. – They were just gone.
– 不知道 – 它们就那么不见了
– Never noticed. – You never dumped them out back?
– 从来没注意过 – 你从没把它们倒出来?
– No. – Never did anything like that.
– 没有 – 从来没做过诸如此类的事
– No. – Never, never noticed anyone who did.
– 没有 – 从来没有注意到谁倒过
– No. – Hmm. Just disappeared.
– 没有 – 嗯 就那么消失了
What were your duties at Grace back then, Mr. Shalline?
Shalline先生 你当时在Grace做什么工作?
Receive disposal and discharge to the drains.
接收废物 然后排放到排水沟里
Be sure we weren’t polluting the air and things of that nature.
Well, then you must know then that over the years certain chemicals…
好 那你一定知道 过去这些年 相当一部分化学物质…
were deposited on the ground in back of the plant.
I don’t know that.
Six barrels of toxic waste, Mr. Shalline,
Shalline先生 市监察员在
were found out in back of the plant in a pit…
那个工厂后边的一个坑里 发现并挖掘出…
and exhumed by city inspectors.
– You never heard anything about this? – Nope.
– 你从来没听说过这件事? – 没有
Back then in 1965 or thereafter, did you clean metal parts with any type of solvent?
自1965年起 你是否曾使用任何溶液清洗金属物质?
– Yes. – What kind?
– 是的 – 哪一种?
– That I couldn’t tell you. – Did you ever notice…
– 这个 我也不知道 – 你是否曾经…
uh, the, uh, name trichloroethylene or TCE?
注意到 呃 有三氯乙烯这个名字?
– Nah. I don’t know. – But you’d put it in barrels when you were done with it.
– 没有 我不知道 – 但是你用完溶液之后把它们倒进桶里
That seems to be the process, right?
似乎程序如此 是吧?
– Yes. – Did you ever see what happened…
– 是的 – 你是否看到过这些盛满溶液的桶…
to these barrels of solvent when you were through with them?
What was that?
They get dumped.
Hmm. Where?
嗯 扔在哪了?
– Out back, in the ground. – You saw this?
– 外边后面 埋进地里了 – 你亲眼所见?
– Yes. – When?
– 是的 – 什么时候?
Um, my coffee break. I, uh, loved to go out…
呃 我休息喝咖啡的时候 我喜欢出去走走…
and hit nine iron shots with golf balls.
Do you, do you, do you wanna take a little break?
你 你 你要不要歇会?
– Do you, do you need a break? – No.
– 你需要歇会吗? – 不用
Did you see who was out there, um, dumping the stuff…
when you were hitting your golf balls?
What do you mean?
Th… the names of the people.
人名… 告诉我人名就行
He wants to tell us.
He’s not gonna tell us. He has to work there.
他不会说的 他还要在那工作呢
