然后她又对我不爽 所以我来吧… 我… 去处理
Give it to me.
Thank you.
– Here you go, sir. – Thank you.
– 好了 先生 – 谢谢
– Drive careful, now. – Oh, yeah.
– 要小心驾驶了哦 – 哦当然
When I stand on my front porch,
I can see all the houses where children have died.
所有失去了孩子的家庭 他们的家
These are the, the Kanes,
这几位是 Kanes夫妇
the Toomeys, the Zonas,
Toomeys夫妇 Zonas夫妇
the Robbins and the Aufieros.
Robbins夫妇 还有Aufieros夫妇
N… now, I wanna be clear.
现… 现在 我要说清楚
I’m not interested in money. N… none of us are.
我对钱不感兴趣 我… 我们都不在乎
That’s not why we’re doing this. What we want…
钱不是我们的目标 我们是要…
is to know what happened.
– And we want an apology. – From who?
– 然后要一个道歉 – 谁的道歉?
From whoever did this.
I want somebody to come to my house, knock on the door and say, “We’re responsible.”
我希望 有个人能到我家里来 告诉我 “是我们的责任”
“We did this. We didn’t mean it, but we did it and we’re sorry.”
“是我们干的 虽然不是故意的 但的确是我们干的 我们道歉”
But who is that?
Well, we don’t know.
嗯 我们还不知道
Mrs. Anderson, our firm is very small.
Anderson太太 我们是个小事务所
Three attorneys. That’s it.
就三个律师 仅此而已
Which means that we can only take on so many cases at once.
所以说 我们一次只能接很有限的案子
And we have to be very careful about the ones we do…
because, frankly, we can’t afford to lose.
因为 说白了 我们输不起
Our clients pay nothing. We pay everything.
我们的客户什么都不付 我们自己承担一切经费
– And we only get paid back if we win or settle. – I know that.
– 我们只有赢了或和解了 才拿得到钱 – 我知道
No. Y… you want an apology,
不 你… 你们想要个道歉
and there’s nothing more I’d like to do than to get you that apology, but from who?
我很愿意效劳 但 我该找谁呢?
Who is going to apologize to you and pay me?
谁来向你道歉 谁来付我钱?
There has to be a defendant, and one with very deep pockets.
得有个被告啊 还必须是腰缠万贯的被告
This is not an inexpensive case to try.
Uh, there’s an old tannery out there.
嗯 那边有一个老皮革厂
A tannery.
And some other small factories.
I really wish I could help you, but I can’t.
我真的很想帮你们 但我无能为力
– I’m sorry. – Maybe you could go out there for just a few minutes…
– 对不起 – 也许你该去那里走走…
to the river, to the wells, and take a look.
去河边 那些水井 看看
For what? What would that, what would that accomplish?
看什么呢? 看了之后能怎么样呢?
I… I do hope you find someone, and I am sorry.
我… 我真心希望你能找出一个被告 抱歉
– Thank you very much. – Drive carefully.
– 非常感谢 – 请小心驾驶
Oh, goddamn it!
噢 该死!
All clear!
Last ones on the train!
It was fate.
I was meant to get that ticket at that moment…
我注定要在 那个时候 那条路上 那个地方…
at that exact spot in the road.
Do you know who Beatrice is?
Peter Pan peanut butter,
Peter Pan花生酱
Tropicana orange juice, Rosarita Mexican food,
Tropicana橙汁 Rosarita墨西哥餐
Swiss Miss cocoa, Samsonite luggage, Playtex bras, Culligan water.
Swiss Miss可可 Samsonite皮箱 laytex内衣 Culligan饮用水
– The list goes on. – And the other one?
– 举不胜举 – 另外一个呢?
W.R. Grace. Chemicals and manufacturing…
W.R. Grace 从事化学品制♥造♥…
with plants in two dozen states, South America, Europe and Japan.
工厂遍及国内24个州 南美 欧洲和日本
– What’s this? – That’s the ticket.
– 这是什么? – 就那张罚款单
No. I’ve got the speeding ticket right here.
不是啊 那是这张
– No, I got two speeding tickets. – Oh, it was a two-ticket town like that other place.
– 不 我吃了两张超速单 – 哦 是那种一去就要吃两张单的地方 像另外那个地方
Exactly. You don’t wanna take your Caddie there.
没错 你不会想开着你的凯迪拉克去那里的
Kevin, this is a gold mine. You almost let it get away.
Kavin 这简直是座金山啊 你差点就让鸭子飞了啊
I almost let it get away.
是啊 成了我放走鸭子了
Lawsuits are war. It’s as simple as that.
诉讼就是战争 就是这么简单
And they begin the same way… with a declaration of war…
而且它们的开始也一样… 先宣战…
the complaint.
When you’re a small firm, and they’re a big one,
当你是小事务所 而对方是个大所
steeped in history and wealth, like they always are,
历史悠久 财力雄厚 所有大所都这样
with their Persian carpets on the floor…
and their Harvard diplomas hanging on the walls,
it’s easy to be intimidated.
Don’t. That’s what they want.
不要慌 他们就是要吓吓你
That’s what they expect, like all bullies.
跟那些恶霸一样 你一慌就正中他们下怀了
That’s how they win.
I don’t run away from bullies.
Mr.Doyle asked me to bring this to you.
– When? – When did he ask me?
– 什么时候? – 什么时候交代我的?
– Yeah. – Just now.
– 嗯 – 就刚才
On your lunch break?
That hardly seems fair.
– I almost never go to lunch, Sir. Too much to do. – Oh.
– 我从来都没时间吃午饭 先生 事情太多了 – 噢
I just grab something.
You know, if I were you, I’d make a point…
知道么 换做是我 我会尤其重视…
of taking that hour or so away from all the noise and insanity of this place.
在这个小时 要把自己和这个地方的喧嚣隔离开
– I should do that. – I’d find a place for myself where I could go…
– 我也该这样 – 我会找一个自己能去的…
that was relatively quiet and peaceful.
Have a sandwich, read a magazine.
啃啃三明治 翻翻杂♥志♥什么的
Maybe listen to a game out at Fenway, if one was on.
或者听Fenway的比赛广播 如果有比赛的话
Hmm? And I’d make sure…
嗯? 然后我要确保…
everyone knew I didn’t want to be disturbed during that hour or so of solitude.
所有的人都知道 我那时那刻不愿被打扰
Because that would be my time… my own private time…
因为那是我的时间… 我的私人时间…
which no one, if they had any sense of self-preservation at all…
would dare interrupt.
If I were you.
– I’m sorry. – Oh, shh, shh.
– 很抱歉 – 哦 嘘 嘘
“Oh, and strike one.”
“哦 一振了”
“诉因 过失”
Mr.Facher, it’s, uh, Bill Cheeseman.
Facher先生 我是 呃 Bill Cheeseman
Foley, Hoag and Eliot. Uh, we represent W.R. Grace.
“Foley Hoag and Eliot”律所的律师 嗯 我们代理W.R. Grace公♥司♥
– How ya doing? – Well, all right, I guess, under the circumstances.
– 哦 还好吗? – 嗯 我觉得 目前的形势下 还行吧
Oh, what circumstances are those?
Uh, Woburn. These, uh, outrageous charges.
嗯 沃本的事情 那些荒唐的指控
This bloodsucking ambulance chaser Schlichtmann.
那个贪得无厌 拼命拉官司的Schlichtmann
– Who? – We’re, we’re codefendants in a lawsuit, Mr. Facher.
– 谁? – 现在有一起诉讼 我们是共同被告 Facher先生
– A very serious lawsuit. – What?
– 一个非常严重的案子 – 什么?
Uh, wha… wh… wh… what is that thumping?
呃 是… 是… 是什么东西在敲?
Yeah, well, it’s gone now.
好了 现在没了
It’s… it was driving me crazy.
这… 这让我都快疯了
Ah, listen. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.
啊 听着 我在想我是不是能和你谈谈
Uh, do you think we could get together for a drink or a…
你觉得我们能一起喝杯东西 或者…
Well, what’s on your mind?
嗯 你想说什么?
Well, uh, I’ll tell you what I’m thinking.
嗯 我想告诉你我的想法
– Are you familiar with “Rule 11”? – With what?
– 你了解”规则11″吗? – 了解什么?
Uh, “Rule 11”. It’s a civil provision…
哦 “规则11” 这是一条民法规则…
designed to, uh, prevent frivolous and irresponsible lawsuits, like this one,
目的是为了 防止无意义的诉讼 类似这个诉讼
and, uh, to sanction quite severely those who file them.
这条规则对提出诉讼的人 规定了严厉的处罚
Uh-huh. Uh… Mr. uh… Cheeseman. Cheese-man, is it?
嗯哼 呃 Cheeseman先生 Cheese-man 念得对么?
– It’s Cheeseman. – Oh, it’s Cheese-man. What is a fine?
– 是Cheeseman – 哦 是Cheese-man 你知道什么是罚款吗?
When you get a fine, what do you do? You pay it and go about your business.
你被罚款了 你怎么做? 你把罚款交了 然后该怎样接着来
Uh, if you’re gonna knock a guy down,
但 如果你要彻底打倒一个人
do it so he can’t get up again.
What are you looking for with this suit?
Well, obviously, we’ll be seeking compensation for the families…
嗯 显然 我们为那些家庭争取赔偿金…
and punitive damages for the willful negligence of these two companies.
还要争取 那两家企业故意过失的惩罚性赔偿
– But is that what this is really all about… money? – No.
– 但这个案子只是… 钱的问题吗? – 不
– Is that what matters most to any of us? – No.
– 对于我们而言 钱是最重要的吗? – 不是
It’s about this.
