我没钱 没搭档
and, as far as I can tell, no clients anymore.
据我所知 好像也没有当事人
The Woburn case has become what it was when it first came to me:
an orphan.
I’m forwarding it on to you in all its unwieldiness…
虽然我知道 可能像最开始的我一样…
even as I know you may not care to adopt it…
你们根本不在意谁来接这个案子 但我还是…
any more than I did at first.
If you do decide to take it on,
I hope you’ll be able to succeed where I failed.
If you calculate success and failure as I always have,
如果你们像以前的我一样 用价钱评价成功与失败
in dollars and cents divided neatly into human suffering,
the arithmetic says… I failed completely.
那你得出的结论是… 我彻底失败了
What it doesn’t say…
is if I could somehow go back knowing what I know now,
即使我现在已经知道这一切 知道一旦和这些人
knowing where I’d end up if I got involved with these people,
有所牵连 会有这样的后果 知道了所有的数据
knowing all the numbers,
all the odds, all the angles…
I’d do it again.
There’s the pitch. It’s low.
投球了 投低了
Mr. Facher?
法官Skinner发现初审时 John Riley蓄意隐藏证据 他的皮革厂于1990年被关闭
W.R.Grace被控告在TCE和丙酮以及甲苯化学药品使用上对环境保护局提供虚假陈述 对丙酮的指控该公♥司♥承认不讳 其在沃本的工厂于1990年被关闭
面对即将重新坐上被告席的命运 两个公♥司♥同意共同分担6940万的清理费 启动这个新英格兰历史上规模最大耗资最多的清理工程
Mr. Schlichtmann?
Mr. Schlichtmann?
I’m sorry. Yes?
对不起 怎么了?
The purpose of these questions…
is not to embarrass or humiliate you,
but, rather, to verify the information you’ve declared as your assets.
只是需要 核对你提供的有关财产的信息
– I understand. – Because what you’re asking your creditors…
– 我明白 – 因为在这个动议里…
to believe with this petition is…
Well, it’s hard to believe.
I know.
That after 17 years of practicing law,
all you have to show for it is…
$14 in a checking account and a portable radio?
That’s correct.

Where did it all go?
The money?
The money, the property,
钱 财产
the… personal belongings,
还有… 个人物品
the things one acquires in one’s life, Mr. Schlichtmann.
你生活的必需品 Schlichtmann先生
The things by which one measures one’s life.
What happened?
Jan花了几年的时间偿还债务 但仅在十大黄金单身汉的榜单上落榜一年
他从事于环境法 现在代理新泽西州Toms河边的六十个家庭的水污染案件
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 #
# I don’t know why I love her like I do #
# 爱她无可救药 原因我不知道 #
# All the troubles you put me through #
# 艰难险阻有多少 #
# Take my money, my cigarettes #
# 带上我的烟 和我的钞票 #
# I haven’t seen the worst of it yet #
# 还有可能比这更糟 #
# I wanna know #
# 我想知道 #
# Can you tell me #
# 能否如实相告 #
# I love to stay #
# 我想留在你身边 #
# Take me to the river Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Dip me in the river Take me to the river #
# 扔我进河里 带我去河边 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# I don’t know why you treat me so bad #
# 不知你为何对我如此不好 #
# Think of all the things we could have had #
# 想想本应属于我们的一切美好 #
# Love is an ocean that I can’t forget #
# 爱像难以忘记的海洋 #
# My sweet sixteen I would never regret #
# 甜美的十六岁 绝无悔恨和懊恼 #
# I wanna know #
# 我想知道 #
# Can you tell me #
# 能否如实相告 #
# I love to stay #
# 我想留在你身边 #
# Take me to the river Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Hold me, squeeze me #
# 拥抱我 越紧越好 #
# Love me, tease me #
# 爱我闹 逗我笑 #
# Till I can’t Till I can’t #
# 天荒地老 #
# I can’t take no more of it #
# 我再也受不了 #
# Take me to the river Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# I don’t know why I love her like I do #
# 爱她无可救药 原因我不知道 #
# All the changes that you put me through #
# 为你改变有多少 #
# Sixteen candles there on my wall #
# 墙上十六根蜡烛 在我心房♥闪耀 #
# And here am I the biggest fool of them all #
# 我是最傻的傻瓜 但在这里就好 #
# I wanna know #
# 我想知道 #
# Can you tell me #
# 能否如实相告 #
# I love to stay #
# 我想留在你身边 #
# Drop me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Drop me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Throw me in the water Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 扔我进河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我到河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 扔我进河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我到河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我到河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我到河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
# Take me to the river #
# 带我去河边 #
# Drop me in the water #
# 丢我到河里 #
