It’s the nicest suite in the hotel.
It has a living room, dining room, two bedrooms, a den, a lovely view.
有客厅 饭厅 两间卧室 一个私密会议室 风景还不错
It’s 2,400 a night.
For our inner strength.
– On the card? – Why not?
– 刷♥卡♥? – 是的
Farmer’s Bank of IOWA.
哈佛俱乐部 纽约市
– Hey, there. – Hi. Jan Schlichtmann.
– 嘿 那边 – 你好 Jan Schlichtmann
– Al Eustis. Have a seat. – How are you?
– 我是Al Eustus 请坐 – 你还好吧?
Sorry I’m late. I, uh, got lost.
不好意思 来晚了 迷路了
– You got lost? – Yes.
– 你迷路了? – 是
How did you manage that?
Well, I’ve never been here before, so…
我以前没来过这儿 所以…
Wait. You’ve never been here before? What kind of a Harvard man are you?
不是吧 你从来没来过这里? 你怎么在哈佛混的啊?
The Cornell kind.
– Cornell? – Mm-hmm.
– 康奈尔? – 嗯哼
I… I thought you went to Harvard.
我… 我以为你是哈佛毕业的
I’m… I’m sure somebody said that.
我确定… 有人那么说过的
Yeah, somebody said you went to Harvard. You… Cornell.
是 有人说你是哈佛毕业的 你是… 康奈尔的
– Yes. – Well, listen…
– 是 – 好吧 啊…
Cornell is a… is a damn good school.
康奈尔… 真是个好学校
Damn good.
So, what do you want?
那么 你想要什么?
Well, um, I can take you through it step by step…
好 我可以一点一点和你说…
or, if you prefer,
也可以 要是你愿意的话
you could take this with you, study it.
你可以看看这个 研究下
It’s a little complicated, but I’m sure…
有点复杂 但是我确定…
It’s an unspoken rule in the Harvard Club, Jan.
Jan啊 在哈佛俱乐部有一个不成文的规则
Business is never transacted here.
I meant, what did you want to drink?
我的意思是 你想喝什么?
I wanted to reach across the table…
and strangle him with his tie.
But instead, I sat there for two hours…
但是 我没那么干 在那儿坐了两小时…
and listened to him talk about sailing his yacht in Long Island Sound.
You know, sometimes I actually prefer the little one,
the 35-footer. ‘Cause I can crew it myself.
35英尺的 这样我自己就能控制

I can be all by myself, out there alone, and, boy, it’s magnificent.
我自己操纵 真的很酷
And there’s no… Nobody can call you, nobody can beep you, nobody can fax you.
没人给你打电♥话♥… 没人呼你 没人给你传真
There’s… there’s no lawsuits.
没有… 没有案子
– You know what I’m talking about. You sail, huh? – No.
– 你知道我在说什么 你喜欢出海吗? – 不
You don’t sail?
Finally, we went to his office.
终于 我们到了他办公室
Come on, let’s go over here and sit down for a second.
来吧 过来 我们坐几分钟
Come on. It’s more comfortable. Come on, have a seat.
请坐 舒服多了 来 请坐
He… he comes around the desk.
He sits down.
Go ahead. Sit down.
随意 请坐
He puts his feet up on this spindly French antique thing.
And he tells me to put my feet up.
Put your feet up. Come on.
你也把脚放上来 快来
– I don’t want to. – No, thank you.
– 我不想 – 不用 谢谢
No, go ahead. Go ahead.
别客气 来吧
– No, really, I’m fine. – Nothing’s gonna break. It’s all right.
– 真的不需要 谢谢 – 不会压坏的 来吧 休息一下
Come on. Put ’em up.
来吧 搭上来
It was weird. There was all this talk about my putting my feet on this table.
很变♥态♥ 我们一直在谈把我的脚放在桌子上的事儿
It’s all right. I mean it.
没关系 别客气
Try it. Come on. Put the feet up.
试一下 来吧 把脚放上来
Okay. There.
好 这就行了
Now, let’s be honest.
现在 老实说
I can afford to pay you almost anything you ask. It’s not the money.
你不管开什么价 我都付得起 不是钱的问题
It’s what a settlement that high says.
It says we’re guilty.
And that says to every two-bit personal injury lawyer in Boston,
“Hey, let’s run off to Woburn and sign up every jerk with a head cold.”
“嘿 我们去沃本吧 找那帮发疯的傻子要钱”
It creates a shark effect, and that I can’t afford. Give me a number.
我不能承受这个严重的后果 给个数吧
Well, I’m not going to negotiate with myself, Al.
Al 我不是和自己谈判的
I’m not going to just throw out numbers so you can say no to them.
我才不会随便说数字 好让你来拒绝
– You’ll have to come up with a number. – Eight million.
– 你得给个数 – 八百万
– Eight million? – He said eight million?
– 八百万? – 他说八百万?
Eight million.
– I can’t go to the families with that. – Wait. What?
– 受害者家庭不能接受这个数字 – 等等 你说什么?
– Who? What families? – I can’t go to them empty-handed.
– 谁? 什么家庭? – 我不能空手去见他们
What are you talking about?
Since when is $8 million empty-handed? $8 million is a lot of money.
什么时候开始 八百万成了空手而归了? 八百万可是很多钱啊
– I owe them more than that. – You owe them?
– 我欠他们的比这个多啊 – 你欠他们的?
– What do you owe them? – What do you owe them? You owe them your career?
– 你欠他们什么了? – 你欠他们什么了? 就差把自己的前程搭尽去了吧?
– We’re talking about our careers here! – You owe them that much?
– 我们在讨论我们的前程! – 你欠他们那么多了么?
We’re talking about our families here.
– That’s what we’re talking here. – Our families, Jan.
– 这里讲的就是你的前程 – 我们自己的家庭啊 Jan
Don’t do it.
Don’t go for broke on this one.
It isn’t worth it, Jan.
不值得 Jan
Nobody calls anymore.
Not even the creditors.
Are the phones still working?
Schlichtmann, Conway and Crowley.
这里是Schlichtmann Conway Crowley事务所
Just a minute, please.
– Someone named Grendon. – Creditor.
– 叫Grendon的人 – 要债的
– Are you here? – Do I look like I’m here?
– 你接吗? – 你觉得我能接吗?
Yes, he’s in a meeting right now, sir.
是 先生 他在开会
– Do me a favor, Gordon, will you? – Shut up.
– Gordon帮个忙 行吗? – 闭嘴
I’m so tired of hearing you moan about money all the time.
– This isn’t about money anymore. – No?
– 这已经不是钱的问题了 – 不是吗?
– No. – What’s it about?
– 不是 – 那是什么?
What’s it about, Jan?
是什么 Jan?
– Look, let’s just all try to… – No, I want to know.
– 那 我们试试… – 不 我想知道
I want to know what I gave up my house for.
My credit. My life!
自己的信用 生活 是为了什么!
Would you take $10 million right now?
– Yes. – But you won’t take eight?
– 能 – 但是你就不能接受八百万?
– No. – No. So at $10 million this is some sort of a… a… a… a mythic struggle,
– 不能 – 那一千万 这是… 一… 种… 什么奇特的坚持
but at eight it’s just another lawsuit.
If they’re willing to pay eight, Gordon, then it’s not enough, is it?
如果他们愿意付八百万 Gordon 那这肯定不够 不是吗?
– Oh, that makes sense. – It makes perfect sense.
– 哦 说得还真挺通 – 当然说得通
So the only thing you’ll accept is what they’re not willing to give us.
也就是说 你只愿意接受他们不愿意给的数字
Listen to yourself!
Well, I, for one, am sick of listening to you.
最起码 我他妈的受够了
– Lost enough because of you! – You wouldn’t have anything to lose if it wasn’t for me.
– 都是因为你 我们一无所有! – 要不是我 你本来就一无所有
Everything you have, I got for you!
你所有的一切 都是我帮你赚的!
I don’t have anything, Jan! What do I have?
我什么都没有了 Jan! 我还有什么?
I… I got, uh… I got a couple bucks and some bus transfers.
我… 我还有几块钱… 公交票
I’ve got a savings account from when I was 12 years old.
Here. There’s $37 in here.
看 三十七块钱
With interest after 25 years, there’s probably $47. Take it.
带上二十五年的利息 大概四十七块 拿着
– Gordon… – Add it… add it to the war chest.
– Gordon… – 拿着… 去继续你这场诉讼战争吧
Use it to fight injustice. Stand up for principles with that.
继续和非正义做斗争 用这点钱来坚持原则
Go down in flames with it for all I care!
继续往火坑里跳吧 与我无关了!
Only next time…
“Next time.” That’s a laugh.
“下次” 真搞笑
Ask us if we want to go down with you!
I’d like to leave a message for Al Eustis, please.
我想给Al Eustis留言
Jan Schlichtmann.
我是Jan Schlichtmann
Let’s get this junk outta here.
I’ve been informed that a settlement agreement has been reached.
As a condition of this agreement,
the exact terms shall remain private among the parties involved.
I want to thank you for your service…
Our contingency fee,
