It’s like this.
A dead plaintiff is rarely worth as much as a living, severely maimed plaintiff.
过世的原告 不如活着但受重伤的原告获赔多
However, if it’s a long, agonizing death,
但如果 原告死亡过程极其缓慢和痛苦
as opposed to a quick drowning or car wreck,
不像溺死或车祸 死去得那么迅速
the value can rise considerably.
A dead adult in his 20s is generally worth less than one who is middle-aged.
都是过世的原告 20多岁的不如中年人
A dead woman less than a dead man.
A single adult less than one who’s married.
Black less than white. Poor less than rich.
黑人不如白人 穷♥人♥不如富人
But the perfect victim is a white male professional,
40 years old, at the height of his earning power,
有稳定职业 收益能力正处于顶峰
struck down in his prime.
And the most imperfect?
Well, in the calculus of personal injury law,
嗯 从人身伤害法的角度来看
a dead child is worth the least of all.
受害人是儿童 最没得赔
A million dollars he turns down. One million dollars.
一百万的赔偿额都被他拒绝了 一百万啊
– I don’t believe that story for a second. – It’s true.
– 我根本不信这事 – 这是真的
– Come on! – It’s true. He turned down…
– 拜托! – 真的啊 他拒绝了…
– Hey, Eddie. – Hey.
– 嘿 Eddie – 嘿
– How you doing? – Good.
– 你好呀? – 挺好的
– Do me a favor, will ya? – Yeah.
– 帮我个忙怎么样? – 好
Shut the fuck up. That’s our banker over there keeping an eye on the collateral.
把嘴闭上 那边那个就是我们的银行家 是来监督我们的
– He doesn’t know Jan turned down a million. – Oh, sorry.
– 他还不知道Jan拒绝了一百万的提议 – 哦 不好意思
– Yeah. – Sorry. Shh.
– 嗯 – 不好意思 嘘
– How’s your headrest? – I want it up.
– 你的头舒服吗? – 帮我抬高一点
How’s that? Okay?
现在怎么样? 好了么?
– Are you comfortable? – Yeah. My button.
– 还有哪不舒服? – 嗯 还有我的扣子
– Oh, the button. Open? – Open.
– 扣子怎么? 解开? – 嗯
Here we go.
All rise.
This court is now in session.
The Honorable Constance Mullen presiding.
本案由尊敬的Constance Mullen法官审理
Would you like some water?
Carney versus Massachusetts General Hospital.
Case number 81-27-25.
案件编号♥ 81-27-25
Attorneys, please state your appearance.
双方律师 报告出庭情况
Randolph Woodside, Mass. General.
Randolph Woodside 代理马萨诸塞州综合医院
Greg Monk, Massachusetts General Hospital.
Greg Monk 代理马萨诸塞州综合医院
Harout Beshlia, Mass. General.
Harout Beshlia 代理马萨诸塞州综合医院
Jan Schlichtmann for Paul Carney.
Jan Schlichtmann 代理Pual Carney
Kevin Conway for Mr.Carney, Your Honor.
Kevin Conway 代理Carney先生
Mr.Schlichtmann, the court’s ready for your opening statement.
Schlichtmann先生 请进行您的开庭陈词
“赔200万 拜托了”
Your Honor, if it please the court,
法官大人 如果您允许的话
the parties involved have agreed to a settlement.
# Got a two-ton hammer #
# 拿着一把两吨♥重的锤头 #
# Got meat by the pound #
# 身上长着成磅的肉 #
# I’m a hard work drivin’ man #
# 我是个辛勤工作的人 #
# Six foot solid from the ground #
# 一个六英尺高的男人 #
# Work my hammer from factory #
# 在工厂努力工作 #
# Farmin’, always wanna fight #
# 种着地 时刻准备战斗 #
# Swallowed up some TV dinner #
# 吃着速冻食物 #
# Swing my hammer strong at night #
# 在夜晚 工作更有劲头 #
Personal injury law has a bad reputation.
They call us “ambulance chasers”, “bottom feeders”
他们说我们”拼命拉官司” “卑鄙”
“vultures who prey on the misfortunes of others”.
Well, if that’s true, why do I lie awake nights worrying about my clients?
如果真是这样 为什么我还会因为担心我的当事人 半夜睡不着呢?
Why does their pain become my pain?
I wish I could find some way not to empathize.
It’d be a lot easier.
# When I was a schoolboy #
# 做学生的时候 #
# Teacher said study hard as you can #
# 老师教导我努力学习 #
# It didn’t make no difference #
# 可是那又如何 #
# I’m just a hard work drivin’ man #
# 我只是一个辛勤工作的人 #
You’re speaking with Jan Schlichtmann,
我们请到节目中的是Jan Schlichtmann
personal injury attorney, and, according to “Boston Magazine”…
人身伤害案代理律师 嗯 根据”波士顿杂♥志♥”…
Have you seen this? One of Boston’s ten most eligible bachelors.
你看过这个么? 他还是波士顿十大钻石王老五之一
Let’s go back to the phones.
Woburn, you’re on the air.
– Hello, Mr.Schlichtmann. It’s Anne Anderson. – Well, hello, Anne.
– 你好 Schlichtmann先生 我是Anne Anderson – Anne 你好
– How are you? – Very well. How are you? Sounds pretty.
– 你怎么样? – 我很好 你呢? 听上去是个美女
– Mm-hmm. – How come you never call me?
– 嗯哼 – 你为什么从来没给我打过电♥话♥?
Well, believe me, if I had your number, I would call you.
嗯 相信我 如果我有你号♥码的话 我肯定会给你打
– You do have it. – I do?
– 你有我的号♥码 – 我有?
You have no idea who I am.
– Is this Ricky? – No.
– 是Ricky么? – 不是
See, my son died of leukemia two years ago, Mr.Schlichtmann.
Schlichtmann先生 两年前 我的儿子死于白血病
Your firm is handling the case.
– We, we are? – Uh-huh.
– 我们 接了? – 是啊
The reason I’m calling you here…
我打到这里来 是因为…
is because my calls to your offices have gone unreturned for the last several weeks now.
这几个礼拜 我给你们事务所打电♥话♥ 都没回音
– I’m sorry. What, what was your name? – Uh, Anne.
– 对不起 您的名字是? – 嗯 是Anne
– Anne. Anne? – Anderson.
– Anne 然后呢? – Anderson
Anne Anderson. I’m writing that down as we speak.
Anne Anderson 我现在就记下你的名字了
I’m gonna take care of this.
Hey, I have an idea.
“救我一把” 嘿 我有个想法
Why don’t you come up to Woburn one of these days…
你既然说你感同身受 你这几天为何不…
and actually meet a few of those people whose pain is your pain?
来一趟沃本 亲自见见我们这些痛苦的人们?
Let me try and picture how this happened.
She called you. She cried.
她给你打电♥话♥ 然后哭了
You felt sorry for her, and you cried.
你为她难过 然后你也哭了
– And now she’s mad at me. Now that makes sense. – This is a good case.
– 结果现在她对我不爽 这可真合理啊 – 这是个好案子
– She’s not crying now. I can tell you that. – An orphan, but a good one.
– 至少我可以告诉你 她现在不哭了 – 没人肯接这个案子 但绝对是个好案子
Twelve deaths over fifteen years from leukemia. Eight of them children.
15年内有12宗白血病死亡案例 其中8例是儿童
– Is that unusual? – Apparently, statistically.
– 这不太正常是吧? – 很明显 从统计学上就不合理
– It’s a very small town. – This woman lost a child!
– 这是一个很小的镇子 – 这女人没了孩子啊!
They think it has something to do with the city’s drinking water,
which they say has always tasted funny.
What was she like before? I’d like to know that.
那孩子没死的时候怎样啊? 我很好奇
– Do you wanna hear what it’s about? – No, I don’t.
– 你想听我讲讲案情吗? – 不 我不想
I’d… I’d like to hear about it.
我… 我想听一下
Thank you, Kathy.
Kathy 谢谢你
There’s a report here from state inspectors…
that says that the water from two city wells is contaminated,
or was before they shut them down, with something called…
后来他们把井封掉了 污染物叫做…
I can’t pronounce this.
Trichloroethylene? Ethylene? Which the E.P.A. lists as a probable carcinogen.
三氯乙烯? 乙烯? 反正是被环保局列为疑似致癌物质的
– No, no, no, no. Let me stop you right there. – There’s more.
– 不不不 不用说了 – 还有别的呢
I don’t need to hear it. From a financial standpoint,
我不要听这个 从钱的角度来讲
I can tell you right now this is not a sound investment.
“Probable” is just a euphemism for “unproven”.
To prove something like this, you need new medical research.
要证实这种事情 你就得做新的医学研究
Is that the business we’re in, the medical research business?
我们像是这个行当吗 做医学研究的?
And… and you have to ask yourself, why is this an orphan?
然后… 然后你要自己想想 为什么这个案子没人接?
Why has it been kicked from firm to firm before it ended up on your desk?
它到你手里之前 别的事务所怎么都不肯接它呢?
Gordon’s right.
I mean, I can appreciate the theatrical value of several dead kids.
我是说 我当然很看好这其中数个儿童死亡的炒作价值
I mean, I like that. Obviously, that’s good.
我喜欢这点 很明显 这很好
But that’s all this case has going for it.
That’s not enough.
I’ll get rid of it.
I’ll, uh… I’ll just go up there, and…
我… 我到那里去一下 然后…
And then she’ll start to cry again, and then you’ll start to cry again.
然后她又开始哭 然后你又开始哭
And then she’ll be mad at me again, so I’ll do it. I… I’ll get rid of it.
