This is ridiculous. What a disappointment!
什么跳蚤马戏团 真是烂透了
Oh, no! You! Come here! I want my money back!
噢 不 你 过来 我要求退票
Uh, no refunds after the first two minutes.
Popcorn! Stale popcorn!
爆米花 馊爆米花
We’re losin’ the audience! You clowns get out there now!
我们观众都跑了 你们这些小丑上台表演
I hate performing on an empty stomach! Do your act, Heimlich.
我讨厌空着肚子上台表演 先表演
Then you can eat. P.T., what’s the point?
然后才能吃 团长 有什么用啊?
Not now, Slim. What’s the point of going out there? They’ll only laugh at me.
别闹了 阿竿 我们干嘛要上台去? 他们只会嘲笑我
That’s because you’re a clown! No, it’s because I’m a prop!
因为你们本来就是小丑 不 那是因为我只是道具
You always cast me as the broom, the pole, the stick, a splinter.
你老是把我当成了扫帚 竿子 棍子 或者是竹竿
You’re a walking stick. It’s funny!
你是一只竹节虫 这样好玩
Now go! You parasite.
上台 你这个寄生虫
Spring’s in the air.
And I’m a flower with nothing interesting to say. A bee!
我是一朵花 一朵没话好说的花 有蜜蜂
I am a cute little bumblebee!
Here I come!
Slow down, you flowers!
你们这些花 跑慢一点嘛
Candy corn! Here. Here. Let me help you to finish it.
玉米糖? 来 我帮你吃掉它
Hey, cutie! Wanna pollinate with a real bug?
嘿 美人儿 要让真的虫来传花粉吗?
Ooh, come to Papa, yeah!
So, bein’ a ladybug automatically makes me a girl, is that it, fly boy? Huh?
到我这来 身为瓢虫就一定是女性 是吗 苍蝇兄弟?
She’s a guy! Francis, leave them alone.
什么 她是男的 法兰斯 不要理他们
They are poopoo heads! Not again.
他们的手上有便便 别再闹了
Judging by your breath, you must have been buzzin’ around a dung heap all day.
你们的嘴巴都那么臭 一定是吃了很多大便
Come on, Francis. You’re making the maggots cry.
好了 法兰斯 你要把那些蛆弄哭了
All right, we’re dyin’ out there. Gypsy, quick! You and Manny…
好了 外面都快毁了 吉普赛 快点 你和曼尼立刻…
He’s in a trance.
Well, get him out of it! You and your husband are up now. Manny, we’re on.
快把他弄醒 你跟你老公立刻上台 曼尼 该上台了
Oh? Yet again it is up to me to rescue the performance.
又提早上 又要靠我来救这些表演者
Gypsy, come.
吉普赛 来吧
The stage is the other way, dear. Yes, of course.
舞台在另外一边 老公 我知道了
Anytime, pal! I’m gonna pick the hairs out of your head one by one!
随时候教 老兄 我会把你的头发一根一根拔光
Take your best shot! You name the place!
你尽管出招吧 地点随你挑
Oh, yeah? Yeah, ’cause when you get there, you are dead!
哦 是吗? 只要你敢来 你就死定了
Francis, let me handle this. That’s no way to speak to a lady.
法兰斯 让我来应付 对小姐不能这么没礼貌
I heard that, you twig.
我听到了 瘦竹竿
Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Manto the Magnificent…
嘿 各位先生女士 现在向你们介绍 伟大的魔术师曼尼
and his lovely assistant, Gypsy!
From the most mysterious regions of uncharted Asia…
来自亚洲最神秘的地区 没有人烟的地方
I give you the Chinese Cabinet…
of Metamorphosis!
Rosie, whole troupe. On stage! Finale! Now!
萝丝 叫所有人都上台 快结束了 快
OOkay, I just need a little time to… Now!
好 我只要再一点点时间… 现在
Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll, let’s get moving, guys. We’re up next.
来了… 阿德 阿乐换我们了 快点
Don’t you understand? We are up!
你们不懂吗 换我们上了
Hey! Hey! They don’t understand me.
嘿 嘿 他们听不懂我的话
I summon the voice of Confucius…
Get off the stage, you old hack!
你这江湖术士 快滚下台
I demand to know who said that!
How dare you!
Manny? Manny!
曼尼? 曼尼?
I only got 24 hours to live, and I ain’t gonna waste it here.
我只剩下24小时可活 我可不想浪费在这儿
Come on.
I’ve just about had it with these losers!
Flaming death!
I hold in my hand the match…
the match that decides whether two bugs live or die this very evening.
就在今天晚上决定 这两只虫的生死
In a moment, I will light this trail of matches…
等一下 我将会点燃这一排火柴
leading to a sheet of flypaper dowsed in lighter fluid!
直接烧到一张捕蝇纸 捕蝇纸上充满了汽油
Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll…
the pill bug cannonballs!
The cannon will be triggered by Dim, trained to jump at the sound of this bell…
要启动大炮的是迪姆 他被训练一听到铃♥声♥就跳
set to go off in 15 seconds.
Our pill bugs’ only hope of survival is…
our mistress of the high wire, Rosie!
唯一的生机就是高空蜘蛛小姐 萝丝
Secured to a web line of exact length…
Rosie will plummet down to these two posts…
spinning a web of safety in less than 15 seconds!
在15秒钟内织出一个安全网 接住那两只甲壳虫
Not good enough, you say? Well, what if they were all…
这样还不够刺♥激♥吗? 如果把他们通通
Ladies and gentlemen, may I suggest that those of you…
各位先生女士 我要建议
with weak constitutions leave the arena…
for this act is so dangerous…
that if the slightest thing should go wrong…
No! Go? Okay, through the tunnel…
不 糟糕开始了吗 我刚才没听到
Okay, that’s done! Whoa!
赶快… 啊
P. T! Oh, no!
团长 噢 不
We need some water! Water, water, water, water, water!
水 我们要水 水…
Get me outta here!
It’s the web. I’m sorry. It’s… You’re all fired.
都怪我太紧张了 你们全被开除了
We got the water! Here we come, P. T! We’ll save you.
水弄来啰 团长 我们来了 我们会救你
Whoa! Burn ‘im again!
快 再烧他一次
No, Harry, no! Don’t look at the light!
不 哈利 不要看那个灯
I can’t help it! It’s so beautiful!
我控制不住 那灯好漂亮
Try not to look like a country bug.
Blend… blend in.
融入 融入他们
Hey, buggy!
嘿 小臭虫…
What do you expect? The guy’s a tick.
别叫他 他身上可能有跳蚤
Wow! The city!
哇 城市
Making all stops to the septic tank, including standing water…
这班巴士会经过的站牌包括 化粪池
empty bean can and dead rat.
空的罐头 还有…老鼠
Watch your stingers. All aboard! Whoa! Hey, watch it.
小心你的刺 上车了 小心一点
Get out of the way! Oh, sorry.
不要挡路 哦 对不起
Watch where you’re goin’! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t mean…
走路要长眼睛嘛 对不起…我意思是说 不是我…
Oh, sorry!
Oh. I’m really, really sorry.
That was an-an-an ac-ac-accident.
Hey, let go of me! I’ll show ya who’s tough!
放开我的翅膀 我让你见识谁才狠
And stay out! Tough bugs!
还有 别再来了 好狠的虫虫
I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly… Wow!
我认识一个会吞苍蝇的老太婆 哇
Move it! Whoa!
让开 哇
Hey, waiter! I’m in my soup!
服务生 我的汤里面有苍蝇
I’ve been workin’ out. Feel my wing.
Yo! Two Black Flags over here!
嘿 给我来两份喷效
All right. Hair of the dog you bit.
好的 我们今天不醉不归
Hey, who ordered the poo-poo platter?
嘿 谁点了米田共大餐?
Here ya go, slick. Enjoy.
来吧 帅哥 慢用
Hey, I said no salt!
嘿 我说别加盐的
Buzz off! Oh, pardon me, sir. LI was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment.
来不及了 对不起 先生 我可以跟你谈一谈吗?
I represent a colony of-of ants,
我代表一个蚁岛 呃…蚂蚁的
and I’m looking… I’m looking for tough bugs, you know, mean bugs, the sort of bugs…
我们在找那个…强悍的傢伙 可怕的虫虫
Fired by a flea… how humiliating!
被跳蚤开除 我真丢脸啊
Let’s face it: We stink.
You fired! You fired! You fired!
Oh, will you shut up? Hey! You fired!
噢 拜托你们闭嘴 嘿 你被开除了
Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly…
没关系 将来我会是 一只漂亮的蝴蝶
and then everything will be better.
I can’t believe the troupe is breaking up. We’ve always been together.
我不敢相信这个剧团解散了 我们一直都在一起的
Farewell, my friends. To the audience we’ll never have.
再见了 我的朋友们 敬我们从未有过的掌声
Francis! Your boyfriends from the circus are here!
法兰斯 你马戏团的男朋友来了
There she is.
Hello there, girlie bug. Shoo, fly. Don’t bother me.
嗨 娘娘腔 你好啊 走开 别烦我
Say, why don’t you tell our pal, Thud…
what you said to us at the circus. Yeah.
你在马戏团对我们说些什么 对
Somethin’ about buzzin’ around a dung heap?
Uh, excuse me. Hi. I represent an ant colony, and we’re…
对不起 我代表一个蚁岛 我们现在正在…
Hey, bartender! Bloody Mary, O-positive.
嘿 酒保 血腥玛丽O型阳性
