为什么你这么食古不化 冷静点
Why do you got to go down Iike this? CaIm down!
Lorenzo, pIease!
I don`t beIieve this!
-辛尼在吗 -在好像在后面
– Is Sonny around? – I think he`s in the back.
We can`t accept that.
我给你儿子的 你儿子赚来的
Your son worked for it.
是小儿赚来的 但我不想小儿 牵涉这里的活动
Right. My son. I don`t want him invoIved in what goes on here.
牵涉什么 你在说什么啊
InvoIved in what?
别搞我了 我不是个笨蛋
PIease, I`m not a stupid man.
-你知道我什么意思 你离我儿子远点 -喂你冷静一点
– Just stay away from my son. – Hey, you stay right over here.
C你先出去 我和你爹谈谈
C, go outside.
我自会教仔 卡洛杰罗在外面等我
I`II speak to my own son. CaIogero, wait outside.
首先我尊重你 罗伦佐你是条汉子
First, I respect you, Lorenzo. You`re a stand-up guy.
不过别再像刚才那样 和我说话
But don`t ever taIk to me Iike that again.
我教你儿子要上学 上大学
I teII your son to go to schooI–
重要的不是你说什么 而是他看到了什么 锦衣名车金钱
It`s not what you say, it`s what he sees– cIothes, cars, money.
他把那些棒球明星卡 全扔光了
He threw away his basebaII cards…
他说因为米奇曼托 不会帮我付账
because Mickey MantIe wouId never pay my rent.
他这么说的吗 这小鬼真难以置信
He said that? I don`t beIieve this kid.
如果等到他的存款 比我还多 就没什么可笑的
That`s not funny when he has a bigger bank account than I do.
我给过你好差事的 你自己不干
I offered you work. You said no.
现在我还要说不干 求你别再搞我儿子了
And I say no now. Just Ieave my son aIone.
Don`t you see I treat that kid Iike he`s my son?
-他不是你的儿子 他是我的儿子 -谁的-我的
He ain`t your son. He`s my son!
-你♥他♥妈♥给我滚出去 -我根本不怕你
– Get out! – I`m not afraid of you.
-你会怕的 -辛尼我知道 你做事不择手段
– You shouId be. – I know what you can do.
这人人 都知道我循规蹈矩
And I wouId never step out of Iine.
不过这回你错了 别拿别人家庭开玩笑 这是我的儿子不是你的
But this time you`re wrong. This is my son, not yours!
你想大家吗滚出去 否则我给你一巴掌
You want to fight? Get out or I`II give you a fucking sIap!
Stay away from my son!
-我才不管你是谁 -给我滚出去
– I don`t care who you are! – Get out of here!
-我的钱在哪 -留下了
– Where`s my money? – It`s in there.
什么 你怎么可以这样做 这是我的钱
It was mine!
那钱不干净 我不让你拿
That`s bad money! You can`t have it.
-那钱是我赚的 -我说过让你离他远点
– I earned that money! – Stay away from him!
-请听我说 -我告诉你离他远点
– PIease Iisten! – Stay away from him!
-老爸 你听我说 -你听见我说什么吗 你给我离他远点
– Dad, Iisten to me! – Did you hear me? Stay away!
辛尼是对的 打工的都是笨蛋
Sonny was right. The working man is a sucker.
他错了 开枪杀人容易事
Wrong! PuIIing a trigger doesn`t take strength.
每天起早贪黑的打工谋生 让他也来试试
Get up every day and work for a Iiving! Let`s see him try that!
你就知道谁才是硬汉了 打工的都是硬汉
We`II see who`s reaIIy tough. The working man is tough.
Your father`s the tough guy!
每个人都爱他 就像公车上的乘客 都爱你一样
Everybody Ioves him, just Iike everybody Ioves you on the bus.
不一样的 人家不是爱他是怕他
No, it`s not the same. PeopIe don`t Iove him. They fear him.
There`s a difference.
-对不起 -我还是不明白老爸
– I`m sorry. – I don`t understand, Dad.
你会的等你长大了 你就明白了
You wiII. You wiII when you get oIder.
I`m sorry I hit you.
-要我治治他吗 -算了由他去吧
– ShouId I take care of him? – No, Ieave him aIone.
辛尼和我老爸 从此再不交谈
Sonny and my father never spoke to each other again.
我也没听老爸的话 跟辛尼疏远
I never Iistened to my father about staying away from him.
酒吧这么近 我有机会便溜出去
The bar was so cIose. I`d sneak away any chance I got.
8年过去了我长大了 辛尼的实力也壮大了
Eight years passed, and as I grew, Sonny grew in power.
他成了龙头老大 而我是他的朋友
He became a boss, and I was his friend.
Dion was topping the charts.
披头士 正改变着我们的生活
The BeatIes were changing our Iife-styIes.
扬基变成了末流球队 我不屑一顾
The Yankees were in Iast pIace and I didn`t give a shit.
变化无处不在 可是我住的街区却一成不变
There was change everywhere, but my neighborhood was the same.
开炮 克莱普托尼最先带出
They`re off! Kryptonite comes first from the gate!
回来了 我们下注了
– On the outside– – Here`s the kid! We`re in!
-C你下注了没有 -下了全投在 克莱普托尼身上了
– C! You get it in? – Yeah. It`s aII on Kryptonite.
-你先拿着 -看赛马先
– You hoId them. – Look at this horse go.
-加油赢定了 -看看一号♥
– Come on. Take it home! – Look at this one move!
-那马赢定了 -你会赢的克莱普托尼
– This horse can`t Iose! – You can do it, Kryptonite!
赢定了别担心 我们不会输的
It`s a Iock. Don`t even worry about it. We can`t Iose.
我知道必赢 都不想费事来看了
I`m not even going to Iook because I know we can`t Iose.
-看啊他领先了 -加油克莱普托尼
– Look! He`s puIIing away! – Come on, Kryptonite!
加油 克莱普托尼你看他
Come on, Kryptonite! Look at him!
别看了排队收钱吧 输不了的
Forget it. It`s over. It`s aII over.
Let`s go!
-就是它克莱普托尼 -加油克莱普托尼
– That`s it, Kryptonite! – Come on, Kryptonite!
让我时来运转 加油让我时来运转
Bring me Iuck! Come on. Bring me Iuck!
加油克莱普托尼 加油加油
Come on, Kryptonite! Hang in there!
-操蛋 -加油加油
– Oh, shit! – Come on! Let`s go!
Get the– He bet the fucking horse?
他押了克莱普托尼? 把票给我
He bet Kryptonite? Give me the tickets.
But, Sonny, we`re winning.
赢不了的 霉薯押了克莱普托尼 该死的扫帚星
We can`t win. The Mush bet Kryptonite. Fucking jinx!
-领先了5个身位啊 -算了我们 已经上了霉船了
– We`re five Iengths in the Iead. – Come on. We`ve been “`mushed.”`
走吧 离该死的扫帚星远点
Come on. I got to get away from this fucking jinx.
-加油一号♥ -该死的扫帚星
– Come on, one! – Fucking jinx!
Come on. You can stiII do it!
加油克莱普托尼 你还是行的
Come on, Kryptonite. You can stiII do it!
-咬住啊 -加油冲刺
– Hang in there! – Come on. Take it home!
Hang in there!
-妈的输了个马鼻 -真不敢相信会输
– Fuck! This fucking cIose! – I don`t beIieve I Iost!
I don`t fucking beIieve it!
C下一场 我有秘密贴士
Hey, C, I got a tip in the next race for you.
Go fuck yourseIf!
You`re very emotionaI.
White Birch wins it in an absoIute shocker!
We finaIIy got our own sociaI cIub.
We caIIed it the Deuces WiId.
饮料每杯一元 点唱机支付租金
Drinks were a buck and the jukebox paid the rent.
We onIy cared about hanging out.
We wouId cut cIass and hang out aII day and night.
Nobody wanted to go home…
because you might Ieave and find out Iater you missed something.
看看那边那些妞 真漂亮
Whoa, Iook at those broads over there. They`re beautifuI!
Yo, get over here! Come here!
Put it back in your pants.
-她们全是猪婆 -你怎么知道的
– Those broads are both pigs. – How do you know?
-操你C -你♥他♥妈♥的到底怎么知道的
– Fuck you, C. – How the heII do you know?
-她们没通过我的测试 -什么测试
– They`d faiI my test fast. – What test?
如果你想娶一个妞 她得通过测试
If you want to marry a girI, she`s got to pass the test.
-我称之为马里奥测试 -这个我想听听 -怎么测试
– I caII it the Mario test. – This I got to hear.
测试的步骤 你把妞带去游车河
The test is, you take a girI for a ride in your car.
高速公路上找一辆 18轮的大拖车
You puII up to one of them big 18-wheeIers on the highway.
你和大车并排走 并想法吸引司机的注意
You puII aIongside it and get the driver`s attention.
一次次地按喇叭 并保证大车司机正看着你 这是非常重要的
Honk your horn. Make sure he`s Iooking. That`s important.
同时 把你的手放在妞的头上
At the same time, put your hand behind this broad`s head…
and push her head down between your Iegs.
-把这个混♥蛋♥赶走 -那妞当然爽了
– Get the fuck out of here. – It`s for her own good.
如果那妞 明知大车司机看着她
Now, if this girI goes down on you…
knowing that truck driver is watching…
then she`s a pig who can`t be trusted.
You`re a sick maniac.
如果她们玩得兴起 把头发撩到耳后
When they`re into it, they throw their hair over their ear.
她们就是老手 相信我我有些经验
They did it before. BeIieve me, they`re fucking pros.
That`s the second time those niggers passed today.
-他们又不停留谁在乎 -我在乎
– Who gives a fuck? – I give a fuck, that`s who.
他们下来骚扰你吗 没有
Did they bother you? No.
今天一辆明天就两辆 然后这就变成他们地头了
Today it`s one car, then two, then it`s their neighborhood!
-然后他们干我们的妞 -总之不能让他们到这里来
– Then they`II fuck our broads. – They shouIdn`t be here. Period.
Invite them in. Make them have a drink.
Smash their fucking heads.
你们要这机会吗 回来
You want a shot? Take one. Come back!
路易站住 过来借我的钱呢
Louie? Dumps! Get over here! Where`s my money?
I got to do that thing. I can`t–
这家伙欠我2块钱 已经两个星期了都不还
This guy owes me 20 bucks. It`s been two fucking weeks.
