
surfeit 是一个名词和动词,具有多个用法和含义。下面是关于 surfeit 的详细说明:

  1. 定义:作为名词,surfeit 指的是过量或过度,特指食物或饮料的过度摄入。作为动词,surfeit 表示使过量或过度,或因过度而感到厌倦或恶心。
  2. 过量或过度:作为名词,surfeit 描述了一种过度或过量的状态,特别是指食物或饮料的过度摄入。它暗示了超出正常或合理限度的数量或程度。例如:”After indulging in the rich buffet, he experienced a surfeit of food.”(在享用丰盛的自助餐后,他感到吃得过多。)
  3. 引申义:除了食物和饮料,surfeit 还可以用来描述对其他事物的过度或过量,例如信息、物质、感情等。它表示超过适度或所需的程度。例如:”He had a surfeit of wealth, but still felt empty inside.”(他拥有了过多的财富,但内心仍然感到空虚。)
  4. 使过量或过度:作为动词,surfeit 意味着使过量或过度,通常指食物、饮料或其他物质的过度提供或摄入。例如:”The lavish dinner surfeited the guests with an abundance of delicacies.”(丰盛的晚餐给客人们提供了大量美食,使他们过量摄入。)
  5. 感到厌倦或恶心:作为动词,surfeit 还可以表示因过量而感到厌倦、恶心或反感。这种感觉通常与食物、饮料或其他刺激物的过度摄入相关。例如:”After eating too much candy, she was surfeited and couldn’t eat anymore.”(吃了太多糖果后,她感到厌倦,再也吃不下了。)

需要注意的是,surfeit 常常带有消极的意味,表示过度、过量或厌倦的状态。它可以用来描述食物、物质或感觉,但不适用于形容人的特征或外貌。



  1. Surfeit of food: 饮食过量
  2. Surfeit of information: 信息过剩
  3. Surfeit of options: 选择过多
  4. Surfeit of riches: 财富过多
  5. Surfeit of praise: 过多的赞扬
  6. Surfeit of work: 工作过多
  7. Surfeit of enthusiasm: 过分的热情
  8. Surfeit of possessions: 财产过多
  9. Surfeit of indulgence: 过度放纵
  10. Surfeit of entertainment: 娱乐过多
  11. Surfeit of demands: 要求过多
  12. Surfeit of noise: 噪音过多
  13. Surfeit of tourists: 游客过多
  14. Surfeit of advertisements: 广告过多
  15. Surfeit of emotions: 情绪过度



surfeit (SUR fit) As a verb or as a noun, this word expresses the idea of “over-muchness.”

  • The hosts meant well with their repeated offers of food, comforts, or entertainment, but their constant attention to his welfare surfeited the guest, who longed for a little benign neglect.
  • The grandparents, remembering their own cherishing of one or two toys in their Depression-era childhood, saw the many stuffed animals, games, and electronic gear in Miranda’s room as a surfeit that might be unappreciated or meaningless to the child.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
surfeit (SUR fit) 作为一个动词或名词,这个词表达了 “过多 “的意思。



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
