
Tribulation 是一个名词,用于描述困难、苦难或痛苦的经历。以下是关于 “tribulation” 的详细用法和相关信息:

  • 困难和苦难:tribulation 用于表示经历困难、痛苦或逆境的时期。它可以指代个人的苦难、社会的挑战或灾难等。例如,”She went through a period of great tribulation after losing her job”(她失业后经历了一段困难的时期)。
  • 试炼和考验:tribulation 可以指某人在面对困难或逆境时所经历的考验或试炼。它可以描述个人成长、信仰的考验或道德的挑战。例如,”The character in the novel faced many tribulations on his journey to self-discovery”(小说中的角色在自我发现的旅程中经历了许多考验)。
  • 灾难和苦难:tribulation 可以表示自然灾害、战争或其他大规模事件带来的痛苦和困难。它指的是社会或集体所经历的苦难。例如,”The country experienced years of tribulation during the war”(这个国家在战争期间经历了多年的苦难)。

总之,tribulation 是一个名词,用于描述困难、苦难或痛苦的经历。它可以指个人的困境、试炼,也可以表示社会或集体所经历的灾难和苦难。


  1. Great tribulation: 大灾难
  2. Endure tribulation: 忍受苦难
  3. Suffer tribulation: 遭受苦难
  4. Trials and tribulations: 艰难困苦
  5. Tribulation and hardship: 磨难与困苦
  6. Escape tribulation: 逃避苦难
  7. Overcome tribulation: 克服苦难
  8. Tribulation period: 灾难时期
  9. Tribulation of the soul: 灵魂的苦难
  10. Tribulation in life: 生活中的困厄
  11. Tribulation test: 磨难考验
  12. Tribulation and perseverance: 苦难与坚持
  13. Tribulation and sorrow: 苦难与悲伤
  14. Tribulation and adversity: 苦难与逆境
  15. Tribulation and resilience: 苦难与韧性


tribulation (trib yoo LAY shun) This noun refers to a hardship, an afflic-tion, a form of suffering. It’s not related to “tribes” or “tribunes” or “tributes.” Its surprising (to most of us, at least) origin is the Latin word for “threshing sledge”—a device that pressed on the wheat just as an affliction might press or oppress your spirit. It’s sometimes used in a spe-cialized sense within the Christian religion as a period of great suffering for believers.

  • Those working for a greater degree of racial equality in the 1960s were sustained in their tribulations by their belief that this important change would come.
  • When Martin went to the administration of his school to protest the absence of a soft drinks machine, the principal said gently, “Martin, I don’t think that going without a cola for six hours ranks as one of the great tribulations of all time.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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tribulation (trib yoo LAY shun) 这个名词指的是一种困难,一种折磨,一种痛苦。它与 “部落 “或 “护民官 “或 “贡品 “没有关系。它令人惊讶的(至少对我们大多数人来说)起源于拉丁语中的 “脱粒雪橇”–一种压迫小麦的装置,就像苦难可能压迫或压迫你的精神。在基督教中,它有时被专门用来作为信徒遭受巨大痛苦的时期。



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
