
1. Historical and Mythological Context: 历史和神话背景

  • The Pantheon of Ancient Rome (古罗马万神殿)
  • Greek Pantheon (希腊万神殿)
  • The Pantheon of Gods (众神)

2. Architectural and Cultural Significance: 建筑和文化意义

  • The Pantheon in Paris (巴黎万神殿)
  • Pantheon (万神殿)
  • Pantheon of Artists (艺术家的殿堂)
  • Pantheon of Literature (文学殿堂)

3. Figurative Usage and Symbolism: 比喻用法和象征意义

  • Pantheon of Heroes (英雄的殿堂)
  • Pantheon of Stars (明星殿堂)
  • Pantheon of Innovators (创新者殿堂)
  • Pantheon of Sports (体育界的殿堂)

4. General Usage: 一般用法

  • Enter the pantheon (进入殿堂)
  • Pantheon-like status (殿堂级别)



pantheon (PAN thee ahn) Literally, “all gods.” Today you’ll see it used in two ways: (a) spelled with a capital, it names an ancient and beautiful circular building, once a temple, later a church, in Rome or (b) a general term for a group of people regarded as most important (figuratively, “gods”) in a certain field or era.

  • Although not originally buried there, the artist Raphael now has his tomb in the Pantheon, as readers of Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons know.
  • Alvin told me that his personal pantheon of twentieth-century figures includes Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, and Joe DiMaggio.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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pantheon(PAN thee ahn)字面意思是 “所有的神”。今天,你会看到它有两种用法:(a)用大写字母拼写,它命名了罗马一座古老而美丽的圆形建筑,曾经是一座神庙,后来是一座教堂;或者(b)泛指在某个领域或时代被视为最重要的一群人(形象地称为 “神”)。


