

1. Transcendent Nature:

  • Transcendent beauty: 极度美丽,超凡美
  • Transcendent power: 超凡力量,无与伦比的力量
  • Transcendent majesty: 崇高壮丽,超凡威严
  • Transcendent serenity: 超凡宁静,无尽宁谧
  • Transcendent wonder: 超凡奇迹,非凡的惊叹

2. Transcendent Spirituality:

  • Transcendent enlightenment: 超凡启示,无上的开悟
  • Transcendent bliss: 超凡喜悦,无尽的幸福
  • Transcendent consciousness: 超凡意识,超越的知觉
  • Transcendent connection: 超凡联系,超越的连接
  • Transcendent unity: 超凡统一,无限的融合

3. Transcendent Experience:

  • Transcendent joy: 超凡喜悦,极乐
  • Transcendent ecstasy: 超凡狂喜,狂喜状态
  • Transcendent rapture: 超凡陶醉,狂喜的情绪
  • Transcendent fulfillment: 超越满足,极度满意
  • Transcendent transformation: 超越转变,彻底的变化

4. Transcendent Art:

  • Transcendent masterpiece: 卓越杰作,超凡的艺术品
  • Transcendent creativity: 超凡创造力,无限的创意
  • Transcendent expression: 超凡表达,非凡的呈现
  • Transcendent beauty: 卓越之美,超越的美学
  • Transcendent vision: 超凡视野,非凡的眼界

5. Transcendent Love:

  • Transcendent devotion: 超凡奉献,无尽的忠诚
  • Transcendent bond: 超凡纽带,超越的联系
  • Transcendent compassion: 超凡同情心,深切的怜悯
  • Transcendent connection: 超凡连接,无限的联结
  • Transcendent union: 超越结合,完美的融合



  1. Transcendent beauty: 卓越的美
  2. Transcendent experience: 超凡的体验
  3. Transcendent wisdom: 卓越的智慧
  4. Transcendent love: 超越的爱
  5. Transcendent joy: 卓越的喜悦
  6. Transcendent spirituality: 超凡的灵性
  7. Transcendent power: 卓越的力量
  8. Transcendent nature: 超越的自然
  9. Transcendent art: 卓越的艺术
  10. Transcendent knowledge: 超凡的知识
  11. Transcendent beauty: 卓越的美
  12. Transcendent grace: 超凡的优雅
  13. Transcendent talent: 卓越的才华
  14. Transcendent achievement: 超越的成就
  15. Transcendent peace: 卓越的和平


transcendent (tran SEND ant) This adjective is most often used to mean “lying beyond the ordinary range of perception” or “not part of the mate-rial universe.” In his theory of knowledge, the philosopher Immanuel Kant uses the word to mean “beyond the limits of experience and therefore unknowable.” The word should not be confused with “transcendental,” which means “concerned with the intuitive basis of knowledge,” a term which forms the basis of a nineteenth-century literary and philosophical movement associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson, among others.

According to most religions, God is a being of transcendent power who is ultimately unknowable to human beings.

Because of the unbroken horizon line and the excessive moisture in the air, the sunsets along the beach in Key West have a transcendent glory that renders them as spectacular as any sunsets in the world.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
超越(tran SEND ant)这个形容词最常被用来表示 “位于普通感知范围之外 “或 “不属于母体宇宙”。在他的知识理论中,哲学家伊曼纽尔-康德用这个词来表示 “超越经验的界限,因此是不可知的”。这个词不应与 “超验 “混淆,后者的意思是 “关注知识的直觉基础”,这个词构成了十九世纪与拉尔夫-瓦尔多-爱默生等人相关的文学和哲学运动的基础。


