


  1. Show demonstrative behavior: 展示表达性的行为
  2. Use demonstrative gestures: 使用指示性的手势
  3. Give a demonstrative presentation: 进行一次生动的演示
  4. Provide demonstrative evidence: 提供明显的证据
  5. Display demonstrative actions: 展示有力的行动
  6. Express demonstrative emotions: 表达强烈的情感
  7. Offer demonstrative support: 提供有力的支持
  8. Behave in a demonstrative manner: 以有力的方式行事
  9. Exhibit demonstrative traits: 显示出有力的特点
  10. Deliver a demonstrative speech: 发表一次生动的演讲
  11. Show demonstrative affection: 表现出热情的爱意
  12. Use demonstrative pronouns: 使用指示代词
  13. Engage in demonstrative acts of kindness: 参与有力的善举
  14. Have a demonstrative impact: 产生显著的影响
  15. Communicate through demonstrative language: 通过有力的语言进行沟通
  16. Illustrate a point with demonstrative examples: 用明显的例子阐述观点
  17. Display demonstrative behavior towards others: 对他人展示出有力的行为
  18. Demonstrate a demonstrative approach: 展示一种有力的方式
  19. React with demonstrative outrage: 以明显的愤怒作出反应
  20. Use demonstrative adjectives: 使用指示形容词
  21. Show demonstrative enthusiasm: 表现出明显的热情
  22. Express demonstrative gratitude: 表达明显的感激之情
  23. Exhibit demonstrative leadership: 显示出有力的领导力
  24. Offer demonstrative praise: 给予明显的赞扬
  25. Behave in a demonstrative way to gain attention: 以有力的方式行事以引起注意
  26. Convey a message through demonstrative actions: 通过有力的行动传达信息
  27. Respond with demonstrative excitement: 以明显的兴奋作出回应
  28. Display demonstrative skills: 展示出有力的技能
  29. Use demonstrative terms to clarify: 使用明显的术语来澄清
  30. Demonstrate a demonstrative attitude towards challenges: 对挑战展示有力的态度
  31. Show demonstrative pride in one’s accomplishments: 对自己的成就表现出明显的自豪感
  32. Express demonstrative happiness: 表达出明显的幸福感
  33. Exhibit demonstrative empathy: 显示出有力的同理心
  34. Give a demonstrative nod of approval: 给予明显的认可点头
  35. Use demonstrative behavior to reinforce a message: 使用有力的行为来加强一个信息
  36. React with demonstrative disappointment: 以明显的失望作出反应
  37. Show demonstrative care for others: 对他人表现出明显的关心
  38. Illustrate a concept with demonstrative visuals: 用明显的视觉效果阐述一个概念
  39. Display demonstrative gratitude towards supporters: 对支持者表达明显的感激之情
  40. Demonstrate a demonstrative understanding of the topic: 对话题展示出明显的理解
  41. Use demonstrative language to emphasize a point: 使用明显的语言强调一个观点
  42. React with demonstrative surprise: 以明显的惊讶作出反应
  43. Behave in a demonstrative manner to inspire others: 以有力的方式行事以激励他人
  44. Convey a feeling through demonstrative expressions: 通过明显的表情传达一种感觉
  45. Exhibit demonstrative loyalty: 显示出明显的忠诚
  46. Offer demonstrative feedback: 提供明显的反馈
  47. Behave in a demonstrative way to assert dominance: 以有力的方式行事以主导局面
  48. React with demonstrative anger: 以明显的愤怒作出反应
  49. Show demonstrative curiosity: 表现出明显的好奇心
  50. Use demonstrative examples to illustrate a concept: 使用明显的例子来阐述一个概念



demonstrative (dem ON strat iv) This adjective means “given to open expression of emotion.” Someone who is “demonstrative” usually, but not always, demonstrates friendly or loving feelings. The noun form is “demonstrativeness,” not “demonstration.”

•The newlyweds were very demonstrative in public; they always held hands on the street and often kissed while seated in restaurants.

•The insurance salesman’s demonstrativeness was apparent when he began to weep when his beloved Florida Marlins won the World Series.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
指示的(dem ON strat iv)这个形容词的意思是“开放地表达情感”。“指示”的人通常(但不总是)表现出友好或爱的感情。名词形式是“示范性”,而不是“示范”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
