


  1. toothsome meal: 美味可口的餐点
  2. toothsome desserts: 美味可口的甜点
  3. toothsome treats: 美味可口的小吃
  4. toothsome delicacies: 美味可口的美食
  5. toothsome flavors: 美味可口的味道
  6. toothsome cuisine: 美味可口的烹饪
  7. toothsome dishes: 美味可口的菜肴
  8. toothsome recipes: 美味可口的食谱
  9. toothsome snacks: 美味可口的零食
  10. toothsome appetizers: 美味可口的开胃菜
  11. toothsome aromas: 美味可口的香气
  12. toothsome ingredients: 美味可口的食材
  13. toothsome sauces: 美味可口的酱料
  14. toothsome flavors and textures: 美味可口的味道和口感
  15. toothsome drinks: 美味可口的饮品
  16. toothsome barbecues: 美味可口的烧烤食品
  17. toothsome seafood: 美味可口的海鲜
  18. toothsome pastries: 美味可口的糕点
  19. toothsome breakfast options: 美味可口的早餐选择
  20. toothsome grilled dishes: 美味可口的烤菜
  21. toothsome sandwiches: 美味可口的三明治
  22. toothsome soups: 美味可口的汤
  23. toothsome noodles: 美味可口的面条
  24. toothsome desserts and confections: 美味可口的甜点和糖果
  25. toothsome cheese and charcuterie: 美味可口的奶酪和冷盘
  26. toothsome pasta dishes: 美味可口的意大利面食
  27. toothsome vegetarian options: 美味可口的素食选择
  28. toothsome comfort food: 美味可口的安慰食物
  29. toothsome international cuisine: 美味可口的国际美食
  30. toothsome fusion dishes: 美味可口的融合菜肴
  31. toothsome bakes and pastries: 美味可口的烘焙和糕点
  32. toothsome condiments: 美味可口的调味品
  33. toothsome street food: 美味可口的街头小吃
  34. toothsome gourmet options: 美味可口的美食选择
  35. toothsome meat dishes: 美味可口的肉类菜肴
  36. toothsome side dishes: 美味可口的配菜
  37. toothsome home-cooked meals: 美味可口的家常菜
  38. toothsome seasonal specialties: 美味可口的时令特色菜
  39. toothsome farm-to-table cuisine: 美味可口的农场至餐桌烹饪
  40. toothsome presentation: 美味可口的呈现方式
  41. toothsome flavors bursting in the mouth: 美味可口的口感
  42. toothsome and satisfying: 美味可口且令人满足
  43. toothsome and delectable: 美味可口且可口的
  44. toothsome and indulgent: 美味可口且奢侈的
  45. toothsome and succulent: 美味可口且多汁的



toothsome (TOOTH sum) Though something or someone that is toothsome might inspire a wide, toothy grin, the word has very little to do with teeth. This adjective actually means “delicious” or “luscious,” as in a tasty meal, or “sexually attractive and exciting,” as in a handsome woman or man.

•With her stunning good looks and impressive mind, Alexandra was certainly a toothsome girl.

•The toothsome lobster thermidor was cooked to a turn.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
