



  1. cheeky remark: 厚脸皮的话语
  2. cheeky grin: 厚脸皮的笑容
  3. cheeky response: 厚脸皮的回应
  4. cheeky attitude: 厚脸皮的态度
  5. cheeky behavior: 厚脸皮的行为
  6. cheeky retort: 厚脸皮的反驳
  7. cheeky banter: 厚脸皮的玩笑
  8. cheeky request: 厚脸皮的请求
  9. cheeky flirtation: 厚脸皮的调情
  10. cheeky invitation: 厚脸皮的邀请
  11. cheeky taunt: 厚脸皮的嘲弄
  12. cheeky prank: 厚脸皮的恶作剧
  13. cheeky defiance: 厚脸皮的挑衅
  14. cheeky confidence: 厚脸皮的自信
  15. cheeky rebellion: 厚脸皮的反叛
  16. cheeky mockery: 厚脸皮的嘲笑
  17. cheeky manipulation: 厚脸皮的操纵
  18. cheeky insubordination: 厚脸皮的不服从
  19. cheeky audacity: 厚脸皮的大胆
  20. cheeky disregard for rules: 对规则的厚脸皮漠视
  21. cheeky provocation: 厚脸皮的挑衅
  22. cheeky interruption: 厚脸皮的打扰
  23. cheeky mischief: 厚脸皮的淘气
  24. cheeky sass: 厚脸皮的放肆
  25. cheeky impropriety: 厚脸皮的不当行为
  26. cheeky disregard for authority: 对权威的厚脸皮漠视
  27. cheeky disregard for boundaries: 对界限的厚脸皮漠视
  28. cheeky disregard for etiquette: 对礼仪的厚脸皮漠视
  29. cheeky defiance of social norms: 对社会规范的厚脸皮挑战
  30. cheeky charm: 厚脸皮的魅力
  31. cheeky manipulation of situations: 对情况的厚脸皮操纵
  32. cheeky disregard for consequences: 对后果的厚脸皮漠视
  33. cheeky disregard for personal space: 对个人空间的厚脸皮漠视
  34. cheeky disregard for privacy: 对隐私的厚脸皮漠视
  35. cheeky disregard for social cues: 对社交暗示的厚脸皮漠视
  36. cheeky disregard for traditions: 对传统的厚脸皮漠视
  37. cheeky disregard for decorum: 对礼仪的厚脸皮漠视
  38. cheeky flirtatious behavior: 厚脸皮的调情行为
  39. cheeky teasing: 厚脸皮的戏弄
  40. cheeky confidence in one’s abilities: 对自己能力的厚脸皮自信
  41. cheeky disregard for social expectations: 对社交期望的厚脸皮漠视
  42. cheeky disregard for societal norms: 对社会规范的厚脸皮漠视
  43. cheeky disregard for authority figures: 对权威人物的厚脸皮漠视
  44. cheeky disregard for rules and regulations: 对规章制度的厚脸皮漠视
  45. cheeky disregard for proper behavior: 对适当行为的厚脸皮漠视
  46. cheeky disregard for personal boundaries: 对个人界限的厚脸皮漠视
  47. cheeky disregard for professional etiquette: 对职业礼仪的厚脸皮漠视
  48. cheeky disregard for social niceties: 对社交礼仪的厚脸皮漠视
  49. cheeky disregard for cultural sensitivities: 对文化敏感性的厚脸皮漠视
  50. cheeky disregard for common courtesy: 对常规礼貌的厚脸皮漠视


cheeky (CHEEK ee) Like the synonymous adjective “saucy,” this is a charming word for impudently bold. It’s usually used to describe the flouting of social conventions and sometimes has a positive spin. Its roots are in the Old English, and the noun form is “cheek.”

•Blanche had the cheek to call my mother a shrew right in front of my face.

•It was very cheeky of Hermione to wear a leopard-print jumpsuit to the ladies’ luncheon; she made everyone else look dull by comparison.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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厚脸皮(CHEEK ee)就像同义形容词“saucy”一样,这是一个无礼大胆的迷人词。它通常用来描述对社会习俗的蔑视,有时也有积极的含义。它的词根是古英语,名词形式是“check”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
