
英 [ɪ'nɔːmɪtɪ]美 [ɪ'nɔrməti]



n. 巨大;暴行;极恶



  1. The enormity of the situation: 情况的巨大性
  2. The enormity of the crime: 罪行的极恶性
  3. The enormity of the task: 任务的巨大性
  4. Realize the enormity of the problem: 意识到问题的巨大性
  5. The enormity of the disaster: 灾难的巨大性
  6. Grasp the enormity of the challenge: 理解挑战的巨大性
  7. The enormity of the decision: 决定的重大性
  8. Face the enormity of the consequences: 面对后果的严重性
  9. The enormity of the loss: 损失的巨大性
  10. Recognize the enormity of the mistake: 认识到错误的严重性
  11. Confront the enormity of the truth: 面对真相的巨大性
  12. Unleash the enormity of their power: 发挥他们的巨大力量
  13. Grapple with the enormity of the challenge: 应对挑战的巨大性
  14. The enormity of the burden: 负担的巨大性
  15. Comprehend the enormity of the situation: 理解情况的巨大性
  16. Overwhelmed by the enormity of the task: 被任务的巨大性压倒
  17. The enormity of the suffering: 苦难的巨大性
  18. Realize the enormity of the impact: 意识到影响的巨大性
  19. The enormity of the challenge ahead: 面临的巨大挑战
  20. Contemplate the enormity of the decision: 思考决定的重大性
  21. The enormity of the injustice: 不公正的巨大性
  22. The enormity of the achievement: 成就的巨大性
  23. Awed by the enormity of the revelation: 对启示的巨大性感到敬畏
  24. The enormity of the responsibility: 责任的巨大性
  25. Fully grasp the enormity of the situation: 充分了解情况的巨大性
  26. Confront the enormity of the challenge: 面对挑战的巨大性
  27. The enormity of the impact on society: 对社会的巨大影响
  28. The enormity of the tragedy: 悲剧的巨大性
  29. The enormity of the betrayal: 背叛的极恶性
  30. Overwhelmed by the enormity of the crime: 被罪行的极恶性压倒
  31. The enormity of the violation: 违反的严重性
  32. Realize the enormity of their actions: 意识到他们行为的极恶性
  33. Confront the enormity of the consequences: 面对后果的严重性
  34. The enormity of the damage: 损害的巨大性
  35. The enormity of the suffering endured: 经历的苦难的巨大性
  36. The enormity of the crisis: 危机的巨大性
  37. Grasp the enormity of the challenge ahead: 理解即将面临的巨大挑战
  38. The enormity of the betrayal felt: 感受到的背叛的极恶性
  39. The enormity of the offense: 犯罪行为的严重性
  40. The enormity of the environmental impact: 环境影响的巨大性
  41. Face the enormity of the truth: 面对真相的极恶性


enormity (ee NORM it ee) Originally this noun meant only a “monstrous evil or outrage.” Over the years, however, it has been so misused to mean “large size” (as in “enormousness”) that “immensity” has grad-ually come to be another accepted meaning. Excessive evil is still the preferred definition.

•The enormity of John F. Kennedy’s assassination shocked and saddened the country for many years.

•The enormity of the concentration camps is detailed in Elie Wiesel’s book Night.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
enormity(ee NORM it ee)这个名词最初只意味着“可怕的邪恶或愤怒”。然而,多年来,它被误用为“巨大”(如“巨大”),“无限”逐渐成为另一个被接受的意思。过度邪恶仍然是首选的定义。
•集中营的规模在埃利·维塞尔(Elie Wiesel)的著作《夜晚》(Night)中有详细描述。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
