
n. 咯咯声;汩汩声
vi. 作汩汩声;作咯咯声
vt. 用咯咯声表示



1. gorge => garg-, gurg-, gorg- “throat, , waterspout from throat” (originated as an imitation of throat sounds, imitative of throat sounds.) => gurgle.
2. medical term for “gurgling heard in the abdomen”. Extended (non-anatomical) use, in reference to water over stones, etc.
3. 谐音“咯咯、咯儿咯”。拟声词。


gurgle 汩汩声
拟声词,模仿水流的声音。比较gargle, gorge.


单词解释: “Gurgle” 是一个动词,用以形容液体作出潺潺声音,通常是轻快且连续的声音。

以下是包含单词 “gurgle” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Gurgle of water: 水声潺溺
  2. Gurgle of a stream: 小溪潺流声
  3. Gurgle with delight: 欣喜欢乐的咯咯声
  4. Gurgle of a baby: 婴儿的咯咯声
  5. Gurgle with laughter: 笑声连连
  6. Gurgle of a brook: 小溪的潺潺声
  7. Gurgle of a river: 河水潺潺
  8. Gurgle of a fountain: 喷泉的潺潺声
  9. Gurgle of excitement: 兴奋的咯咯声
  10. Gurgle of contentment: 满足的咯咯声
  11. Gurgle with happiness: 幸福的声音
  12. Gurgle of satisfaction: 满意的声音
  13. Gurgle of a waterfall: 瀑布的潺潺声
  14. Gurgle of a gurgling stomach: 胃的咯咯声
  15. Gurgle of a coffee maker: 咖啡机的噗噗声
  16. Gurgle of a teapot: 茶壶的咯咯声
  17. Gurgle of a percolator: 过滤壶的声音
  18. Gurgle of a brewing kettle: 开水壶的声音
  19. Gurgle of a brewing coffee: 冲泡咖啡的声音
  20. Gurgle with amusement: 开心的咯咯声
  21. Gurgle of a sink draining: 水槽排水的声音
  22. Gurgle of bubbles in a bath: 浴缸中气泡的声音
  23. Gurgle of a water cooler: 饮水机的咯咯声
  24. Gurgle of a fish tank filter: 鱼缸过滤器的声音
  25. Gurgle of a stream flowing: 小溪流淌的声音
  26. Gurgle with pleasure: 快乐的咯咯声
  27. Gurgle of a bubbling spring: 涌泉的声音
  28. Gurgle of a geyser erupting: 间歇泉爆发的声音
  29. Gurgle of a hot spring: 温泉的咯咯声
  30. Gurgle of a river winding: 蜿蜒河水的声音
  31. Gurgle of a sink filling: 水槽注满的声音
  32. Gurgle of a water jug: 水罐的咯咯声
  33. Gurgle of a water pipe: 水管的声音
  34. Gurgle of a waterlogged area: 积水区的声音
  35. Gurgle of a swishing broom: 扫把刷地的声音
  36. Gurgle of a percolating coffee pot: 咖啡壶渗滤的声音
  37. Gurgle of an espresso machine: 浓缩咖啡机的声音
  38. Gurgle of a draining bathtub: 浴缸排水的声音
  39. Gurgle of a dishwasher: 洗碗机的咯咯声
  40. Gurgle of a washing machine: 洗衣机的声音
  41. Gurgle of a toilet flushing: 马桶冲水的声音
  42. Gurgle of a clogged drain: 堵塞下水道的声音
  43. Gurgle of a gurgling brook: 小溪潺溺的声音
  44. Gurgle of a bubbling cauldron: 沸腾的大锅的声音
  45. Gurgle of a swimming pool filter: 游泳池过滤器的声音
  46. Gurgle of a pouring pitcher: 倾倒壶的声音
  47. Gurgle of a sizzling pan: 煎锅的咯咯声
  48. Gurgle of a sink faucet: 水槽龙头的声音
  49. Gurgle of a garbage disposal: 垃圾处理器的声音
  50. Gurgle of a water feature: 水景的咯咯声
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
