
n. 花环
vt. 戴花环
n. (Garland)人名;(英、西、瑞典)加兰




1. 卡兰蒂(GARLAND)品牌: 在欧洲的意大利,卡兰蒂(GARLAND)意喻花环花冠,一直是精致优雅与浪漫时尚的化身。


garland 花环,花冠
来自PIE*wer, 转,弯,编织,词源同wreath, crown.


Garland 是一个名词,意为”花环”,通常是用鲜花、树叶、彩带等装饰而成的环形物。以下是与 “garland” 相关的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Flower garland: 鲜花花环
  2. Christmas garland: 圣诞花环
  3. Wedding garland: 婚礼花环
  4. Holiday garland: 节日花环
  5. Garland of leaves: 叶子花环
  6. Colorful garland: 多彩花环
  7. Festive garland: 节庆花环
  8. Rose garland: 玫瑰花环
  9. Garland of lights: 灯饰花环
  10. A floral garland: 花卉花环
  11. Garland of daisies: 雏菊花环
  12. Garland of ivy: 常青藤花环
  13. Autumn garland: 秋季花环
  14. Garland of seashells: 贝壳花环
  15. Garland of fruit: 水果花环
  16. Garland of herbs: 草本花环
  17. Garland of roses and lilies: 玫瑰和百合花环
  18. Tropical garland: 热带花环
  19. Holiday garland decoration: 节日花环装饰
  20. Wreath and garland: 花环和花环
  21. Garland with ribbon: 带丝带的花环
  22. Garland adorns the doorway: 花环装点门口
  23. Hang a garland: 悬挂花环
  24. Floral garland for celebrations: 庆典的花卉花环
  25. Garland of fragrant blossoms: 芳香花朵的花环
  26. Vibrant garland of colors: 多彩花环
  27. String lights on the garland: 灯串在花环上
  28. Garland of spring flowers: 春季花卉花环
  29. Garland around a pole: 绕着杆的花环
  30. Garland of paper flowers: 纸花花环
  31. Garland draped over a fireplace: 悬挂在壁炉上的花环
  32. Garland for a Hawaiian luau: 夏威夷盛宴的花环
  33. A garland of jasmine: 茉莉花环
  34. Artificial garland for decoration: 人造花环装饰
  35. Garland of scented roses: 芬芳的玫瑰花环
  36. Create a DIY garland: 制作自制花环
  37. Festooned with a garland: 花环装饰
  38. Garland with tinsel: 镶边花环
  39. A garland of aromatic herbs: 香草花环
  40. Drape a garland around a banister: 绕栏杆悬挂花环
  41. Garland of lilies and orchids: 百合和兰花花环
  42. Garland for a costume party: 主题派对的花环
  43. Hang a garland of stars: 悬挂星星花环
  44. Garland of pastel flowers: 淡色花卉花环
  45. Festive garland for the mantelpiece: 壁炉架上的节庆花环
  46. Flower garland for a wedding arch: 婚礼拱门的花环
  47. Garland made of silk flowers: 丝绸花制成的花环
  48. Garland of autumn leaves: 秋叶花环
  49. Garland of holly and mistletoe: 冬青和槲寄生花环
  50. Garland lit with candles: 点亮蜡烛的花环
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
