
vt. 叠,卷收;收拢
vi. 收拢,卷起
n. 卷起,折叠;卷起之物



1. curl <===> furl.
2. perhaps from firm + -lier “to bind” (from Latin ligare).
3. firm + curl => furl: 紧紧地卷起、卷牢.
4. fur + curl => furl: 皮卷起。
5. fold +curl => furl.


furl 卷起,收拢
fur-,来自firm, 固定。-l, 缩写自lier, 词源同ligate, 绑定。用于指收帆,收拢。


Furl 是一个动词,通常用于描述将物体(通常是帆)卷起或折叠。以下是与 “furl” 相关的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. Furl the sail: 卷帆
  2. Furl the flag: 折叠旗帜
  3. Furl the umbrella: 收起伞
  4. Furl the banner: 卷起横幅
  5. Furl the flagpole: 收起旗杆
  6. Furl the awning: 卷起遮阳篷
  7. Furl the sailboat’s sails: 卷起帆船的帆
  8. Furl the parachute: 折叠降落伞
  9. Furl the tent: 卷起帐篷
  10. Furl the map: 折叠地图
  11. Furl the poster: 卷起海报
  12. Furl the magazine: 折叠杂志
  13. Furl the paper: 卷起纸张
  14. Furl the scroll: 卷起卷轴
  15. Furl the parchment: 卷起羊皮纸
  16. Furl the document: 折叠文件
  17. Furl the banner flag: 卷起横幅旗帜
  18. Furl the decorative cloth: 卷起装饰布
  19. Furl the ship’s flag: 卷起船上的旗帜
  20. Furl the camping gear: 卷起露营装备
  21. Furl the poster board: 卷起海报板
  22. Furl the classroom map: 折叠教室地图
  23. Furl the costume: 卷起服装
  24. Furl the party decorations: 卷起派对装饰
  25. Furl the backdrop: 卷起背景布
  26. Furl the beach umbrella: 卷起沙滩伞
  27. Furl the projector screen: 卷起投影仪幕布
  28. Furl the painting canvas: 卷起绘画画布
  29. Furl the wedding banner: 卷起婚礼横幅
  30. Furl the protest banner: 卷起抗议横幅
  31. Furl the car’s sunshade: 卷起汽车遮阳帘
  32. Furl the campaign poster: 卷起竞选海报
  33. Furl the advertising banner: 卷起广告横幅
  34. Furl the restaurant menu: 折叠餐厅菜单
  35. Furl the theater backdrop: 卷起剧院背景布
  36. Furl the event banner: 卷起活动横幅
  37. Furl the trade show display: 卷起展示摊位
  38. Furl the painting tarpaulin: 卷起油布画布
  39. Furl the concert poster: 卷起音乐会海报
  40. Furl the information banner: 卷起信息横幅
  41. Furl the display board: 卷起展示板
  42. Furl the campaign banner flag: 卷起竞选横幅旗帜
  43. Furl the protest sign: 卷起抗议标语牌
  44. Furl the historical document: 折叠历史文件
  45. Furl the sporting event flag: 卷起体育赛事旗帜
  46. Furl the picnic blanket: 卷起野餐毯
  47. Furl the trade show signage: 卷起展会标牌
  48. Furl the advertising banner: 卷起广告横幅
  49. Furl the political campaign poster: 卷起政治竞选海报
  50. Furl the parade float decoration: 卷起游行花车装饰

这些短语有助于理解 “furl” 以及与卷起、折叠相关的动作。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
