
adj. 疯狂的;狂乱的;激怒的
v. 使狂乱(frenzy的过去式)



单词 “frenzied” 的中文意思是 “疯狂的”,通常用来形容充满激情或狂热的状态。以下是包含单词 “frenzied” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. A frenzied attack – 疯狂的攻击
  2. Frenzied excitement – 疯狂的兴奋
  3. Frenzied activity – 疯狂的活动
  4. Frenzied pace – 疯狂的节奏
  5. Frenzied enthusiasm – 疯狂的热情
  6. Frenzied behavior – 疯狂的行为
  7. Frenzied cheering – 疯狂的欢呼
  8. Frenzied fans – 疯狂的粉丝
  9. Frenzied celebration – 疯狂的庆祝
  10. Frenzied crowd – 疯狂的人群
  11. Frenzied anticipation – 疯狂的期待
  12. Frenzied response – 疯狂的反应
  13. Frenzied buying spree – 疯狂的购物狂潮
  14. Frenzied bidding war – 疯狂的竞价战
  15. Frenzied competition – 疯狂的竞争
  16. Frenzied rush – 疯狂的冲刺
  17. Frenzied activity on the stock market – 股市上的疯狂交易
  18. Frenzied preparations – 疯狂的准备
  19. Frenzied search – 疯狂的搜寻
  20. Frenzied quest – 疯狂的追求
  21. Frenzied pursuit – 疯狂的追逐
  22. Frenzied energy – 疯狂的能量
  23. Frenzied dance – 疯狂的舞蹈
  24. Frenzied sprint – 疯狂的冲刺
  25. Frenzied workout – 疯狂的锻炼
  26. Frenzied discussion – 疯狂的讨论
  27. Frenzied brainstorming – 疯狂的头脑风暴
  28. Frenzied creativity – 疯狂的创造力
  29. Frenzied pace of life – 疯狂的生活节奏
  30. Frenzied partying – 疯狂的派对
  31. Frenzied holiday shopping – 疯狂的假日购物
  32. Frenzied media coverage – 疯狂的媒体报道
  33. Frenzied online activity – 疯狂的在线活动
  34. Frenzied social media sharing – 疯狂的社交媒体分享
  35. Frenzied applause – 疯狂的掌声
  36. Frenzied protest – 疯狂的抗议
  37. Frenzied reaction – 疯狂的反应
  38. Frenzied anticipation of a big event – 对大事件的疯狂期待
  39. Frenzied rush to the scene – 疯狂冲向现场
  40. Frenzied shopping on Black Friday – 黑色星期五的疯狂购物
  41. Frenzied trading on the stock exchange – 股票交易所的疯狂交易
  42. Frenzied celebration of a championship win – 对冠军胜利的疯狂庆祝
  43. Frenzied response to breaking news – 对突发新闻的疯狂反应
  44. Frenzied excitement at a music concert – 音乐会上的疯狂兴奋
  45. Frenzied rush for tickets – 对门票的疯狂争抢
  46. Frenzied speculation in the real estate market – 房地产市场的疯狂炒作
  47. Frenzied enthusiasm for a new product launch – 对新产品发布的疯狂热情
  48. Frenzied atmosphere at a sports event – 体育赛事上的疯狂氛围
  49. Frenzied activity in the emergency room – 急诊室的疯狂忙碌
  50. Frenzied preparations for a major event – 大型活动的疯狂准备


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
