
n. 深谋远虑;先见;考虑将来
adj. 预先计划好的


单词 “forethought” 的中文意思是 “预谋” 或 “先见之明”,通常指事先考虑和计划。以下是包含单词 “forethought” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Lack of forethought – 缺乏预谋
  2. Exercise forethought – 进行预谋
  3. Show forethought – 表现出预见之明
  4. Use forethought in decision-making – 在决策中使用预谋
  5. Plan with forethought – 提前计划
  6. Act with forethought – 有预谋地行动
  7. The result of forethought – 预谋的结果
  8. Forethought and preparation – 预谋和准备
  9. Careful forethought – 慎重的预谋
  10. A lack of forethought can lead to problems – 缺乏预谋可能导致问题
  11. It requires forethought to solve this issue – 解决这个问题需要预谋
  12. Forethought is essential for success – 预谋对成功至关重要
  13. Forethought leads to better decisions – 预谋会导致更好的决策
  14. The benefits of forethought – 预谋的好处
  15. Acting with forethought is wise – 有预谋地行动是明智的
  16. He displayed great forethought in his plans – 他在计划中表现出了很大的预谋
  17. Forethought prevents mistakes – 预谋可以防止错误
  18. Forethought ensures a smooth process – 预谋确保流程顺利进行
  19. She used forethought to anticipate problems – 她使用预谋来预见问题
  20. Forethought is a key to efficiency – 预谋是效率的关键
  21. Employ forethought in your strategy – 在你的战略中使用预谋
  22. Lack of forethought can lead to regret – 缺乏预谋可能导致后悔
  23. Successful planning requires forethought – 成功的规划需要预谋
  24. Forethought helps in risk assessment – 预谋有助于风险评估
  25. Forethought ensures timely completion – 预谋确保按时完成
  26. They praised his forethought in the project – 他们称赞了他在项目中的预谋
  27. Good leaders use forethought – 优秀的领导者使用预谋
  28. The importance of forethought cannot be overstated – 无法过分强调预谋的重要性
  29. Forethought contributes to effective problem-solving – 预谋有助于有效的问题解决
  30. Proper forethought minimizes risks – 适当的预谋可以减小风险
  31. Forethought is the key to preparedness – 预谋是做好准备的关键
  32. Forethought prevents hasty decisions – 预谋可以防止仓促决策
  33. With proper forethought, success is achievable – 通过适当的预谋,成功是可以实现的
  34. Forethought is an important aspect of leadership – 预谋是领导的重要方面
  35. They failed due to a lack of forethought – 由于缺乏预谋,他们失败了
  36. The project succeeded thanks to careful forethought – 由于慎重的预谋,项目取得了成功
  37. The importance of forethought in innovation – 创新中的预谋的重要性
  38. Forethought is essential in crisis management – 预谋在危机管理中至关重要
  39. Successful entrepreneurs often use forethought – 成功的企业家经常使用预谋
  40. She demonstrated exceptional forethought – 她展现出了卓越的预谋
  41. Forethought leads to resource optimization – 预谋导致资源的优化利用
  42. He credited his success to forethought – 他把成功归功于预谋
  43. Forethought is an attribute of effective leaders – 预谋是有效领导者的品质
  44. Good project management requires forethought – 良好的项目管理需要预谋
  45. The team benefited from his forethought – 团队受益于他的预谋
  46. Proper forethought prevents last-minute rushes – 适当的预谋可以防止临时抱佛脚
  47. Successful businesses prioritize forethought – 成功的企业优先考虑预谋
  48. Forethought improves decision quality – 预谋提高了决策质量
  49. Forethought is a sign of maturity – 预谋是成熟的标志
  50. Forethought leads to strategic advantages – 预谋带来战略优势
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
