
vt. 预先警告


单词 “forewarn” 的中文意思是 “预先警告” 或 “事先通知”,指在事件发生前提前告知或警告他人。以下是包含单词 “forewarn” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Forewarn of danger – 预先警告危险
  2. Forewarned is forearmed – 有备无患
  3. Forewarn of potential risks – 预先警告潜在风险
  4. Forewarn of adverse consequences – 预先警告不利后果
  5. Forewarn about a change in plans – 预先通知计划变更
  6. Forewarn about possible delays – 预先提醒可能的延误
  7. Forewarn about a potential crisis – 预先警告潜在危机
  8. Forewarn of upcoming events – 预先通知即将发生的事件
  9. Forewarn of bad weather – 预先警告恶劣天气
  10. Forewarn of safety precautions – 预先警告安全预防措施
  11. Forewarn about a product recall – 预先通知产品召回
  12. Forewarn of financial risks – 预先警告财务风险
  13. Forewarn of potential conflicts – 预先警告潜在冲突
  14. Forewarn about a potential data breach – 预先警告潜在数据泄露
  15. Forewarn of possible disruptions – 预先警告可能的中断
  16. Forewarn about a security breach – 预先通知安全漏洞
  17. Forewarn about a personnel change – 预先通知人员变动
  18. Forewarn about potential price increases – 预先警告可能的价格上涨
  19. Forewarn of traffic congestion – 预先警告交通拥堵
  20. Forewarn about a legal issue – 预先通知法律问题
  21. Forewarn of a potential lawsuit – 预先警告潜在诉讼
  22. Forewarn about possible disruptions in service – 预先通知可能的服务中断
  23. Forewarn about a change in policy – 预先通知政策变更
  24. Forewarn about potential supply chain issues – 预先警告潜在供应链问题
  25. Forewarn about a potential market downturn – 预先警告潜在市场下滑
  26. Forewarn of a potential security threat – 预先警告潜在安全威胁
  27. Forewarn about a potential health risk – 预先警告潜在健康风险
  28. Forewarn about possible shipping delays – 预先通知可能的运输延误
  29. Forewarn about potential product shortages – 预先警告潜在产品短缺
  30. Forewarn about a change in regulations – 预先通知法规变更
  31. Forewarn of a potential economic downturn – 预先警告潜在的经济衰退
  32. Forewarn about potential environmental hazards – 预先警告潜在的环境危害
  33. Forewarn about a potential virus outbreak – 预先通知病毒爆发可能性
  34. Forewarn about possible utility interruptions – 预先通知可能的公共事业中断
  35. Forewarn about a potential change in leadership – 预先通知潜在领导层变化
  36. Forewarn about potential equipment failures – 预先警告潜在设备故障
  37. Forewarn about a potential merger – 预先通知潜在合并
  38. Forewarn about potential budget cuts – 预先警告潜在的预算削减
  39. Forewarn about a potential cyberattack – 预先通知潜在网络攻击
  40. Forewarn about potential changes in market conditions – 预先通知市场条件可能发生的变化
  41. Forewarn about a potential natural disaster – 预先通知潜在自然灾害
  42. Forewarn about potential changes in interest rates – 预先通知潜在的利率变化
  43. Forewarn about possible inventory shortages – 预先通知可能的库存短缺
  44. Forewarn about a potential strike – 预先通知潜在罢工
  45. Forewarn about potential cost overruns – 预先警告潜在的成本超支
  46. Forewarn about potential legal implications – 预先通知法律影响
  47. Forewarn about potential customer complaints – 预先通知潜在客户投诉
  48. Forewarn about a potential financial crisis – 预先通知潜在的财务危机
  49. Forewarn about potential project delays – 预先通知潜在项目延误
  50. Forewarn about potential product defects – 预先通知潜在产品缺陷
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
