
n. 凶猛;残忍;暴行



1. 谐音“匪烙尸体”。
2. fierce => ferocity.
3. 谐音“吠、勒(烙)、撕、踢”—-一边凶恶地吠叫,一边要勒死别人,还要边撕边踢,这也太狠了吧。



“Ferocity” 是英语名词,指的是极端的凶猛、残暴或激烈。它通常用来描述动物的攻击行为或人的激烈行为或态度。

以下是包含单词 “ferocity” 的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Unleash ferocity – 发泄凶猛
  2. Fight with ferocity – 充满凶猛地战斗
  3. Roar with ferocity – 咆哮着凶猛
  4. Ferocity of nature – 自然的凶猛
  5. Ferocity of the storm – 暴风雨的凶猛
  6. Ferocity of a predator – 捕食者的凶猛
  7. Display ferocity – 展现凶猛
  8. Strike with ferocity – 具有凶猛的攻击力
  9. Face the ferocity – 面对凶猛
  10. Ferocity in battle – 战斗中的凶猛
  11. Ferocity of competition – 竞争的凶猛
  12. Ferocity of a warrior – 战士的凶猛
  13. Ferocity of a storm – 暴风雨的凶猛
  14. Ferocity of a lion – 狮子的凶猛
  15. Ferocity of a tiger – 老虎的凶猛
  16. Ferocity of a wolf – 狼的凶猛
  17. Ferocity in sports – 运动中的凶猛
  18. Ferocity in the wild – 野外的凶猛
  19. Ferocity of a predator – 捕食者的凶猛
  20. Ferocity of a beast – 野兽的凶猛
  21. Ferocity of a monster – 怪兽的凶猛
  22. Ferocity of a warrior – 战士的凶猛
  23. Ferocity of a storm – 暴风雨的凶猛
  24. Ferocity of a hurricane – 飓风的凶猛
  25. Ferocity of a tornado – 龙卷风的凶猛
  26. Ferocity of a volcano – 火山的凶猛
  27. Ferocity of a tsunami – 海啸的凶猛
  28. Ferocity of a wildfire – 野火的凶猛
  29. Ferocity of a flood – 洪水的凶猛
  30. Ferocity of a battle – 战斗的凶猛
  31. Ferocity of a war – 战争的凶猛
  32. Ferocity of a conflict – 冲突的凶猛
  33. Ferocity of a revolution – 革命的凶猛
  34. Ferocity of a protest – 抗议的凶猛
  35. Ferocity of a demonstration – 示威的凶猛
  36. Ferocity of a strike – 罢工的凶猛
  37. Ferocity of a dispute – 争议的凶猛
  38. Ferocity of a disagreement – 不和的凶猛
  39. Ferocity of an argument – 争论的凶猛
  40. Ferocity of a debate – 辩论的凶猛
  41. Ferocity of a negotiation – 谈判的凶猛
  42. Ferocity of a confrontation – 对抗的凶猛
  43. Ferocity of a challenge – 挑战的凶猛
  44. Ferocity of a crisis – 危机的凶猛
  45. Ferocity of a conflict – 冲突的凶猛
  46. Ferocity of a struggle – 斗争的凶猛
  47. Ferocity of a battle – 战斗的凶猛
  48. Ferocity of a fight – 打斗的凶猛
  49. Ferocity of a clash – 冲突的凶猛
  50. Ferocity of a disagreement – 不和的凶猛
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
