
vt. 打扰;使狼狈;折磨



1. 长了一身“痱子”,折磨,使…狼狈。


faze 惊慌
来自英语方言feeze, 警报,慌乱,来自PIE*pent, 走,离开,词源同path.


“Faze” 是一个英语动词,意味着使某人感到困惑、尴尬、害怕或不知所措,通常是由于意外事件、困难或压力引起的。这个词表示某人的情感或状态受到了干扰或影响。

以下是包含单词 “faze” 的50个短语,以及它们的中文解释:

  1. Faze someone – 使某人感到困惑或尴尬
  2. Not fazed – 不感到困扰
  3. Easily fazed – 容易受到困扰
  4. Unfazed by – 不被…所困扰
  5. Completely fazed – 完全困惑
  6. Momentarily fazed – 短暂地感到困扰
  7. Faze by criticism – 因批评而感到困扰
  8. Faze by a challenge – 因挑战而感到困扰
  9. Faze by unexpected news – 因意外消息而感到困扰
  10. Faze by public speaking – 因公开演讲而感到困扰
  11. Faze by a difficult task – 因困难任务而感到困扰
  12. Faze by a sudden change – 因突然变化而感到困扰
  13. Faze by a demanding job – 因繁重工作而感到困扰
  14. Faze by a stressful situation – 因压力情境而感到困扰
  15. Faze by a personal crisis – 因个人危机而感到困扰
  16. Faze by a disappointing outcome – 因令人失望的结果而感到困扰
  17. Faze by a difficult decision – 因困难决策而感到困扰
  18. Faze by a challenging problem – 因有挑战性的问题而感到困扰
  19. Faze by a complex situation – 因复杂情况而感到困扰
  20. Faze by a noisy environment – 因嘈杂环境而感到困扰
  21. Faze by a crowded place – 因拥挤场所而感到困扰
  22. Faze by a hostile reception – 因不友好的接待而感到困扰
  23. Faze by an unexpected outcome – 因意外结果而感到困扰
  24. Faze by a technical problem – 因技术问题而感到困扰
  25. Faze by a difficult test – 因困难考试而感到困扰
  26. Faze by a challenging assignment – 因挑战性作业而感到困扰
  27. Faze by a critical review – 因批评评论而感到困扰
  28. Faze by a sensitive topic – 因敏感话题而感到困扰
  29. Faze by a confrontational attitude – 因对抗态度而感到困扰
  30. Faze by a hostile environment – 因敌对环境而感到困扰
  31. Faze by a surprising revelation – 因令人惊讶的揭示而感到困扰
  32. Faze by a shocking incident – 因令人震惊的事件而感到困扰
  33. Faze by a sudden change of plans – 因计划突然改变而感到困扰
  34. Faze by a sudden interruption – 因突然打断而感到困扰
  35. Faze by a lack of preparation – 因准备不足而感到困扰
  36. Faze by a misunderstanding – 因误解而感到困扰
  37. Faze by a tense atmosphere – 因紧张氛围而感到困扰
  38. Faze by a difficult conversation – 因困难对话而感到困扰
  39. Faze by a public embarrassment – 因公开尴尬而感到困扰
  40. Faze by a social awkwardness – 因社交尴尬而感到困扰
  41. Faze by a professional setback – 因职业挫折而感到困扰
  42. Faze by a personal setback – 因个人挫折而感到困扰
  43. Faze by a disappointing outcome – 因令人失望的结果而感到困扰
  44. Faze by a sudden change – 因突然变化而感到困扰
  45. Faze by a demanding task – 因繁重任务而感到困扰
  46. Faze by a stressful situation – 因压力情境而感到困扰
  47. Faze by a personal crisis – 因个人危机而感到困扰
  48. Faze by a difficult decision – 因困难决策而感到困扰
  49. Faze by a challenging problem – 因有挑战性的问题而感到困扰
  50. Faze by a complex situation – 因复杂情况而感到困扰
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
