
adv. 干燥地;冷淡地;讽刺地


Drily” 是一个副词,意为干燥地、冷淡地、不友好地。以下是包含这个单词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Speak drily: 干燥地说话
  2. Answer drily: 干巴巴地回答
  3. Respond drily: 冷淡地回应
  4. Comment drily: 不友好地评论
  5. Smile drily: 冷笑
  6. Laugh drily: 干笑
  7. Remark drily: 干巴巴地说
  8. Reply drily: 冷淡地回复
  9. Joke drily: 干燥地开玩笑
  10. Sarcasm drily: 讽刺地
  11. Humor drily: 冷幽默地
  12. Speak drily to someone: 对某人说话干燥地
  13. Comment drily on something: 对某事干巴巴地评论
  14. Respond drily to a question: 干冷地回答问题
  15. Laugh drily at a joke: 干笑一个笑话
  16. Smile drily at a remark: 对评论冷笑
  17. Reply drily to criticism: 冷淡地回应批评
  18. Joke drily with a friend: 干燥地与朋友开玩笑
  19. Sarcasm drily delivered: 干脆的讽刺
  20. Humor drily conveyed: 冷幽默地传达
  21. Speak drily about the topic: 干燥地谈论话题
  22. Comment drily on the situation: 干巴巴地评论情况
  23. Respond drily to criticism: 干冷地回应批评
  24. Laugh drily at a performance: 干笑一场表演
  25. Smile drily in response: 干笑作为回应
  26. Reply drily to a compliment: 冷淡地回应赞美
  27. Joke drily with colleagues: 干燥地与同事开玩笑
  28. Sarcasm drily expressed: 干脆地表达讽刺
  29. Humor drily presented: 冷幽默地呈现
  30. Speak drily to avoid confrontation: 干燥地说话以避免冲突
  31. Comment drily on a movie: 干巴巴地评论一部电影
  32. Respond drily to an inquiry: 干冷地回应查询
  33. Laugh drily at a situation: 干笑某种情况
  34. Smile drily at the absurdity: 对荒谬感冷笑
  35. Reply drily to an accusation: 冷淡地回应指控
  36. Joke drily about the weather: 干燥地开玩笑天气
  37. Sarcasm drily delivered: 干脆的讽刺
  38. Humor drily conveyed: 冷幽默地传达
  39. Speak drily during the meeting: 干燥地在会议上说话
  40. Comment drily on the news: 干巴巴地评论新闻
  41. Respond drily to a suggestion: 干冷地回应建议
  42. Laugh drily at a situation: 干笑某种情况
  43. Smile drily at the irony: 对讽刺感冷笑
  44. Reply drily to a question: 冷淡地回答问题
  45. Joke drily during the lecture: 干燥地在讲座上开玩笑
  46. Sarcasm drily expressed: 干脆地表达讽刺
  47. Humor drily presented: 冷幽默地呈现
  48. Speak drily about the subject: 干燥地谈论主题
  49. Comment drily on a performance: 干巴巴地评论表演
  50. Respond drily to a comment: 干冷地回应评论

这些短语可以帮助您更好地理解和使用 “drily” 这个单词。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
