
v. 颤动;犹豫(dither的过去式)



Dithered 是动词 “dither” 的过去式和过去分词形式,意为犹豫、磨蹭、拿不定主意。

以下是包含单词 “dithered” 的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Dithered over a decision – 犹豫不决于一个决定
  2. Dithered about the details – 在细节上犹豫不决
  3. Dithered before taking action – 在采取行动前犹豫不决
  4. Dithered on a purchase – 在购买上犹豫不决
  5. Dithered on an important matter – 在一个重要问题上犹豫不决
  6. Dithered between two options – 在两个选项之间犹豫不决
  7. Dithered about travel plans – 对旅行计划犹豫不决
  8. Dithered in the face of adversity – 面对逆境时犹豫不决
  9. Dithered before making a commitment – 在做出承诺之前犹豫不决
  10. Dithered about a career move – 对职业转变犹豫不决
  11. Dithered over financial decisions – 在财务决策上犹豫不决
  12. Dithered about a job offer – 对工作机会犹豫不决
  13. Dithered during a crisis – 在危机中犹豫不决
  14. Dithered before speaking – 在说话前犹豫不决
  15. Dithered in a time-sensitive situation – 在时间紧迫的情况下犹豫不决
  16. Dithered in the face of danger – 面对危险时犹豫不决
  17. Dithered about a relationship – 对关系犹豫不决
  18. Dithered on important issues – 在重要问题上犹豫不决
  19. Dithered about a project – 对项目犹豫不决
  20. Dithered on a major purchase – 在重要购买上犹豫不决
  21. Dithered before confronting the issue – 在面对问题之前犹豫不决
  22. Dithered in a difficult situation – 在困难情况下犹豫不决
  23. Dithered about a life-changing decision – 对改变生活的决定犹豫不决
  24. Dithered about a big investment – 对重大投资犹豫不决
  25. Dithered over a personal decision – 对个人决策犹豫不决
  26. Dithered about a job change – 对工作变动犹豫不决
  27. Dithered in a critical moment – 在关键时刻犹豫不决
  28. Dithered about your goals – 对你的目标犹豫不决
  29. Dithered before making a commitment – 在做出承诺之前犹豫不决
  30. Dithered about a project deadline – 对项目截止日期犹豫不决
  31. Dithered about a relationship status – 对关系状态犹豫不决
  32. Dithered over a travel destination – 对旅行目的地犹豫不决
  33. Dithered during a time of uncertainty – 在不确定时期犹豫不决
  34. Dithered before making a major life choice – 在做出重大人生选择之前犹豫不决
  35. Dithered about a career transition – 对职业转变犹豫不决
  36. Dithered in the midst of chaos – 在混乱中犹豫不决
  37. Dithered about a relocation decision – 对搬迁决定犹豫不决
  38. Dithered on an investment opportunity – 对投资机会犹豫不决
  39. Dithered before presenting your ideas – 在提出你的想法之前犹豫不决
  40. Dithered about pursuing further education – 对继续教育犹豫不决
  41. Dithered about a financial commitment – 对财务承诺犹豫不决
  42. Dithered over a medical decision – 对医疗决定犹豫不决
  43. Dithered before making an important announcement – 在做出重要公告之前犹豫不决
  44. Dithered about joining a new organization – 对加入新组织犹豫不决
  45. Dithered during a moment of doubt – 在怀疑的时刻犹豫不决
  46. Dithered about pursuing a creative endeavor – 对追求创意事业犹豫不决
  47. Dithered before making a public appearance – 在公开露面之前犹豫不决
  48. Dithered over a decision with long-term consequences – 对带有长期后果的决定犹豫不决
  49. Dithered about disclosing sensitive information – 对披露敏感信息犹豫不决
  50. Dithered about taking a leap of faith – 对采取信仰之跃犹豫不决
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
