
vt. 不信;使……丢脸
n. 怀疑;无信用;名声的败坏




discredit 使丧失信誉
dis-, 不,非,使相反。credit,信任,信誉。


Discredit 是一个动词,意为贬低、使丧失信誉、使不信任或使失去信用。


  1. Discredit someone’s reputation – 损害某人的声誉
  2. Cast doubt and discredit – 抛出疑虑和贬低
  3. Attempt to discredit – 试图贬低
  4. Efforts to discredit – 贬低的努力
  5. Campaign to discredit – 贬低运动
  6. Systematic effort to discredit – 有组织的贬低努力
  7. Accusations of trying to discredit – 指控试图贬低
  8. Discredit a rival – 贬低竞争对手
  9. Discredit an opponent – 贬低对手
  10. Discredit an organization – 贬低组织
  11. Discredit a theory – 贬低一种理论
  12. Discredit a claim – 贬低某项主张
  13. Efforts to discredit a witness – 贬低证人的努力
  14. Discredit a political leader – 贬低政治领袖
  15. Discredit a scientific study – 贬低一项科学研究
  16. Discredit a news report – 贬低一篇新闻报道
  17. Discredit a source – 贬低一位消息来源
  18. Discredit a journalist – 贬低一名记者
  19. Discredit a historian – 贬低一位历史学家
  20. Discredit an investigation – 贬低一项调查
  21. Discredit a government agency – 贬低政府机构
  22. Efforts to discredit a competitor – 贬低竞争对手的努力
  23. Discredit a business rival – 贬低商业竞争对手
  24. Discredit a product – 贬低一种产品
  25. Discredit a policy – 贬低一项政策
  26. Discredit a court decision – 贬低法院判决
  27. Discredit a scientific theory – 贬低一种科学理论
  28. Discredit a historical account – 贬低一篇历史记载
  29. Discredit a rumor – 贬低谣言
  30. Discredit a conspiracy theory – 贬低一种阴谋论
  31. Efforts to discredit an argument – 贬低论点的努力
  32. Discredit a public figure – 贬低公众人物
  33. Discredit a celebrity – 贬低名人
  34. Discredit a company’s image – 贬低公司形象
  35. Discredit a scientific discovery – 贬低一项科学发现
  36. Discredit a policy proposal – 贬低一项政策提议
  37. Discredit a research finding – 贬低一项研究发现
  38. Discredit a legal argument – 贬低一项法律论点
  39. Discredit a social movement – 贬低一项社会运动
  40. Discredit a religious belief – 贬低一种宗教信仰
  41. Discredit a cultural practice – 贬低一种文化实践
  42. Efforts to discredit a witness’s testimony – 贬低证人证词的努力
  43. Discredit a political opponent’s campaign – 贬低政治对手的竞选活动
  44. Discredit a competitor’s product – 贬低竞争对手的产品
  45. Discredit a journalist’s reporting – 贬低一名记者的报道
  46. Discredit a historical event – 贬低一项历史事件
  47. Discredit a conspiracy theory’s credibility – 贬低一种阴谋论的可信度
  48. Efforts to discredit a scientific study’s methodology – 贬低科学研究方法的努力
  49. Discredit a government agency’s effectiveness – 贬低政府机构的效力
  50. Discredit a company’s commitment to quality – 贬低公司对质量的承诺
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
