
vt. 使贬值;贬低;轻视
vi. 贬值;轻视;贬低



1. appreciate, precious => depreciate.


depreciate 贬值
de-, 向下。-prec, 价格,价值,词源同price. 即贬值。


Depreciate 是一个动词,通常表示贬值、减少价值或降低重要性。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Depreciate in value – 贬值
  2. Depreciate over time – 随时间贬值
  3. Depreciate in importance – 降低重要性
  4. Depreciate in quality – 质量下降
  5. Depreciate in worth – 价值下降
  6. Depreciate in value rapidly – 快速贬值
  7. Depreciate in the long run – 长期内贬值
  8. Depreciate in monetary terms – 以货币计算贬值
  9. Depreciate in real terms – 实际贬值
  10. Depreciate in the market – 在市场上贬值
  11. Depreciate against the dollar – 相对美元贬值
  12. Depreciate against the euro – 相对欧元贬值
  13. Depreciate against the yen – 相对日元贬值
  14. Depreciate in value steadily – 稳定贬值
  15. Depreciate in price – 价格下降
  16. Depreciate in cost – 成本下降
  17. Depreciate in quantity – 数量减少
  18. Depreciate in value significantly – 显著贬值
  19. Depreciate in the global market – 在全球市场中贬值
  20. Depreciate in the domestic market – 在国内市场中贬值
  21. Depreciate in the stock market – 在股市中贬值
  22. Depreciate in the real estate market – 在房地产市场中贬值
  23. Depreciate in the technology sector – 在科技领域贬值
  24. Depreciate in the automotive industry – 在汽车行业中贬值
  25. Depreciate in the housing market – 在房屋市场中贬值
  26. Depreciate in the fashion industry – 在时尚业中贬值
  27. Depreciate in the art market – 在艺术市场中贬值
  28. Depreciate in the currency exchange rate – 在汇率中贬值
  29. Depreciate in the housing sector – 在住房领域贬值
  30. Depreciate in the technology market – 在科技市场中贬值
  31. Depreciate due to inflation – 因通货膨胀而贬值
  32. Depreciate due to economic factors – 因经济因素而贬值
  33. Depreciate due to market conditions – 因市场状况而贬值
  34. Depreciate due to supply and demand – 因供需关系而贬值
  35. Depreciate due to political instability – 因政治不稳定而贬值
  36. Depreciate due to natural disasters – 因自然灾害而贬值
  37. Depreciate due to competition – 因竞争而贬值
  38. Depreciate due to changes in consumer preferences – 因消费者偏好变化而贬值
  39. Depreciate due to technological advancements – 因技术进步而贬值
  40. Depreciate due to a decrease in demand – 因需求减少而贬值
  41. Depreciate due to oversupply – 因供应过剩而贬值
  42. Depreciate due to a weak economy – 因经济疲软而贬值
  43. Depreciate due to a strong currency – 因本币强势而贬值
  44. Depreciate due to high interest rates – 因高利率而贬值
  45. Depreciate due to government policies – 因政府政策而贬值
  46. Depreciate due to trade imbalances – 因贸易失衡而贬值
  47. Depreciate due to currency manipulation – 因汇率操纵而贬值
  48. Depreciate due to a lack of investor confidence – 因投资者信心不足而贬值
  49. Depreciate due to geopolitical tensions – 因地缘政治紧张而贬值
  50. Depreciate due to global economic uncertainty – 因全球经济不确定性而贬值
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
