
vt. 使变形;使成畸形
vi. 变形;变畸形
adj. 畸形的;丑陋的




deform 损毁外形
de-, 夺去,损毁。form, 外形。即损毁外形。


Deform 是一个动词,意思是使变形或变得畸形。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Deform a shape – 使形状变形
  2. Deform the structure – 使结构变形
  3. Deform under pressure – 在压力下变形
  4. Deform due to heat – 由于热量而变形
  5. Deform by stretching – 通过拉伸而变形
  6. Deform through impact – 通过冲击而变形
  7. Deform because of weight – 因重量而变形
  8. Deform by bending – 通过弯曲而变形
  9. Deform during manufacturing – 在制造过程中变形
  10. Deform from excessive force – 因过大力量而变形
  11. Deform from tension – 因张力而变形
  12. Deform from compression – 因压缩而变形
  13. Deform from external pressure – 因外部压力而变形
  14. Deform under stress – 在应力下变形
  15. Deform from improper handling – 因不当处理而变形
  16. Deform because of temperature changes – 因温度变化而变形
  17. Deform over time – 随着时间的推移变形
  18. Deform due to wear and tear – 由于磨损而变形
  19. Deform from repeated use – 由于反复使用而变形
  20. Deform when bent too far – 当弯曲太远时变形
  21. Deform during transportation – 在运输过程中变形
  22. Deform because of excessive load – 因负荷过大而变形
  23. Deform from overuse – 由于过度使用而变形
  24. Deform during assembly – 在组装过程中变形
  25. Deform due to impact force – 由于冲击力而变形
  26. Deform from lack of maintenance – 由于缺乏维护而变形
  27. Deform from chemical exposure – 由于化学物质暴露而变形
  28. Deform because of aging – 由于老化而变形
  29. Deform when dropped – 被摔落时变形
  30. Deform under load pressure – 在负荷压力下变形
  31. Deform from rough handling – 由于粗暴处理而变形
  32. Deform during construction – 在建设过程中变形
  33. Deform from erosion – 由于侵蚀而变形
  34. Deform due to manufacturing defects – 由于制造缺陷而变形
  35. Deform from exposure to moisture – 由于暴露在潮湿环境中而变形
  36. Deform from improper storage – 由于不当存储而变形
  37. Deform during welding – 在焊接过程中变形
  38. Deform because of a collision – 由于碰撞而变形
  39. Deform from vibrations – 由于振动而变形
  40. Deform when subjected to extreme temperatures – 在极端温度下受到变形
  41. Deform from chemical reactions – 由于化学反应而变形
  42. Deform under heavy pressure – 在重压下变形
  43. Deform from corrosion – 由于腐蚀而变形
  44. Deform due to material fatigue – 由于材料疲劳而变形
  45. Deform from improper installation – 由于不当安装而变形
  46. Deform when twisted – 当扭曲时变形
  47. Deform under extreme conditions – 在极端条件下变形
  48. Deform from excessive loads – 由于过大负载而变形
  49. Deform from chemical exposure – 由于化学物质接触而变形
  50. Deform from physical stress – 由于物理应力而变形
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
