
vt. 使落叶
vi. 落叶


Defoliate 是一个动词,指的是使植物失去叶子。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Defoliate trees – 使树木失叶
  2. Chemical defoliation – 化学除叶
  3. Defoliate a plant – 使植物落叶
  4. Natural defoliation – 自然脱叶
  5. Defoliate deciduous trees – 使落叶乔木失去叶子
  6. Defoliate during autumn – 在秋季脱叶
  7. Controlled defoliation – 受控脱叶
  8. Rapid defoliation – 快速脱叶
  9. Defoliate shrubs – 使灌木失叶
  10. Defoliate by hand – 手工脱叶
  11. Partial defoliation – 部分脱叶
  12. Late-season defoliation – 晚季脱叶
  13. Defoliate the lower branches – 使底部树枝失叶
  14. Defoliate before pruning – 在修剪前脱叶
  15. Severe defoliation – 严重脱叶
  16. Defoliate before flowering – 在开花前脱叶
  17. Preventive defoliation – 预防性脱叶
  18. Defoliate fruit trees – 使果树失叶
  19. Chemical defoliate application – 化学脱叶剂应用
  20. Winter defoliation – 冬季脱叶
  21. Defoliate to promote growth – 通过脱叶促进生长
  22. Mechanical defoliation – 机械脱叶
  23. Defoliate during drought – 干旱时脱叶
  24. Defoliate ornamental plants – 使观赏植物失叶
  25. Controlled defoliate experiment – 受控脱叶实验
  26. Spring defoliation – 春季脱叶
  27. Defoliate for research purposes – 为研究目的脱叶
  28. Defoliate due to pests – 因害虫而脱叶
  29. Defoliate for better air circulation – 为了更好的空气流通而脱叶
  30. Excessive defoliation – 过度脱叶
  31. Natural defoliate process – 自然脱叶过程
  32. Defoliate to reduce water loss – 为减少水分流失而脱叶
  33. Early defoliation treatment – 早期脱叶处理
  34. Defoliate for canopy management – 为了冠层管理而脱叶
  35. Seasonal defoliation pattern – 季节性脱叶模式
  36. Artificial defoliation – 人工脱叶
  37. Defoliate for disease control – 为了疾病防控而脱叶
  38. Regulate defoliation timing – 调节脱叶时机
  39. Defoliate to reduce competition – 为减少竞争而脱叶
  40. Defoliate grapevines – 使葡萄藤失叶
  41. Defoliate damaged leaves – 使受损叶子失叶
  42. Selective defoliation – 选择性脱叶
  43. Manual defoliate process – 手工脱叶过程
  44. Defoliate before harvest – 在收获前脱叶
  45. Induced defoliation – 诱导脱叶
  46. Defoliate for pest management – 为害虫管理而脱叶
  47. Defoliate for fruit quality – 为果实品质而脱叶
  48. Defoliate to improve light penetration – 为了改善光线透射而脱叶
  49. Defoliate old leaves – 使老叶子失叶
  50. Summer defoliation practice – 夏季脱叶做法
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