
vt. 侵蚀;损害
vi. 受腐蚀;起腐蚀作用




corrode 腐蚀
cor-, 强调。-rod, 咬,词源同rat, rodent.


动词 “corrode” 意为腐蚀或侵蚀。以下是包含这个词的50个短语,附带中文解释,不加粗:

  1. corrode metal – 腐蚀金属
  2. corrode over time – 随时间腐蚀
  3. corrode the surface – 侵蚀表面
  4. corrode the pipes – 腐蚀管道
  5. corrode the paint – 侵蚀油漆
  6. corrode the structure – 侵蚀结构
  7. corrode the foundation – 侵蚀基础
  8. corrode the steel – 腐蚀钢铁
  9. corrode the material – 侵蚀材料
  10. corrode the components – 侵蚀零件
  11. corrode the surface finish – 侵蚀表面涂层
  12. corrode the electrical connections – 侵蚀电连接
  13. corrode the plumbing – 腐蚀管道系统
  14. corrode the batteries – 侵蚀电池
  15. corrode the alloy – 腐蚀合金
  16. corrode the copper – 侵蚀铜
  17. corrode the aluminum – 腐蚀铝
  18. corrode the iron – 腐蚀铁
  19. corrode the steel beams – 侵蚀钢梁
  20. corrode the concrete – 腐蚀混凝土
  21. corrode the plumbing fixtures – 腐蚀管道装置
  22. corrode the metal fittings – 侵蚀金属配件
  23. corrode the vehicle frame – 侵蚀车辆车架
  24. corrode the engine parts – 腐蚀发动机部件
  25. corrode the ship’s hull – 腐蚀船体
  26. corrode the protective coating – 侵蚀保护涂层
  27. corrode the chemical containers – 腐蚀化学容器
  28. corrode the wiring – 腐蚀电线
  29. corrode the sewer pipes – 侵蚀下水道管道
  30. corrode the paintwork – 侵蚀油漆工作
  31. corrode the structural integrity – 侵蚀结构完整性
  32. corrode the surface layer – 侵蚀表层
  33. corrode the underground storage tanks – 侵蚀地下储罐
  34. corrode the metal framework – 腐蚀金属框架
  35. corrode the copper wiring – 侵蚀铜线
  36. corrode the aluminum siding – 侵蚀铝外墙
  37. corrode the steel reinforcement – 腐蚀钢筋
  38. corrode the cast iron – 侵蚀铸铁
  39. corrode the brass fittings – 腐蚀黄铜配件
  40. corrode the lead pipes – 侵蚀铅管
  41. corrode the nickel plating – 侵蚀镀镍层
  42. corrode the chrome finish – 腐蚀镀铬表面
  43. corrode the electrical contacts – 侵蚀电接触
  44. corrode the fuel tank – 侵蚀燃油箱
  45. corrode the outdoor equipment – 腐蚀户外设备
  46. corrode the circuit boards – 侵蚀电路板
  47. corrode the steel structure – 侵蚀钢结构
  48. corrode the iron gates – 腐蚀铁门
  49. corrode the vehicle exhaust system – 侵蚀车辆排气系统
  50. corrode the aircraft components – 侵蚀飞机部件
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
